thejamin's User Profile


9/30/2014 joined Flickchart

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27007 rankings / 467 movies / 742 comments

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thejamin's Favorite Movies

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Star Wars Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Watchmen It's a Wonderful Life Django Unchained La La Land The Empire Strikes Back

thejamin's Recently Added Movies

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Thor: Love and Thunder Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery Black Adam


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Comments (103)


Nononsense on 7/22/2015 Reply  · 

Excellent top 10! 2001, Memento, Inception... we're going to get along just fine. I'm surprised we've never crossed paths here on Flickchart before now. Thanks for the invite, and I look forward to our conversations!

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Nononsense on 7/23/2015 Reply  · 

Thanks for the compliment. I'm looking at your list of movies not seen and comparing it to your taste based on your top 10. I think you should really check out North by Northwest. I think you'll like it.

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Nils98 on 8/26/2015 Reply  · 

Well, thank you. Your list is awesome as well.

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TommyDoyle78 on 8/30/2015 Reply  · 

Thanks for the friend request; you has a great list as well!
I just did not understand your like for Jurassic World, a film that barely entered in my bottom.

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Nononsense on 9/1/2015 Reply  · 

Fantastic! I think you’ll enjoy both NXNW and Casablanca. NXNW is a load of fun, easy on the eyes, and easy to follow along. Just a great joyride. Casablanca is much more serious. It’s been my favorite film for more than 15 years now. It’s not quite as accessible as NXNW, mainly because it’s very theme heavy and its tone. I love both, but Casablanca is more endearing, has a greater impact on me, and sticks with me longer. Again, you should thoroughly enjoy both though.

Hit me up on my page and give me your review of each of them when you’ve finished watching them. I look forward to hearing from you!

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TommyDoyle78 on 9/3/2015 Reply  · 

I got that as well!
I do like some unpopular opinions and respect them as well (On my case, I has some of them).

Hey, man; after some time, I able to say that my top 10 is "closed". Can you give me your thoughts on them? Thanks.

Have a nice day too!

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Nononsense on 9/4/2015 Reply  · 

Glad to hear that you loved Casablanca and North by Northwest. Hard to compare then since they have two totally different moods to them. They both effectively accomplish what the set out to accomplish. I personally prefer Casablanca though. The only thing that NXNW has better than Casablanca is its score. NXNW’s score by Bernard Hermann is absolutely wonderful! Nice plot too. But other than that, Casablanca is definitively better. The writing, script, acting, dialogue, and atmosphere are all in Casablanca’s favor.

As for recommendations, I looked through your chart and I’m amazed at how many all time great films you haven’t seen. You’re going to have a blast!!! Look, if you like NXNW, your very next film should definitely be Charade. You’ll absolutely adore it! After that, you should watch Vertigo. That’s perhaps the best time I’ve ever had with a movie in my entire life! Please don’t read any reviews or spoilers with Vertigo. The less you know about it before watching it, the better. Just go in blind and you’ll have the time of your life!

Enjoy, and let me know what you think of them after watching. Also, I’ll be glad to give you a couple more suggestions after you’ve seen these two.

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Nononsense on 9/5/2015 Reply  · 

Great!!! Have you watched Charade yet?? I’ve got some more goodies on there as well.

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Nononsense on 9/5/2015 Reply  · 

This is so much fun! I get nearly as much joy out of introducing great film to people as I do from watching them myself.

Have you seen Vertigo yet? If you haven’t, stop what you’re doing right now and go watch it. No, I mean literally… stop reading my comment and go find a copy of it. If you have to buy an online version of it via NetFlix, YouTube, etc… Just go watch it already!!! And don’t read too much of the reviews on the internet. You want to go in as blind as possible.

Next, you MUST see Witness for the Prosecution. Like Vertigo, you don’t want this movie spoiled. I think it’s on Netflix. After you’ve seen Vertigo and Witness for the Prosecution… your mind will be blown!

Then come back to my page, tell me how much your mind has been blown, and I’ll recommend yet more movies that will blow your mind.

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thejamin on 9/6/2015 Reply  · 

Vertigo is already in my Netflix DVD queue! I'm just waiting for it to come in the mail now!

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Nononsense on 9/6/2015 Reply  · 

After you watch Vertigo… watch it again! Seriously, there’s a saying that’s been attached to Vertigo that suggests you haven’t really seen it until you’ve seen it twice. I’m so anxious for you to see it. When do you expect receive it in the mail?

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thejamin on 9/6/2015 Reply  · 

Yes, I'm anxious to see it, too! Unfortunately, there's no post on Sundays so I probably won't get it until Monday.

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Nononsense on 9/11/2015 Reply  · 

Outstanding! Now, make sure you have no distractions when watching it. Enjoy!!! Oh, boy you’re gonna love this one…

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Nononsense on 9/11/2015 Reply  · 

Oh wait, you haven’t seen Rear Window either? I thought you had seen it. Well, it and Vertigo are both excellent films, but Vertigo is easily my pick of the two. But you’ll fall in love with both I suspect. Just make sure you watch Vertigo with no distractions like I mentioned earlier. I almost recommend you watching it only when you have the house to yourself… and put your phone on silent. It’s that important to absorb as much as you can for more enjoyment. The musical score is to die for! Bernard Herrmann is a musical genius. His score tells you what to think and how to feel at all times. Just an all around hauntingly beautiful film that will spellbind you from the opening scene. Now go watch it!

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Nononsense on 9/13/2015 Reply  · 

Well, you have to understand what Hitch was going for with Vertigo. The first half is pure mystery in classic whodunit fashion while the second half is pure suspense in the vein of “Will the person get away with it?” You have to understand the beauty of the script to fully appreciate Hitch here. The first half was through the eyes and perception of Scottie. Notice that every camera shot is either a through Scotties vision or a general vision. You never get a vision from any other character. First he was hesitant to take the case. Then he was curious. Then he was in love. The second half (the second of three parts as you section it) is through the eyes and perception of Judy. First she’s timid, then she’s in love again, then she battles whether or not to tell the truth, then she’s hesitantly catering to Scottie’s every demand to make her look like Madeleine, and last she’s frightened out of her mind! Just to do the whole movie in mystery format would’ve been cliche. I love and appreciate the switch.

Anxious to hear what you though of Rear Window.

Yes, Notorious is glorious. I’m a big Ingrid Bergman fan, and this is her most versatile role. I’ll explain after you’ve seen it.

As for other recommendations… next, you MUST see Witness for the Prosecution. If Vertigo let you down for not holding the mystery throughout the duration of the entire film, then please GO WATCH WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION!. The dialogue is fantastic, and Charles Laughton put on the performance of his life!

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Koroy on 9/26/2015 Reply  · 

Hey man thanks for the friend request.
Sorry I was a little late on accepting it.I am pritty bad on looking at my friend notification.
You have a great top 20 man.
Great to see the dark knight ,inception,,pulp fiction at your top 10 .I love them too :-)
Would be waiting for your reply man :-)

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Koroy on 9/27/2015 Reply  · 

Hey I can see you are Christopher Nolan fan.
He is actually my favourite director.
Have you seen majority of his movies??
Except Interstellar I have seen all his movies.
The prestige is my favourite.(yes you are right.It highly underrated in general public.It somtimes gets over shadowed by other classic Nolan films.It's on your top 20 Too :-) )
Memento will be second
Inception 3rd
The dark knight rises 4th
The dark knigh 5th
Insomnia 6th
Batman begins 7th
following 8th(but still good)

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TommyDoyle78 on 9/28/2015 Reply  · 

Hey; thanks, man. I can say the same for your. Though I haven't seen Inception yet (and I don't plan to watch it very soon), every movie on your top was pretty good.
I see that our top 10 changed again, haha.

Hey, man: I wanting some recommendations! Well, I'm very busy nowadays, but I do think 257 movies is a small movies total. Actually, I got Netflix back, and I really want to see more movies in the free time. So, can you recommend me some ones ? Thanks!

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Koroy on 9/28/2015 Reply  · 

Hey do you like much of Marvel Comic book adapted movies or just prefer Warner Bros movies??
I prefer both actually .Dark knight triology for there character study,Marves for there epic fun.

Do you like much of animated movies.Especislly Pixars??
I myself am a big fan of them.

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TommyDoyle78 on 9/29/2015 Reply  · 

Thanks, man! I want to got some Nolan, since I've watched just both Dark Knights.
Nop, I haven't seen any of the Star Trek though. There's a long 12 movies series, right? Gotta watch them!

Re-watches are the Flickchart curse, haha.

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Koroy on 9/30/2015 Reply  · 

Hmm :-)
I enjoy both marvels and DC :-)
Do you like steven speilberg movies??

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Koroy on 10/1/2015 Reply  · 

No man I haven't seen duel.I know it is one of Speilberg's first movie.I really want to check it out man.
I have seen much of his movies.All Indiana Jones movie.
Saving pvt. Ryan is my favourite.It is awesome
Schindler's list is a close second.(Both are in my top 10 as you can see)
E.T ,Jaws,jurassic park,lost world,Terminal(which is one of my fav.Tom hanks movie),Lincoln,A.I,Catch me if you can,minority report,Amistad,war of the worlds(which is one of the most underrated Speilberg movie I would say),adventure of tin tin:-) Have seen all.
I need to check duel and close encounters . :-)

I have seen few Stanley Kubrick movies.The shining,Paths of glory,Barry lydon ,clockwork orange.All Great.movies.I have seen parts of 2001 but need to check it out fully :-)
I really like his works(Dr.Strangelove and 2001 I have to check it out fully).He is a legend.

What are your thoughts on Stanley kubrick ??

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Koroy on 10/2/2015 Reply  · 

Hey you have just added rear window :-)
How is it ??
Do you like Alfread Hitchcock movies??
P.S.Thoughts on Amadeus???

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Koroy on 10/4/2015 Reply  · 

I need to check amadeus too.
Hey do you Quentin Tarantino movies??
Mine fav. Is Inglourious Basterds.
Then Django unchained(though I will say that I hated it in the 1st viewing)
Pulp fiction
Kill bill vol 2
Reservoir dog
Kill bill vol.1
(Haven't seen his other movies)
I don't actually like much of his movies.His movies doesn't have a good story in them .
Are you waiting for hateful 8??

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Koroy on 10/6/2015 Reply  · 

I liked kill bill vo. 2 A bit more because of the back story and that cool breaking the coffin and comming out scene.Other than that both are pritty same actually.

Hey whats your favourite movie triology?
Are you much of LORD OF THE RINGS FAN??

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Koroy on 10/7/2015 Reply  · 

Extended versions can be very hectic to see especially If They are LORD OF THE RINGS ;-) HE HE HE

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thejamin on 10/7/2015 Reply  · 

Yeah, I know what you mean. I started watching Fellowship, and noticed it was 4 hours long. I can't imagine how long Return of the King is. Haha!

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Koroy on 10/7/2015 Reply  · 

Yeah return of the king is the longest in the bunch :-)

My preference is fellowship>return>two towers.
What is yours??

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Koroy on 10/10/2015 Reply  · 

Yeah two towers is a bit too slow for my own liking.

Hey do you enjoy Tom Hanks movies??
He is one of my favourite actor.
Saving pvt.Ryan is my fav of his.
The terminal,cast away,philedelphia,Apollo 13 Iblove mostbof his movies
Waiting for bride of spies :-)

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Koroy on 10/12/2015 Reply  · 

Heah he is one of the all time great in my opinion too.
I will also like to add saving private ryan where****SPOILER**** his death made me feel really really bad
I still haven't seen the green mile.How is it???

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Koroy on 10/14/2015 Reply  · 

I watched Iron man 3 in theatre.It sucked.
But it collected huge chunks on money and some of my friends were shitting everywhere about how good the movie was.I was like OK SO WHAT DID I MISSED ???
When it was airing on T.V i had another got.It was still a big pile of shit.
So now that day I gave it another go.Man I changed the channel within first 30 mins of the movie.It was annoying.
The twist was just unwanted.
I love the 1st iron man,enjoyed the 2nd and hated the 3rd.
I love super hero movies.They are my favourite genere.
I love both marvel and DC(but a very very very small edge will go to marvel)
We can't expect the godfather,casablanca esque depth in this genere.Whar we can expect is full on ENTERTAINMENT,and superhero genere provides me that:-)


X men DOFP is my fav.comic book adapted movie ever.
Avengers is 2nd.
Winter soldier 3rd
The darknknight rises 4th
5th is the dark knight
X men first class
Iron man


Spiderman 3(toby maguire version)
X men the last stand
Age of ultron
Iron man 2


The amazing spiderman
Spiderman 2
X2 X men unted
Man of steel


Hell boy
Amazing spiderman 2
Hell boy 2
The wolverine
Superman returns
Captain america First avenger


Iron man 3
Hulk and its sequel
I still haven't seen guardians of the galaxy(I will be watching it on next month)

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Nononsense on 10/14/2015 Reply  · 

Glad to hear that Vertigo is climbing up your chart. Have you watched it again? I’m telling you.. it somehow continues to get better and better no matter how many times you watch it.

As for Witness for the Prosecution, it has some wonderful dialogue. And Charles Laughton (the lawyer) puts on one of the best performances I’ve ever seen. And that ending… I can’t wait for you to see it. Prepare to be blown away! Please drop me a line or two… or 20 after you’ve seen it.

Yes, Dial M is great! I must warn you: It is very dialogue-heavy, so listen carefully. The tension and suspense is outstanding. Let me know what you think.

Good to hear from you!

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Koroy on 10/17/2015 Reply  · 

Hey you are 15 and I am 17 so not much difference in age here:-)
Wow you saw guardians 3 times in theater,then it must be great K am gonna watch it next month.
I reaaly pumped up for Batman v superman dawn of justice,Cap 3 civil war,and ofcource x men apocalypse,This 3 would be huge.suiside squad too
No man I haven't seen ant man .It doesn't excites me to say the truth.Some of my friends have seen it,they are praising it.So,sooner or latter I will be watching it.
Have you seen ant man.How is it??

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Koroy on 10/17/2015 Reply  · 


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Koroy on 10/21/2015 Reply  · 

Nice question .Age of ultron is inferior to its prequel.Thats a garuntee.Now well it had its moments few laughs in between great action sequences(I would give it that) but all in all I was rather dissapointing.Ultron was really cool villain but nothing compared to Tom Hideltons Loki.
I'll have to rewatch it again to like it more.
It's all in all a middle tire Marvel Movie.And like you said I prefer many other MCU movies compared to Age of ultron.

Hey thoughts on The martian ??
How is it??
I have to check it out quickly man.

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Koroy on 10/23/2015 Reply  · 

Yeah I will definitely check out the martian.
Yeah definitely check out psycho.
Your trouble I can understand because like you I too knew the twist before watching it.I have this unwanted curiosity about reading stories of popular movies in Wikipedia. So before watching it I read the story in Wikipedia .But even when I knew the twist and the whole story I still immensely enjoyed the movie.It is my current #32 and every movie inside my top 50 Are atleast 8/10 from me and psycho is easily 9/10 for me.
I read the story of the sixth sense in Wikipedia too.So before watching it I knew the twist.After watching it I loved it too.It is my current #21 and a surefire 9.5/10 for me.
I read the story of the usual suspects too in Wikipedia before watching it,but after watching it I really really liked .It is inside my top 50 too.So you can see that in my case reading or knowing twist doesn't matters actually.If you based a movie simply on the basis of twist and shock factor then you won't be enjoying it that much.But if you look inside them and notice there screenplay,performances ,cinematography you would enjoy them too.
I loved sixth sense because of its EPIC screenplay, loved psycho for anthony pèrkins performance and it's black and white cinematography .
so I will definitely recommend psycho even if you know the twist.It has much more to offer than just a twist.

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Koroy on 10/25/2015 Reply  · 

I have seen many hitchcock movies.
Rear window
Spellbound(a very underrated hitchcockbmovie I would say)
All are classics and would recommened all his movies :-)
He is aweome.

Hey are you waiting for the revenant??
I am personally bugging to see it.
This and hateful eight,steve jobs and danish girl.
Are you waitinh for all them ??
P.S Do you Leonardo dicaprio??

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TommyDoyle78 on 10/26/2015 Reply  · 

Hey, man; you're just anxious to see The Force Awakens like me?
Anthony Daniels (Threepio) already said, and the trailer agree; it will beats Return of the Jedi. I don't will be surprised because I can't stand Jedi, but I think it can get a rank on my top 50. It will be very surprising if it beats The Thing and get inside my top 20, but I hope it will a be a very good movie.

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Koroy on 10/26/2015 Reply  · 

Yeah the best part off the changing unclaimed ws Leonardo DiCaprio without a doubt. He didn't even got an oscar nomination for this movie which really bugs me.I was always a DiCaprio fan from his Titanic days.

My most anticipated movie is Spectre easily (I love bond movies). I hope it will be awesome.Christopher Waltz will definitely shine in that movie too.

Do you like Bond movies??

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Koroy on 10/26/2015 Reply  · 

What the shit have I written ???
** the best part of Django Unchained was Leonardo DiCaprio without a doubt.
This shit auto-correct makes my head spin with anger!!!!

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Nononsense on 10/26/2015 Reply  · 

Glad to hear your reaction to Witness for the Prosecution. I knew you’d love it! Now, as for future recommendations, I need you to remind me of which Hitchcock films you’ve seen. I know you’ve seen Vertigo, Rear Window, and North by Northwest. I recall recommending Psycho to you. Did you ever get around to watching it? If not, once again… stop what you’re doing and GO WATCH IT!! For the record, Psycho is my second favorite Hitchcock film, second only to Vertigo. Since you love for twists to be saved for the end, you’ll love Psycho.

I have other movies that I can suggest, but I want to know more about your openness to movies. Will you watch a foreign movie with captions or sub-titles? If so, I have the perfect movie for you that will blow your socks off. Do you you like drama films? If so, I have the perfect film. Will you watch a silent film? If so, I have some that will live with you forever. Do you like westerns? If so, I’ve got some that will rock you.

Let me know your answer to these questions. In the mean time… GO WATCH PSYCHO!!!

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Nononsense on 10/27/2015 Reply  · 

I’ve seen all three: Psycho, Strangelove, and Eyes Wide Shut. Psycho is top 10 for me and Strangelove is top 30. Strange love is my second favorite from Kubrick after 2001: A Space Odyssey. Eyes Wide Shut is really weird. You may or may not enjoy it.

As for foreign films, Tarantino doesn’t count for me. I’m from the States. Where are you from? Anyway, when I mentioned foreign films, I was specifically referring to Japanese films. I have one that will put you in awe!!! Don’t let the sub-titles scare you away. The dialogue isn’t blindingly fast, so you can keep up quite easily with reading the sub-titles while watching the movie. Not hard at all. The movie I’m referring to is Harakiri. Please give it a shot… PLEASE! It’s one of the 10 best films I’ve ever seen in my life.

As for westerns, you mentioned the man with no name trilogy. Have you seen Once Upon a Time in the West? If you like the man with no name trilogy, you’ll love Once Upon a Time in the West. They’re all spaghetti westerns directed by Sergio Leone. Once Upon a Time in the West is my second favorite western behind The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. You should check it out. A few more westerns that are really good: Tombstone, Unforgiven, High Noon, and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.

As for drama, have you seen All About Eve? If not, you’re in for an exquisite treat!

But for now, watch Psycho. Oh, and yes… Notorious is wonderful! Grant and Bergman are fantastic. This is my favorite Grant role. And Bergman is her most versatile in Notorious. I like her slightly better in Casablanca, but her acting skills are on a fuller display in Notorious. Don’t forget about Dial M for Murder, Strainers on a Train, Rebecca. and Rope. Man, you’ve got some really awesome movies coming up!!! Dollar back at me!

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Nononsense on 10/27/2015 Reply  · 

Dude, out of all the movies I’m suggesting at this moment (not the earlier suggestions), Harakiri, Psycho, and All About Eve are the best. Harakiri isn’t your typical samurai flick. The plot is so involving. You’re going to absolutely love it! I’m sure of it.

All About Eve is the unmatched best dialogue ever heard by these ears. Seriously. The script is flawless and so is the acting. I was very reluctant to watch it because I had the wrong impression of it. Before seeing it, I had never seen a Bette Davis film. But somehow, I figured I wouldn’t like any of her movies. Listen man, much like I told you about Charles Laughton in Witness for the Prosecution, Bette Davis puts on a top 5 performance of all time in All About Eve. Before watching the movie, I always though Bette Davis played the role of Eve, but that’s not true. Bette Davis plays the character Margo. That being said, if the movie was named after the strength of the performances rather than the story itself, it would’ve certainly been titled “All About Margo”!!! She shines in every scene. In fact, the film is loaded with extraordinary acting. Anne Baxter does a terrific job as Eve as she is very persuasive and believable. George Sanders basically stole the show as Addison DeWitt. Incredible acting! Even minor roles such as Thelma Ritter as Birdie were flawless. Simply put: All About Eve is a top 5 film of all time for me and a definite must see. If you like twists, there are a few mild ones that you’ll appreciate.

After you’ve finished with your current movies (Psycho, Strangelove, and Eyes Wide Shut), you should check out Harakiri, All About Eve, Notorious, Dial M for Murder, and Rope.

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Nononsense on 10/27/2015 Reply  · 

If All About Eve is available to watch, go for it! An all-world cast with world-class acting and otherworldly performances all to the beat of very smart and witty dialogue. The intro is perhaps my favorite monologue of all time. George Sanders starts with a snarky prologue to introduce us to the characters. It’s pure genius. Listen carefully as the dialogue just sizzles! Enjoy!!! And as always, let me know your thoughts after you’re finished viewing it.

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Koroy on 10/28/2015 Reply  · 

I have seen most of the bond movies.
Sean Connery version
Roger moore version
Pierce brosnan version
Ofcource Daniel Craigg's version of Bond

Quantum of solace was pritty bad actually.If you are not into bond movies I would say avoid it.
Casino royale was awesone.But the best Bond movie ever in my opinion was Skyfall without a doubt.Awesome action scenes,Great performances it is a perfect film I would say.I am pumped up for spectre.
Yeah Waltz is an awesome actor.His inglourious Basterds performance was unmatched.He was great in django unchained too.He really can play villainous charater with ease

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Koroy on 10/28/2015 Reply  · 

How was all about eve??

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Koroy on 10/28/2015 Reply  · 

I haven't seen all about eve .It's bit popular movie too.Have heard that it won best picture oscar that year,beating the likes of sunset blvd.,the third man and others.
I have heard that it is a bit dialouge driven too.Is it??
Will you recommened it to me??

Wow great watch psycho and I bet it won't dissapoint you.It is one of Hitchcock's best

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Nononsense on 10/29/2015 Reply  · 

Hey man, glad to see you loved Eve!! Interesting point that you raised about how Margo could’ve gained her fame the same way Eve did and the same way Phoebe is attempting to do at the end. However, in his opening monologue (probably my favorite monologue of all time), Addison DeWitt (played by George Sanders) offers some specific insight on how Margo came to fame. He claims that Margo gained her fame by playing a nude role as a fairy in “Midsummer Night’s Dream”. It’s very interesting how it relates to today’s actresses that seem to have to show some skin in order to get ahead in the industry. Think about it: Most prominent actresses didn’t make it big until they played a role where they were either fully naked, partia

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Nononsense on 10/29/2015 Reply  · 

partially naked. All About Eve is simply a remarkable film. Watch it again some time in the future. I guarantee you’ll see things you didn’t see before and you’ll love and appreciate it even more. It’s a top 5 favorite of mine.

Now, you MUST see Psycho and Harakiri. You already know what Psycho is about, so there’s not much for me to say there. But Harakiri… DUDE… that is THE MOVIE!!! I promise… the cinematography is meticulously crafted in gorgeous black & white! The acting is superb. Tatsuya Nakadai is the main actor of the film. I became an instant fan after watching him in Harakiri!! And the plot… WOW!! Please stop what you’re doing and put Harakiri in your Netflix queue NOW!! It’s a MUST! Don’t be fooled by it being foreign/Japanese/Samurai… This is one of the 10 best films I’ve ever seen in my entire life. There’s no dull moment. Just pay close attention and enjoy.

After that, check back in with me and I have yet another great recommendation.

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Nononsense on 10/29/2015 Reply  · 

Back to All About Eve: Yes, Thelma Ritter is the same actress who played in Rear Window. Glad you noticed. She’s one of the best supporting actresses of all time in my opinion.

As for All About Eve versus Witness for the Prosecution… I understand your quagmire there man. They are #5 & #6 on my chart!!! They both have dialogues that sizzle, great acting, and phenomenal plots. I give Eve the slight edge because its cast is all around better. In Witness, Laughton puts on a top 10 performance of all time for me while Bette Davis does the same in Eve. But the rest of Eve’s cast is better than the rest of Witnesses’ cast. Don’t misunderstand me: Marlene Dietrich, Tyrone Power, and Elsa Lanchester (that was Laughton’s nurse in the film, but his wife in real life) all put on wonderful performances, but I don’t think anyone from Witness (other than Laughton) put on a performance as good as George Sanders in Eve. I think Anne Baxter’s performance as Eve is comparable (in quality) to Marlene Dietrich’s performance in Witness but slightly better.

So, to sum it up: Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders, Gary Merrill, Celeste Holmes, Thelma Ritter, Marilyn Monroe, Hugh Marlowe, and Gregory Ratoff are collectively outperformed Charles Laughton, Marlene Dietrich, Tyrone Power, and Elsa Lanchester. Thus, I give Eve the slight edge. Just to large of an ensemble cast for Witness to beat. But you KNOW I love me some Witness though!!!

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Nononsense on 10/29/2015 Reply  · 

Now, get Harakir in your queue!!!

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Nononsense on 10/29/2015 Reply  · 

Also, to further my point about Margo not getting her fame the way Eve and Phoebe… Margo was made a star at the age of 4 when she played the fairy role and made a nude appearance. Pretty sad state of affairs for a 4 year old. To think: her parents allowed her (probably forced her) to play that role to get ahead in life. I think this tidbit that DeWitt shares with us in the opening scene is much more relevant and important to understanding Margo at the age of 40 than most people (film critics as well) realize and give credit.

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Nononsense on 10/29/2015 Reply  · 

I just love discussing great movies that make for in-depth character studies like All About Eve.

Now, go get Harakiri!!! :-)))

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Nononsense on 10/30/2015 Reply  · 

Well, you have plenty to keep you busy. If I recall, you have Psycho, Strangelove, and Eyes Wide Shuty (which I didn’t recommend) to watch first. Then, you have Harakiri.

If you want to go back to Hitchcock, you can always watch Rope, Notorious, Rebecca, Dial M for Murder, and Strangers on a Train.

I’ve seen Rope at least 30 times! No joke. It’s so addictive to me. It’s short and to the point. Notorious is probably Hitchcock’s darkest most serious film. It also is one of his most suspenseful. That ending will have you at the very edge of your seat!!! Can’t give any more details than that on the ending! Rebecca is an enchanting experience. The intro is enchanting. Warning: The first thirty minutes or so (not including the 3 minute intro) is pretty slow, but it’s pertinent to the overall plot. Stick with it and it’ll pay off big!! Once you get past the 35 minute mark, buckle your seatbelt, as Margo Channing would say! Dial M is a fingernail-biting nerve-wreck. And the same could be said about Strangers on a Train. Top-notch suspense in both.

Once you get through all of these, I have some more that I’m anxious to recommend!!!

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Koroy on 10/30/2015 Reply  · 

Yeah I need to check out all about eve soon man.
Hey what are your thoughts on spiderman series??
Which version did you liked more.The Toby Maguire version or the Andrew Garfield version??.
Thoughts on Tom Holland as the new sipdy.??
I personally think Garfield should have ended the triology atleast.Now again we have to go through the origin story !! He he ge

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TommyDoyle78 on 10/31/2015 Reply  · 

Me too! I'll be there in LA premiere, I hope.

I think it'll be epic. Not on Star Wars or The Empire Strikes Back planet of quality, but still a epic movie. Even if it got a "letdown" story (what I doubt), I think it will be very enjoyable!

I also liked the fact that George Lucas isn't involved. He directed the 1977 one, and it's one of my favorites movies, but...JAR JAR BINKS.
Btw, I also like the fact that J.J. Abrams will direct the movie. He got it with Star Trek and Mission: Impossible, for sure, he'll got it with Star Wars!

Happy Halloween, man. It's nice that you also got Halloween (1978) in your top 20. It's a amazing classic, one of the most underrated movies ever!

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Koroy on 11/1/2015 Reply  · 

Yeah man I too prefer Toby Maguire version ,it's nostalagic for me too.I liked Garfields version but his amazing spidrman 2 sucked hugely I would say.

As I said before ought to know it? see it and walla landed in you top 10.Great man .I love this movie.It is more than the twist(which you could understand now),Tony Perkins,janet leigh's awesome performances are thre,the now Legendary shower scene is there.Hitchcock's awesome direcction is there.It's simply put marvellous man.
Rear window is awesome too.But I haven't ranked it still because I have seen it just once and untill I rewatch it again I won't be ranking it.
Plans on watching some other great movies??

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TommyDoyle78 on 11/3/2015 Reply  · 

The good is that the L.A. premiere will be the first exhibition of the movie in the whole world. I know a packed theater is hard to handle, but I escaping from spoilers.
So good, I've never heard from Psycho (just to be sure, I'm not old, I'm 14 haha), Fight Club, or Friday the 13th twists before watching them. I don't care for spoilers and they don't come to me, lol.

Despite the fact I'm studying with the Jurassic World's actor Ty Simpkins (wth), I don't think I'll got spoilers. Also, I don't spoil anyone except if anyone spoiled me.
The movie released on some countries before in USA. It was released 1 week before in Brazil, Germany, and China if I don't commit a mistake.

My cousin got the DVD. As I've said, I'm young, so back to 2008-2009, when I'm was 7-years-old, my cousin show me the original Halloween, original Nightmare on Elm Street and The Evil Dead. Well, things never been the same.

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Nononsense on 11/4/2015 Reply  · 

Glad to see you loved Psycho. When I first watched Psycho and Vertigo, I knew they were my two favorite from Hitchcock. But I initially had a difficult time choosing between the two. However, after watching both of them literally at least 15 times each (more like 30 times for Vertigo) over the span of a year, it became quite clear the Vertigo was undoubtedly my favorite Hitchcock film. In fact, I have to resist the temptation of putting it #1 on my chart ahead of Casablanca which has been my favorite film of all time for 15 years now. Vertigo just mesmerizes me every time. If you watch Psycho over and over again, it eventually leveled off after maybe the 5th viewing where you still love it every time, but your enjoyment kind of stabilizes. With Vertigo, I watched it probably 15 times before my level of enjoyment maxed out. Vertigo has a deeper plot than Psycho. I give the acting to Vertigo too, although Psycho’s acting is great. Both have two of the top 10 scores ever heard by these ears. Bernard Hermann was a genius! Vertigo’s score is better though. Just a spellbinding score that effectively tells you what to think and feel throughout the entire film.

As for Strangelove, I didn’t recommend it because I realize it’s not for everyone. I personally love it though. You have to be familiar with the Cold War, the paranoia, and what it all meant during that time to really appreciate the dark humor. Otherwise, it probably comes off as dry humor.

As for Dial M, I surprised that you thought it lost speed after the intermission. For me, that’s when the suspense really picks up! The tension is thick when the husband is about to get caught. The whole use of the key(s) was very well played. Hitchcock directed over 50 films. Dial M is a top 10 in his filmography in my opinion.

Yes, I have seen The Birds. It’s good, but not great. I won’t spoil it for you, but the ending left much to be desired for me. Frenzy.. I personally don’t recommend it. It’s average at best by Hitchcock’s lofty standard. Not a horrible movie, but there are just so many more that are better. I’d much rather you watch Rope, Rebecca, Strangers on a Train, Spellbound, Shadow of a Doubt, The Wrong Man, and The Birds.

Has Harakiri came in yet?!?!? :-)

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Nononsense on 11/4/2015 Reply  · 

Dude, you’re going to LOVE Harakiri! One of the best storylines of all time in my opinion. Such a well-thoughtout plot.

And as for Rope, I’ve seen it more than any other movie probably. Even more than Vertigo. Vertigo is still my favorite, but Rope is one of those movies that I can’t seem to put my finger on why I love it so much. Well, for one, I’m a huge sucker for Technicolor. That’s one of the many things that appeal to me about Vertigo. And the restoration did wonders to it as well. With Rope, pay attention to the beautiful window that’s ever-present throughout the film as the day turns to evening and the evening turns to night. The colors at night add a certain tone to the mood. And the music that plays during the opening credits puts me in a mood that is unexplainable. It give me an odd feeling of nostalgia… like I’ve been here before. I know… it’s weird. All in all, Rope is great to watch over and over because it’s a simply plot that doesn’t require a whole lot of thinking and it’s run time is short in duration at 1 hour and 20 minutes. And the time flies too. Rear Window and NXNW are better movies, but Rope is arguably equal if not higher on a personal favorite list of mine. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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TommyDoyle78 on 11/4/2015 Reply  · 

I'm the youngest person of Flickchart, by far, haha.
(Well I like it)
I'm was a bit afraid when I'm was younger, but yeah they made my childhood.
I highly recommend the first Evil Dead, man! It's a masterpiece, top 20 material. But...The sequels are a step down. Some laughs and that's all.
I just started a Rocky Balboa marathon, but on the next week; I'll start a Friday the 13th/A Nightmare on Elm Street marathon, because I'm invested in these franchises. That's mostly because of Freddy vs. Jason.
Btw, I love the horror genre. It's my favorite genre of them all! From 1920 to 2010, there are some truly gems.
I've watched some on October, and there's some on my watchlist for November.
Here's the one I liked the most; The Thing (1982)! It's also one Carpenter movie, it's a proof he's a master. Have you seen it? It's like a fast and entertaining Alien version Imo.
Also, here's the one I disliked the most: Insidious (2010)! It's one of these filled of cliches movies, and full of jumpscares. It's a terrible stupid movie. Overhyped, and overrated.

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MysticSpoon on 11/7/2015 Reply  · 

Thanks, though to be perfectly honest it's only a temporary return. I'm done with Flickchart. Genuine discussion has completely dried up here, most of the old users don't use the site anymore - most of them have moved to Letterboxd, including myself - and the site really screams for a completely new layout and fun new features. I wanted to get my thoughts out on Spectre and perhaps discuss it with others if they feel like it, because it's kind of fun to compare and contrast the Bond films and discuss what makes one better than the other, but that's kind of it.

If you want to read my thoughts on (recent) films and / or discuss movies with me, I suggest making an account on Letterboxd and follow me on that site. I'm addicted to it, while I've barely been active on Flickchart the last few months.

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MysticSpoon on 11/8/2015 Reply  · 

Eh, I wouldn't really call it a recalibrated Flickchart, since there's no ranking process involved. It's more like Goodreads, except for movies. It's pretty damn awesome.

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JC13 on 11/11/2015 Reply  · 

Thanks! Your list ain't bad either. Your top 2 Kubrick's are good choices. :)

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JC13 on 11/11/2015 Reply  · 

I just followed you on letterboxd.

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Nononsense on 11/13/2015 Reply  · 

Can’t wait for your reaction to Harakiri!

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Koroy on 11/14/2015 Reply  · 

Hey man how are you ??

Didn't liked vertigo that much either.The story was pritty good,I would give it that.And the shooting was really wonderful.Color scheme was awesome.But the movie was painfully slow,I was looking at the clock and was telling to myself now please wrap it

I first saw it in 2013 and had largely forgot about it.
So I gave it a re-watch that day,and again was dissapointed.I too prefer Psycho,rear window and NXNW to it .Kim novak should definietly take acting classes.Jimmy Stewart was horribly mis-cast.He looked like Kim Novaks grandfather in some scene.He was creepy tooo.

Hey how was eyes wide shut ???

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lukiushaufoy on 11/14/2015 Reply  · 

Hey. Who is your favourite Chris Nolan character and your favourite Kubrick character?

Mine would be Gny. Sgt. Hartman from Full Metal Jacket and The Joker from The Dark Knight.

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Koroy on 11/15/2015 Reply  · 

Yeah I definietly would check out eyes wide shut soon.I like most Tom Cruise movie so I can guess that I would like it too.
Hey do you like the terminator franchise??

T2 is one of my favourite movie ever.
I like terminator too.
Rise of the machine is passable but salvation sucked.
I haven't seen genisys yet.Have you??

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Koroy on 11/15/2015 Reply  · 

Yeah I would see Genisys somedays but truth to be told,it doesn't excites me at all.
I love dark knight rises and the dark knight but hate batman begins(It sucked).Both The darknknight and rises are insanely rewatchable(dark knight more so) but I prefer rises a bit more.Because of its awesome opening sequence and action sequences.The 1st battle between Bane and Batman was the best part of the whole Dark knight triology I would say.Batman begins was boring,badly acted,and badly directed movie.

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Nononsense on 11/16/2015 Reply  · 

Hey man… have you watched Harakiri yet??? I’ve been checking my page daily for a reply from you. I’m very anxious to hear your thoughts. And also Rope as well.

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Nononsense on 11/17/2015 Reply  · 

Hmm… I don’t know. I’m quite confused. You don’t want to see Harakiri because of the subject matter, but you also want me to recommend other samurai films with the same subject matter. There is another samurai film though that I love and you should watch. Rashomon. Great film. It’s in my top 20. But I’m dubious about recommending anything samurai now. Could you further elaborate and clarify your response? This would help me greatly in my recommendations.

Well, did you watch Rope? I have several other goodies for you. Just let me know what to stay away from.

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Nononsense on 11/17/2015 Reply  · 

Hey man, really sorry to hear about your situation. Hope you fully recover. As for other samurai films, Rashomon is my second favorite behind Harakiri. After that, it’s Yojimbo.

As for other recommendations in general, have you seen 12 Angry Men? How about The Maltese Falcon, On the Waterfront, Chinatown, or Double Indemnity? All of these are magnificent. Just let me know which ones you haven’t seen, and I’ll elaborate more on why you should watch them.

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saddler16 on 11/17/2015 Reply  · 

Hey there! I was looking at your list and noticed you had Django Unchained in your top 10. Could you give me your thoughts on it? I say this as someone who wasn't too big on it.

Also, how is Eyes Wide Shut?

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Nononsense on 11/17/2015 Reply  · 

No problem man!

12 Angry Men is totally a different film than Witness for the Prosecution. The only things they have in common are that they are both centered around courtrooms, they are both black and white, they both have great dialogue, and they both are in my top 10. :-)

Really, as for the specific content and approach, they are totally different films but equally brilliant. 12AM is more courtroom drama whereas Witness is more courtroom mystery. Just to let you know, I don’t use words like “perfect” and “flawless” very often. In fact, I have a very short list of films that I’ve seen which are truly flawless. 12AM is one of them. If you’re interested in the full list, let me know. I’ll be glad to share it with you. Back to 12AM:. Seriously, I can usually nitpick about something that could’ve made a film better, but not with 12AM. The casting reminds me of All About Eve in that the entire cast put on incredible performances. Specifically though, Henry Fonda and Lee J. Cobb stood out among them all. Phenomenal acting by both men. I actually think Lee J. Cobb stole the show. Definitely worth a watch in the future.

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saddler16 on 11/17/2015 Reply  · 

Thanks man! Really appreciate your thoughts. To me, it felt like the story kinda wandered around to much and lacked a clear direction. Sure, Django has to get his wife back, but it seems like there was a lot of story that was just tacked on because QT thought it would be cool. The stuff tacked on is pretty awesome though.

You've been watching a lot of great movies lately! How did you like Psycho, Dr. Strangelove, Dial M and Eyes Wide Shut?

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saddler16 on 11/18/2015 Reply  · 

Awesome! When I first got into movies I watched a lot of the classics, and it really helped shape me into the movie watcher I am today. Let me know if you need some recommendations :)

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lukiushaufoy on 11/18/2015 Reply  · 

Why thanks for complementing my list. Yours is great too. Man, Tarantino is my favourite director. I've liked all of the films I've seen from him. His style keeps his films real interesting. How would you rank the Tarantino films you've seen, and who's your favourite character from each?
Mine would go as so:

Pulp Fiction - Jules - The whole dialogue for when Jules and Vince get the briefcase from the young guys.
Django Unchained - Django
Inglourious Basterds - Hans Landa
Kill Bill Vol. 2 - Bride
Kill Bill Vol. 1 - Bride
Reservoir Dogs - Mr. Pink
Jackie Brown - Louis Gara

Also what is your favourite moment from each of the Star Wars films. I've only seen the original trilogy and part of the first prequel but stopped watching it because I hated it. I also don't really remember Return of the Jedi well. For me:

A New Hope - Cantina scene
Empire - I am your father
Jedi - Leia strangles Jabba

Also, who is your least favourite main Star Wars character from the original trilogy, not including ewoks or background characters? Mine would definitely be dick traitor Lando.

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Nononsense on 11/19/2015 Reply  · 

I’m going recommend Double Indemnity and Chinatown next. I think they are safer bets for your enjoyment. You’ll love the plot and dialogue in Double Indemnity, and you’ll love the mystery and twist in Chinatown.

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saddler16 on 11/19/2015 Reply  · 

Well, some classic films I didn't see on your list that I would recommend are Double Indemnity, 12 Angry Men, Sunset Blvd., Citizen Kane and City Lights. Have you seen anything from Scorsese or the Coen's? Based on your taste I think you'd really like them. For Scorsese I'd start with Taxi Driver, Raging Bull and Goodfellas and for the Coen's I'd start with Fargo, The Big Lebowski and No Country for Old Men.

Let me know if there are any films you think I need to see! :)

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lukiushaufoy on 11/20/2015 Reply  · 

Same for me with Django. Waltz and DiCaprio were so good I could've easily chosen them but I chose Django because he was the protagonist.

Also, what do you think of Luke Skywalker as a character? I dislike him but much prefer him to young Anakin Skywalker.

Close Encounters was neat. I definitely enjoyed the film. As a sci-fi it's one where the whole film is set on earth with normal people but there are ufos and weird stuff with lights going on, so it focuses on the mystery and awe of alien life.

Which scene from a sci-fi movie blew your mind the most? Not including non-sci-fi elements in sci-fi films though, eg. "I am your father".

For me Inception ending with the top, though the Interstellar tesseract and the scene with Dave taking apart HAL aren't far behind.

Also who is your favourite robot/android/computer/cyborg in a sci-fi movie?
I would say T-1000 in Teminator 2, but I would have to with Arnie.

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saddler16 on 11/21/2015 Reply  · 

Yeah, City Lights is a silent film, but I don't think that should stop you from seeing it. It's a cinematic classic and should be seen by anyone interested in film.

Great! I'll be interested to hear what you think of those films when you get a chance to check them out! :)

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Nononsense on 11/22/2015 Reply  · 

Glad to hear your reaction to Rope! Yes, I agree that Rope is as engaging as some of Hitchcock’s Big-4. But from an objective standpoint, it’s not as strong a film as any of them. I personally like Rope as much as any Hitchcock film except Vertigo. I have Rope recorded on my DVR and watch it at least 3 times a week as I drift off to sleep. It’s become a ritual of mine over the past year or so. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen it. Seriously, maybe 50 times. I know that’s a ridiculous number, but it’s true. Rope is just very accessible. Some people are put off by the acting because it feels like a stage play, but that’s what I love about it.

Since you have Double Indemnity on the way, and since Chinatown is available on instant watch, I think you should add 12 Angry Men to your queue next. It’s a flawless masterpiece. You’ll be floored! I can almost promise you.

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lukiushaufoy on 11/26/2015 Reply  · 

Have you ever disliked a movie character?
If so, which ones the most you disliked?
I hate Jar Jar Binks. What do you think of Jar Jar?

Also, who is your favourite movie villain from a film released in the 2010's? Not including cameos, eg. Sauron in Hobbet.
My favourite is Calvin Candie.

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TommyDoyle78 on 11/29/2015 Reply  · 

Revenge of the Sith is actually one of the best Star Wars movies; it's on the top three; it's definitely entertaining, and very much. Actually, the start dragged, but, well...Samuel-L-Jacksoness, and a epic conclusion. I'm was thinking the movie is a bit campy; but now I understand it. I'm was a bit young when I've watched, and did not understand. I just re-watched because of The Force Awakens, but I'm not really into the prequels.
I loathe Jar Jar Binks.
What I liked most in the movie are the references. Just like Red Dragon (2002) did to The Silence of the Lambs.

Well, I'm glad you asked about A Clockwork Orange!
It's a movie that stuck with you; but what I really liked in the movie was...Ludwig van! I'm a huge fan on his work personally. Well, I'll try to re-watch it later, but so far it's a middle of the road Kubrick movie Imo, behind The Shining and Dr. Strangelove. I thinking it lands in the "Great Park", but it should be a little bit better Imo. The ending dragged.

Well, I saw you added Rope; it's a really good movie Imo, but it should be better. It felt much like a experimental movie. The thing I like the most there is the message.
What are your thoughts on Rope?

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Nononsense on 12/5/2015 Reply  · 

Hey man, haven’t heard from you in a while. Have you had a chance to watch Double Indemnity, Chinatown, or 12 Angry Men?

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Nononsense on 12/6/2015 Reply  · 

To Catch a Thief is average by Hitchcock's standard. Judging by one of your comments I read on someone else page (you were bored with Psycho & Rear Window in the beginning of those movies), I think you'd be extremely bored with most of To Catch a Thief! The same can be said about The Birds to a lesser extent.

Double Indemnity starts of very intriguing and never lets up really. Same with Chinatown. You seem to like great dialogue, as do I. If that's the case, you'll love 12 Angry Men.

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TommyDoyle78 on 12/6/2015 Reply  · 

Yeah, George Lucas did a real great job here! So bad, he tried to make the godawful mistake that Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is.

You said it correctly! I ranked ACO a bit too higher. Now, it's on the 90s range in my chart. I just rank funnier films higher...
As you've said, it becomes a bit boring...

Hey, I'm a bit ashamed of saying that, because I'm not sure...but Psycho was a bit boring. The shower scene bored me to tears, gee. It need a little re-watch. North by Northwest is Hitch best by far Imo, I've re-watched about 20 times and it keeps getting better, and I just didn't rank Rear Window higher because of the boring relationship between Jimmy and Grace. It was a complete chill though.

Well, I loved Batman. Jack Nicholson was fantastic, and man, what a Tim Burton movie. Just like...Ed Scissorhands isn't terrible, it just isn't my kind of movie. What I liked about this one is Rusty Griswold, Winona Ryder and Johnny Depp relation. Rusty was great as the villain. Same for Beetlejuice. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory just sucked.
But man, Batman is kinda perfect. Keaton was very likeable for the character he starred as. Nicholson stole the movie, as per usual. But, the ending kind of dragged.
It was top 5 superhero movies Imo, together with X-Men: Days of Future Past, Superman (1978), Superman II and The Incredibles.

I kind of fall asleep watching The Wrath of Khan. Well, I'll give it another try (especially that it's always on Syfy), but what I've seen was fantastic. Spock death was really shocking. Khan was great. What did you think about The Wrath of Khan?
Imo, it's far better than the Jar Jar Abrams movies! But, most of them are really good.

Whiplash was a bore. J.K. Simmons made the movie. I'm not really into it. It's not fun, not masterful...well, I just didn't like a few of these popular movies all that much, like 300, GoodFellas and Se7en.

For me, it's Nolan > Burton, but when it comes to Batman I prefer the funniest. Nolan Batman was rich, complex, realistic, and deep. Burton's Batman was just fun. It's what I looking for a superhero movie.

What did you think of the general Burton movies?
Also, what are your thoughts on the J.J. Abrams's Star Trek movies?
I really like them, but I hoping he's not making that style for Star Wars.

Hey, you're going to watch a few Christmas flicks too?
So far, I've watched just both Die Hards, and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
I want to watch 12 movies of Christmas between 13th and 25th, and I hope It's a Wonderful Life will be one of them.

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DylanWirta on 12/16/2015 Reply  · 

Thanks for the comment on my profile. My taste in movies is unique and I like very specific things and don't tend to stray too far out, usually. But I'd love to talk movies sometime!

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Koroy on 12/24/2015 Reply  · 

Hey man how are you??
Actually my class 12 examination were going so I kept my self away from Flickchart,Twitter,Facebook and God knows whatever thing I had an account on.He he he
But I am back

Guardiand is top 5 best CBM ever in my opinion.Along with Days of future past,The dark knight ,TDKR and avengers and winter soldier too(to some extent).
The sense of humour in the movie was great.I also liked the Pop culture references in the movie.Man Rocket is one of my favourite movie character of 2015 along with Quicksilver from DOFP.
Hey thoughts on sixth sense??
I love that movie.The twist(Even though it was spoiled) still managed to blew me away.And What a script by SHYAMALAN.Haley Osment gave one of the greatest child performance ever in my opinion.What are your thoughts on it??

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Koroy on 12/24/2015 Reply  · 

***Guardians of the galaxy is top 5

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Nononsense on 1/14/2016 Reply  · 

No problem man. Let me know what you think of Double Indemnity, Chinatown, and 12 Angry Men when you finish watching them.

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Nils98 on 1/17/2016 Reply  · 

Hey, any thoughts on The Force Awakens (and the Holiday Special. And please, don't hold back lol)?

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Nononsense on 1/19/2016 Reply  · 

Glad you got around to DI. Yeah, Witness for the Prosecution is clearly my favorite from Wilder. After that, it’s Sunset Blvd., and then DI.

As for Chinatown, you should like that a bit more. It’s got a mystery element to it and a good twist as well.

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Nils98 on 1/19/2016 Reply  · 

I was (like everyone else on the planet) dying to see The Force Awakens. It was my most anticipated film of the year by far. I stayed away from all of the reviews and even critic ratings, because I wanted to have as unbiased of a viewing of the film as possible. I entered the film a little nervous (obviously, it was Star Wars!). Even though I thought it was going to be amazing, just judging by the trailers, I still had that doubt. It could disappoint. Age of Ultron disappointed me; Spectre for sure disappointed me. And even though J.J and Kathleen had told us through interviews and the marketing that this was NOT going to be the prequels, one still wondered. It took me about ten seconds into the crawl to realize that this wasn't the prequels.

"Luke Skywalker has vanished"

Me: Well what happens next?
I was instantly hooked and back into the world. And then a minute after the crawl and the pan up, I came to another realization: not only is this better than the prequels, not only is this good - this is great. From the first shot of the silhouette of the star destroyer passing by vertically, and the flashing shots of stormtroppers in the landing pods, I was immediately taken by the absolutely stunning cinematography and creative camerawork. Gone are the days of static shots of a senate meeting, gone are the days of panning from left to right. And then Sydow started speaking, and the dialogue hit and was really good, as was the acting. Now I'm not going to go through the entire film, but the beginning of the film was the most important aspect of convincing audiences that this was good, and it was.

Okay, let's cut to the chase - I have never had a more immersive, enjoyable or memorable time in a theater my whole life, ever. It's not the best movie I've seen in theaters, but it is the one experience that I'll probably remember the most. The film was so on point. Everything just clicked. Suddenly, I felt like I knew how people felt like watching the OT back in theaters. I have never seen a Star Wars movie in theaters, so when that famous blue "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...." line, followed by John Williams's iconic theme and the yellow "Star Wars" logo came up, it made me smile (constantly for over two hours, and now my cheeks are stuck like this. I look like The Joker without the makeup. Damn you J.J for making a great Star Wars film, damn you...). I have a few minor issues with it, like the under usage of certain characters (Phasma, Hux, Lor San Tekka etc. Not Luke, he was used perfectly used in my opinion. ), the lack of weight regarding Star Killer base (it sure as hell wasn't bad, and I realize that it was needed for the film to get all the characters together in one location, but it didn't have the weight of the Death Star in the first film), some conveniences regarding Rey (which have some theories that could be explained in Episode VIII) and Poe (the "I woke up in the desert in the middle of the night" thing) etc. I'm sure there are more things, but by then I would be picking at straws just to find flaws. The similarities between A New Hope and this one didn't bother me at all though. I do find it funny though that people feel the need to make an announcement every time they need to say that it has a few flaws, like it could ever be perfect or something. No film is ever perfect. You could always find something. There are flaws in the original trilogy as well, for sure. At the end of the day though it isn't about the amount of flaws, but rather about what those flaws amass to. And in this case, it still means that the film is, objectively, a 9/10 in my eyes.

Anyways, those are some of my thoughts on the film. And also, who was your favorite NEW character? Mine was definitely Kylo Ren.

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Nononsense on 1/20/2016 Reply  · 

Hey man, did you watch Chinatown and 12 Angry Men? I’m sure you’ll love both. Chinatown for its mystery and 12 Angry Men for its acting, dialogue, and one location.

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Nils98 on 1/22/2016 Reply  · 

Yeah, I've got no problem with the delay itself. They should just focus on making the best film possible, and if that requires 7 more months then so be it.

And I am excited for Rogue One. If executed correctly, it could be like a Saving Private Ryan/Black Hawk Down type of a film - except it's Star Wars. The cast is great too, I mean; Mads Mikkelsen, Forrest Whitaker and Felicity Jones? Come on. I think it shows great promise, and that there is a lot of potential there to make it one of the best Star Wars films to date. Gareth Edwards as a director sounds sweet in my ears too. Godzilla may not have been one of the best movies of 2014, but it sure as hell was well directed. The film making in it was superb. But it is definitely a cash grab. It absolutely is - but so is Episode VIII. And XI, and VII was also a cash grab. Every movie is a cash grab, since every producer and studio is in the business to make a profit. Still doesn't mean that it can't be great, as shown with The Force Awakens as well as with a wealth of other films, but it's still a cash grab in my eyes. All movies are.

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Nononsense on 2/11/2016 Reply  · 

Glad you finally saw Chinatown. Yes, a re-watch makes it al the better!

Next up, 12 Angry Men. Go!!!

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Nononsense on 6/6/2016 Reply  · 

Hey man, haven’t heard from you in a while. Nice to hear from you!!! Glad to see you thoroughly enjoyed 12 Angry Men. You seem to appreciate movies with a claustrophobic atmosphere such as !2 Angry Men, Rope, and Rear Window. I do too! That being said, have you seen Dial M for Murder? If not, you should check it out. Also, Sleuth is another one that takes place in one location that you’d absolutely love.

As for Sunset Blvd., don’t sweat it. Different strokes for different folks I guess. It’s my second favorite from Wilder behind Witness for the Prosecution. Well, Double Indemnity is on par with Sunset as well. The Apartment is fourth. A great film, but I personally prefer the other three I’ve mentioned.

On the Waterfront and The Maltese Falcon have been in my top 20 since the beginning of my chart, so I’m very excited for you to watch them both. Waterfront has my favorite Brando role. And Lee J. Cobb was sensational as well. If you liked him in 12 Angry Men, you should like him here as well. Those are my two favorite Cobb roles. In fact, he almost steals the show. And then there’s Karl Malden’s wonderful performance as Father Barry… and who could forget Eva Marie Saint??? Just a splendid cast! You should love it. And The Maltese Falcon is my second favorite Bogart film behind Casablanca. You simply can’t beat a witty, fast-talking, cocky, hard-nosed Bogart! Much like On the Waterfront, The Maltese Falcon has a phenomenal cast as well with Sydney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre, and Mary Astor. You’re in for a treat buddy! Just let me know what you think after watching!!

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Eagleskywalker87 on 9/11/2017 Reply  · 

Thanks for accepting my friend request. Thanks a great top 15 you've got!

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Eagleskywalker87 on 10/1/2017 Reply  · 

No need to apologise, I wasn't expecting you to reply straightaway and we all have patches away from FlickChart.

Like me, you seem like a bit of a Kubrick fan. 2001, The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut are three of the most thought provoking and artistic movies I've seen and you have all three of them in your top 10!

And you also have the 4 great Star Wars movies in your top 20 as well as a few Nolan movies. I can't wait for The Last Jedi and if you haven't seen Dunkirk yet it's definitely worth checking out!

Feel free to comment on my page anytime :)

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Eagleskywalker87 on 10/12/2017 Reply  · 

The trailer was indeed amazing but I think it may have shown a little too much (Rey and Kylo at the end, Kylo possibly shooting down Leia's ship, etc.).

As for Blade Runner, I find the first one was very well directed and it does have great messages to it about humanity but the characters were very weak. I also thought some scenes that needed an emotional punch felt lacking and the pacing was very uneven.

I still LOVED 2049! The visuals, the story, the layers, the mystery, the further-expanding concepts of the futuristic world, EVERYTHING. I was very engaged in what was going on! I can't wait to revisit it!

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Eagleskywalker87 on 12/5/2017 Reply  · 

Hello, again. Yes, it has been awhile, for you and me I guess. A lot has happened to me in the last month or so. Also, Christmas is a busy time for me with work.

Of course. Star Wars is always filled with a lot of secrets. I don’t understand the "lack of originality" complaint with the Force Awakens because I was shocked with some of the plot points (Han being Kylo's father, Rey being the force sensitive one, etc.). And I thought the characters were complex and had a lot of interesting traits to them. There was also at lot of creativity as well as the things that made the original trilogy so memorable!

The only thing that really bothered me was Starkiller Base. It just felt lazy.

That’s also something that I loved about 2049. It’s made by a director who wants to show his vision and the rest of the team is there to help it. Blade Runner 2049 is a very intellectual and visual experience and the runtime was required to fully develop everything. It’s like how you can’t tell 2001: A Space Odyssey in only two hours because it’s meant to be a meaningful experience.

That's also another reason why I can’t wait for The Last Jedi. Let it be an Epic in the Star Wars universe. I would even like a 3 hour Star Wars movie one day....

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