Nils98's User Profile


12/14/2012 joined Flickchart

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7964 rankings / 888 movies / 1447 comments

74 days, 7 hours, 13 minutes spent watching movies

Nils98's Favorite Movies

Mulholland Dr. Vertigo Apocalypse Now Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans Playtime The Red Shoes Twin Peaks: The Return His Girl Friday Tokyo Story The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Nils98's Recently Added Movies

The Rescuers Down Under Taste of Cherry Nostalghia The Sacrifice Orlando


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Comments (118)


shane24 on 8/18/2013 Reply  · 

Wow, I have to say that I think you have great taste in movies! I just went through your top 100 and loved all of them.

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JC13 on 8/18/2013 Reply  · 

Great list! You have awesome taste in movies.

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SLionsCricket on 8/19/2013 Reply  · 

WOOHOO A Lord of the Rings lover! :D I love every movie in your top 9 and they are all in my top 20! :) I'll check out your top 50!

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SLionsCricket on 8/19/2013 Reply  · 

Your top 50 contains incredible picks! Glad to see you also loved The Hobbit! What did you think of Man of Steel?

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Danielod on 9/20/2014 Reply  · 

Thanks man! You've got a pretty nice list yourself. :) Thanks for the friend request!

I recommend all seeing Rear Window, Monty Python, Dr. Stangelove, and Citizen Kane. I love all of them!

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JC13 on 9/21/2014 Reply  · 

Thanks! You have a great list too.

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TheEgant on 9/22/2014 Reply  · 

Thanks bro! Gladiator has a special place in my heart. Always loved the soundtrack too...

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Danielod on 9/24/2014 Reply  · 

That's great! I'm glad you loved it!

I recommend seeing Citizen Kane soon! I love that movie! I got the chance to see it in theaters a few months ago for the first time and it is just brilliant. :)

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Nononsense on 9/24/2014 Reply  · 

Hey man, I'm conducting somewhat of a survey with what I perceive to be the diehard movie fans on this site.. How long has your #1 movie been your absolute favorite? And do you think it will ever change? How loyal and/or biased are you to that movie? Also, the same questions apply for your top 5 as well as your top 10. Are they pretty much edged in stone on your chart or have your top 5 and/or top 10 changed over the past few years?

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Nils98 on 9/25/2014 Reply  · 

#1 have been #1 since I saw it/them about 8-years ago. I don`t think my #1 movie will ever change. I`m very loyal/biased to my #1 film. My top 5, 10, 20 (etc) does change from time to time depending on whether or not I rewatch a certain film, or if i`m lucky I might see a film that enters that VIP-range of films. But my top 5, 10, 20 never gets occupied by completely different films that often. Some of them are edged in stone but not all.

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JC13 on 9/30/2014 Reply  · 

Yeah about 1 1/2 - 2 years ago Inception was my #1. After so many viewings it's just not as good. Once you know all the workings of the dream world all the explanations become a bit redundant. I still love it, but not nearly as much.

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shane24 on 10/1/2014 Reply  · 

Interstellar is the big one for me. But Inherent Vice looks amazing! Have you seen the trailer? I also like the look of John Wick. It won't be an amazing film, but I think it has great potential to be an awesome action flick. Hmmm, I might be missing some, I'll leave another comment if I think of some.

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Nils98 on 10/2/2014 Reply  · 

Interesting that you say John Wick because that's another movie that I'm quite excited for. And yes I have seen the trailer for Inherent Vice and it does look great. Kinda got a Tarantino feel to it.

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saddler16 on 10/1/2014 Reply  · 

Interstellar is the big one for me,I love the other Nolan movies I've seen and I hope this will be just as good.

I see you saw Mystic River and Psycho recently,what did you think of them?

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Nils98 on 10/2/2014 Reply  · 

I loved both. Psycho has to be one of the best horror films I've ever seen. Great score, pacing and writing (really great as the matter of fact). And Anthony Perkins' performance is just outstandingly great.
Mystic River was great aswell. I thought it was a big improvement over Gran Torino (Gran Torino is also great). The performances was the best thing about the film I think. Sean Penn pulled off the greatest performance in his career and Tim Robbins might have done that aswell (and he was outstanding Shawshank). The ending bugged me a bit. It kinda came out of the blue. I even made a joke halfway through the film and said (*SPOILERS*) that the silent kid was the one who did it. The fact that I was right was pretty bad. If the ending had been as great as the first 2-hours of the movie, it might have gotten a 10/10. But now it had to settle with a 9/10.

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Nononsense on 10/2/2014 Reply  · 

Interstellar simply because I'm an avid Nolan fan. Other than that and the Hobbit movie (I loved LOTR but Hobbit not so much), I really don't know what's coming out this fall. I've spent the past 2 years engulfed in discovering old classics that I never got around to watching. That's where I spend most of my movie watching these days.

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Nils98 on 10/2/2014 Reply  · 

Well, if you only could keep an eye on one film that gets released this fall it would have to be Interstellar ;-)

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Wade92 on 10/2/2014 Reply  · 

The big one I'm waiting for is Interstellar. As you can tell by my profile pic I'm a big Nolan fan. I haven't been disappointed by a film of his yet and I want to keep that streak going. Interstellar looks really good from what I've seen so hopefully it doesn't disappoint.

I'm also really wanting to see Gone Girl same as you. I also am looking forward to Birdman, Nightcrawler, and Exodus: Gods and Kings. I guess I could say the Hobbit as well since I'm looking forward to seeing how it all wraps up. I LOVE The Lord of the Rings trilogy but haven't been as keen on the Hobbit films.

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Nils98 on 10/2/2014 Reply  · 

Nolan is one of my favorite directors out there! I've seen six of his films (I haven't seen Following or Insomnia yet) and all of those six are in my top 50. I adore everyone of his films that I have seen.

Yeah as the case is with you, one could probably figure out that I'm excited for the third Hobbit film by just taking a look at my profile pic. I loved both Hobbit films but I can see why people aren't that keen on them.

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JC13 on 10/2/2014 Reply  · 

My three most anticipated for the remainder of the year are Gone Girl, Interstellar, and Inherent Vice.

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Nils98 on 10/2/2014 Reply  · 

Yeah, all three of those are on my watchlist aswell.

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Caesar on 10/2/2014 Reply  · 

I am all about Interstellar. Can't wait for that one. The other one is probably Gone Girl, which I'm going to see Friday.

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Nils98 on 10/3/2014 Reply  · 

Yeah, besides The Hobbit those two are definitely my most anticipated movies releasing this fall.

I'm going to have to wait to see Gone Girl since my local movie theater won't take it in this weekend -_-

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TheHonestFilmFan on 10/3/2014 Reply  · 

I'm pretty excited for Inherent Vice, meself, now. Obligatory statement of anticipation for Gone Girl and Interstellar.

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TheEgant on 10/3/2014 Reply  · 

Your three are my top 3. I'm seeing Gone Girl this weekend. Excited for The Hobbit...but by far...most anticipated is Interstellar...can't freakin' wait.

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PiccoloKing on 10/4/2014 Reply  · 

Yes, yes, looking forward to Interstellar, Gone Girl and Inherent Vice (if it gets released here). Still haven't watched Desolation of Smaug but should I find the time to finish it, I might check out the third installment too.

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shane24 on 10/4/2014 Reply  · 

I think you'll love Gone Girl. I watched it yesterday, and I gave it 5/5 on Letterboxd.

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Nils98 on 10/4/2014 Reply  · 

Awesome. I can't wait to see it!

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Wade92 on 10/7/2014 Reply  · 

Are you a big fan of the Tolkien books as well or do you just stick with the movies?

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Wade92 on 10/8/2014 Reply  · 

I never got around to reading The Silmarillion. I re-read The Hobbit before An Unexpected Journey was released but it's been quite a few years since I read The Lord of the Rings. I've really been wanting to re-read those again.

How often do you find yourself re-watching your favorite movies? Do you watch them quite often or do you let plenty of time pass between viewings to make it more special?

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Danielod on 10/9/2014 Reply  · 

I am very excited for Interstellar as well! I am also pumped to see Fury which also looks amazing. Have you seen the trailer for American Sniper? Man it looks good!

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Area_hulk on 10/13/2014 Reply  · 

Thoughts on There Will Be Blood and No Country For Old Men

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Danielod on 10/15/2014 Reply  · 

What are your thoughts on all of the Lord of the Rings movies? I just re-watched them all last weekend and I just wanted to know what makes Return of the King better than Fellowship of the Ring to you.

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Danielod on 10/16/2014 Reply  · 

Great way of putting it! My favorite is Fellowship because, like you said it is constant throughout the entire movie and doesn't really let up. I love the Mines of Moria and the final battle scene (really all the battle scenes in the movie) and I love how the group is together instead of split up. ROTK is truly incredible as well, it is in my top 30, but FOTR is #12 right now. I too watch the extended editions! :) I think it adds some really good stuff. Like you, I believe that Two Towers is the weakest of the trilogy. It is definitely the slowest and doesn't have a whole lot of action apart from the Battle of Helms Deep which is AMAZING! I can absolutely see why some people believe ROTK to be the best, but I think FOTR is just incredible! :)

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rewster on 10/16/2014 Reply  · 

That is one heck of a Top 10 you've got there.

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Danielod on 10/17/2014 Reply  · 

I definitely agree! I love all three of them! It is probably the most consistent trilogy of all time.

What are you going to see next?

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Danielod on 10/18/2014 Reply  · 

I would definitely recommend 2001: A Space Odyssey! It is a once in a lifetime experience! I also really like Source Code and I haven't seen Trainspotting.

I will probably see The Deer Hunter next. Have you seen it?

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SLionsCricket on 10/26/2014 Reply  · 

I don't have that many films that I'm excited for. I'm mostly not as interested in most new releases anymore but I am dying to see Life Itself. I also want to get around to X-Men Days of Future Past.

Hobbit 3 has me very skeptical. I was disappointed by Hobbit 2 so not too excited for the third installment.

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Danielod on 10/26/2014 Reply  · 

I thought Fury was an awesome war flick. It was very well done. It looks at the extremely harsh aspects of war and is even hard to watch at some points. The action is fantastic and so is the acting. Brad Pitt is excellent and Shia Labeouf gives his best performance ever. :) Everyone else is great as well.

Do you plan on seeing it in theaters?

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Danielod on 10/26/2014 Reply  · 

My bad. ;) I should have checked your recently added movies first. :)

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Danielod on 10/26/2014 Reply  · 

Also, I see you enjoyed 2001 and Zodiac. Those are two of my favorites. :) Thoughts on them?

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Nononsense on 10/27/2014 Reply  · 

Thank you for your reply to my earlier question(s) about your favorite film and your top ten. I asked this question to various people because I've battled with replacing my #1 film for over a year now. I saw Casablanca for the first time in 1999 I think. It left a profound impression on me. It soon became my favorite film as I would routinely revisit it. So, for roughly 15 years, Casablanca has been my favorite film. I've had some really good times with it as well. I first saw it when I was in the military. I just relate to so much of the film. Oddly enough, I relate to both Victor Laszlo AND Rick Blaine!! Victor for the military lifestyle that requires you to be away from the love of your life, and Rick for the duality of choosing between someone you love and doing the right thing. So many themes strike all the right chords with me.

Fast-forward the time to 2013. I saw Vertigo for the first time ever. It blew me away more than any film I had ever seen. Everything about it was brilliant. And the more I watched it, I began to develop an obsession for it. I've never watched a film so many times in such a short span. I watched Vertigo more than ten times in a month. It just drew me in. I wanted to put it as my #1 film, but I didn't want to make a decision based on a knee-jerk reaction. So, I gave it time to see if my affinity for it would lessen. I even forced myself to stop watching it so much. Well, a few weeks ago, I showed it to some friends and family. I discovered that my affection for this film hadn't changed a bit. So now comes the hard part. I almost feel like I'm cheating on Casablanca if I put Vertigo #1. To answer my own question, I'm very loyal to my favorite film of all time. But I think the time has come for me to be true to my chart and put Vertigo at #1.

I've seen Casablanca recently and I still love it as much as I did when I first watched it. But I think I enjoy Vertigo from start to finish a little more than I love Casablanca from start to finish.

I know I'm probably taking this way too serious, but watching movies is one of my favorite pass times. What do you think? Have you ever had this dilemma?

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Danielod on 10/27/2014 Reply  · 

I may or may not see Nightcrawler on Friday! I'm very excited about that one, so I'll definitely try to get out and see that one. :)

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Danielod on 10/28/2014 Reply  · 

Lol, what do you plan on seeing soon?

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Area_hulk on 10/29/2014 Reply  · 

How i wanted it
2015 age of ultron and ant man
2016: cap civil war and doctor strange (Jared Leto being strange)
2017: Black panther and guardians 2 and ant man 2 (i do not want a inhumans film)
2018: Avengers 3 world war three (Civil War makes it's conclusion with the Master of Evil joining) and Captain Marvel (Carol danvers)
Avengers 4 in 2021 with Infinity storyline

That being said - IM STILL FUCKING EXCITED!! Finally ms marvel and black panther joining and Cumberbatch is my second choice. CIVIL WAR NUFF SAID!
also Infinity war DOES still sound very exciting!
Your thoughts?

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Area_hulk on 10/29/2014 Reply  · 

Meant thor 3 ragnarok instead of ant man 2. Ant man 2 in 2018

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Area_hulk on 10/31/2014 Reply  · 

If you love civil war, try out house of m. They are my two favorite comicbook stories of all time

i gotta ask. Nils? That's kinda of a Skandinavien name, no?

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rewster on 11/4/2014 Reply  · 

Did you end up watching 2001 or Chinatown? What did you think?

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saddler16 on 11/5/2014 Reply  · 

Gone Girl was really good,I thought.I didn't really have any idea what it was about going in so I was really surprised by all the twists and turns throughout.

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Danielod on 11/8/2014 Reply  · 

Ya, Interstellar was completely mind-blowing. I'm going to see it a second time tonight. :) I'll let you know what I think of it after that. :)

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Wade92 on 11/9/2014 Reply  · 

What did you think of Interstellar?

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Wade92 on 11/9/2014 Reply  · 

I really enjoyed it too. I was really impressed with how ambitious the film was. It was also very emotional which caught me off guard. Some people may think it's too sappy but I thought the "love" element between Cooper and Murph was the strongest part of the movie.

The only thing I didn't really like was the last 10 minutes or so. It felt very off to me. It seemed like the whole movie was building towards that one moment and when it finally arrived I thought it wasn't emotionally satisfying enough. It seemed like she brushed him off way too fast. How did you feel about the ending?

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Danielod on 11/10/2014 Reply  · 

Interstellar is definitely better the second time around! It jumped up about 25 spots on my chart and may still continue to move up.

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Area_hulk on 11/11/2014 Reply  · 

Jeg er fra Danmark, derfor spurgte jeg....
yeah, that sounded aekard

Anyhow, thoughts on Interstellar?

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Area_hulk on 11/11/2014 Reply  · 


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Danielod on 11/11/2014 Reply  · 

Well said, I too think it is one of the greatest films ever made and having a truly incredible plot, a fantastic cast, superb performances, and a fantastic score by Hans Zimmer himself doesn't hurt. Like you said, I just don't get people who didn't like this movie. It just seems like the kind of movie that everyone walks out awestruck, but sadly, not everyone feels the same way we do. I am proud to say that it is my favorite film of the year and here is a list of my 5 favorite films of this year in order according to my chart:

1. Interstellar
2. The Raid 2: Berandal
3. Nightcrawler
4. Guardians of the Galaxy
5. X-Men: Days of Future Past

I haven't seen all of the best movies of this year, but when I do, I will revise this list. :) How about you? What are your favorite films of 2014?

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Wade92 on 11/12/2014 Reply  · 

I can't wait to see it again. It's a movie that I can't stop thinking about. The whole atmosphere of the film was fantastic and it's one I need to revisit again while it's still in theaters. Where you able to see it in IMAX? I don't live near any IMAX theaters. I saw it on an Ultra-Screen which was still pretty cool but seeing it in IMAX would be insane!

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Area_hulk on 11/12/2014 Reply  · 

what were your pros and cons of the film?

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Wade92 on 11/14/2014 Reply  · 

Oh, I see. The closest IMAX theater for me is about a six hour drive so I knew that wasn't happening for me haha.

I noticed you watched a couple Hitchcock films recently. What did you think?

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Wade92 on 11/15/2014 Reply  · 

I prefer Rear Window of the two as well. That film just really took me by surprise and I was invested the whole way through. That's my favorite Hitchcock film along with Psycho.

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rewster on 11/19/2014 Reply  · 

You're right about 2001, it's very slow paced. I didn't know what to think when I first saw it, but over time it grew on me.

I can never get over GoodFellas. Every time I watch it I'm in awe. I suppose that's how everyone feels about their own personal favourite movie.

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rewster on 11/20/2014 Reply  · 

Well I'm excited for the new Hobbit movie. Even though I don't think they're anywhere near as good as the Lord of the Rings films, I still like them and I'm anxious to see it because this will be our last Peter Jackson Middle Earth film, unless there are any more surprises...

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JC13 on 11/22/2014 Reply  · 

Yeah I didn't like Platoon at all. It was trying too hard to be Apocalypse Now and didn't make any impact on me. Really only one scene stuck out. I also felt it lacked focus.

I rewatched An Unexpected Journey and was severely disappointed by it too. :(

Both Hobbit films are too long and full of unnecessary stuff. It seems like everything has to be turned into an action scene. Gollum and Smaug are easily the highlights of their respective films for me, but even with Smaug they had to turn it into some stupid action scene. Ill definitely see the third one, but my expectations are pretty low.

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JC13 on 11/23/2014 Reply  · 

I wish I could still be as excited as you. :(

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JC13 on 12/25/2014 Reply  · 

Yeah I wasn't a fan at all. Glad you liked it though. Here's my review I wrote for it on Letterboxd (it's kind of long):

Wow. Just wow. That was pretty goddamn bad. I used to love An Unexpected Journey, but had a falling out with it earlier this year. I still think it's pretty good (though this one makes me scared to rewatch the first two). The Desolation of Smaug I also liked, but I was severely disappointed by it. A second viewing dropped my rating of that one as well. Needless to say I wasn't expecting too much from this one, especially after the reviews started coming out. I didn't expect it to be quite this bad though.

This is the first film of the Middle Earth series to not feature a prologue. Instead it picks up right where the last one left off and kills one of it's few redeeming features 10 minutes in. Seriously that cliffhanger at the end of the last one is now fucking pointless. This film needed more Smaug. It also needed more plot. This film is basically a bunch of characters we don't care about, fighting over shit we don't care about, and then everyone dies at the end anyways. Well that was fun. In The Lord of the Rings Trilogy there was stuff at stake. The whole future of Middle Earth to be exact. In this film we see a bunch of greedy assholes fighting over treasure. There's no stakes. Who cares about any of this because it won't change Middle Earth in some drastic way will it?

The stupid love triangle is back and as pointless as ever. This film is full of more shitty CGI than the first two combined. It has too much going on, but also too little. As I said there is really no plot, but all the stupid fight scenes are going on and all jumbled together that you forget who is fighting who. Oh and back to the overuse of CGI, as others have said, yes there is a CGI dwarf. Why you ask? I have no fucking clue. Aside from a big, aimless battle scene the only other plot point is that greed is bad. A bit ironic, isn't it?

All of the little references to the vastly superior Lord of the Rings Trilogy are forced, awkward, and annoying. None more so than the cringeworthy reference to Aragorn. Also all the characters that are in this film from The Lord of the Rings Trilogy that shouldn't be in this movie piss me off. Just because it's a prequel doesn't mean you have to conect every little thing. The fact that it shows Sauron is coming back in these films is actually pretty dumb if you think about it. Why is Gandalf so surprised that Bilbo's ring is the One Ring in Fellowship if he knew that Sauron had already tried to come back? Exactly. It doesn't make any sense, but honestly very little in this movie does.

The Battle of the Five Armies is also full of so many ridiculous moments that made me roll my eyes and cringe at the same time. There was one sequence involving Legolas (who shouldn't be here) that was just complete utter bullshit. I wanted to cry. The fight scenes also lack any tension or real excitement and just come off as artificial as the whole film does. I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of this film was made on a computer. The "emotional" scenes had little impact since I didn't care about any of the characters. Martin Freeman is still my favorite hobbit of the series, but there in lies another problem. He was sidelined in his own movies. It's called The Hobbit for fucks sake! Also, what the hell was up with those wereworms? They show up for a brief appearance and then we never see them again. What was the point?

Richard Armitage does a good job as Thorin once again and Ian McKellan is of course wonderful as Gandalf. The other redeeming feature is Howard Shore's magnificent score. It's not as good as any of the Lord of the Rings ones or An Unexpected Journey's, but I'd say it's better than the slightly disappointing one from Desolation of Smaug. Really the only other good thing about the movie is that it's not boring. It's not what I'd call quality entertainment either, but at least it isn't a snoozefest.

All in all this film is a hugely disappointing finale to a disappointing trilogy that should have been one film. Remember when you could watch a Middle Earth film and actually be invested in the characters? Remember when you could watch a Middle Earth film and feel like something was actually at stake? Remember when you could watch a Middle Earth film where the battles were actually intense and epic? Remember when you could watch a Middle Earth film and actually give a shit about anything that was happening? I do. So from now on, I think I'll stick to those three where I did actually care. 4/10

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JC13 on 12/25/2014 Reply  · 

Thanks for not bashing me for disliking a film you like. I wish I could've liked it.

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JC13 on 12/30/2014 Reply  · 

You make some great points about the film. Surprised you still love it though.

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Wade92 on 1/9/2015 Reply  · 

How would you rank the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit films from favorite to least favorite?

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Wade92 on 1/20/2015 Reply  · 

1) Return of the King
2) The Two Towers
3) The Fellowship of the Ring
4) Desolation of Smaug
5) The Battle of the Five Armies
6) An Unexpected Journey

Lord of the Rings is hard to rank for me since I love them all for different reasons but that's generally how I would rank them. I'm looking forward to watching all 6 in order someday to see how it all plays as one long movie.

What are some of your most anticipated films for 2015?

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Wade92 on 1/21/2015 Reply  · 

Sweet, we have quite a few in common. I too am looking forward to Star Wars, The Hateful Eight, The Revenant, Silence, and Jurassic World. Some others I'm looking forward to are The Walk, Everest, Chappie, Mockingjay Part 2, and Peanuts (hopefully that one isn't a disaster haha).

If you could play any role in any movie what would that role be?

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JC13 on 1/22/2015 Reply  · 

Actor: Jake Gyllenhaal (Nightcrawler)
Actress: Rosamund Pike (Gone Girl)
Supporting Actor: J.K. Simmons (Whiplash)
Supporting Actress: Patricia Arquette (Boyhood)

How about you?

Well my most anticipated by far is The Hateful Eight because of Tarantino.

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JC13 on 1/22/2015 Reply  · 

Jake Gyllenhaal gave the performance of the year in my opinion.

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Wade92 on 1/24/2015 Reply  · 

If I could play any character it would probably be something obvious as well like Batman or Spider-Man since I've always loved the characters since I was a kid. I also thought it would be cool to play Clint Eastwood's "Man with No Name" from the Dollars trilogy.

I still have to see some movies like Nightcrawler, Whiplash, and The Imitation Game before I can truly say who I thought was best.

Rosamund Pike and Patricia Arquette for sure. Not really sure on the others. I really like Eddie Redmayne in The Theory of Everything.

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Wade92 on 2/1/2015 Reply  · 

Any thoughts on Big Hero 6? That one really took me by surprise.

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Wade92 on 2/7/2015 Reply  · 

Yeah, I agree the animation was incredible! Very cool looking. Just the whole vibe the film gave off was great. I'm only a very casual Fall Out Boy listener but that song "Immortals" is really catchy haha. I don't really watch much other new releases for animated films but I'll have to pick this one up on Blu-ray.

I know Jurassic Park is in your top 20, are you pretty excited for Jurassic World? What do you think of the footage they've released so far?

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Wade92 on 2/7/2015 Reply  · 

Haha don't apologize that pun is good! I can't believe this film is finally going to released after being in development hell for so long. I remember them talking about it way back after Jurassic Park III with Britney Spears being attached to star. Hopefully it's worth the wait.

I have to say I have mixed feelings on the whole "trained velociraptor" thing. My first thought is that it sounded kind of lame but you never know it could be cool. I remember in 2007 it sounded so dumb that The Dark Knight had "fake Batmans" in it and it all turns out ok once you actually see it.

Overall I'm looking forward to it but a couple complaints I have is the effects still look so fake compared the original! Even the gate of Jurassic Park looked fake but that could be touched up by time it's released. I also wish the film was darker. Way too bright looking for my liking.

I'm also on the fence about Chris Pratt. I like him in Her and Moneyball but haven't really cared for the other stuff he has done. It would be great if he just nails this role and proves me wrong. I just don't like how he's being positioned to be the next big action star that's the face of numerous big franchises. Do you think he would make a good Indiana Jones? Feel completely free to disagree and tell me why you think he's perfect for these roles if you feel that way haha. I don't get upset over this stuff :)

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Wade92 on 2/8/2015 Reply  · 

Yeah, I'm definitely interested in seeing what they do with it. It would be awesome to see this start a string of great Jurassic Park movies.

What were some movies that really got you interested in movies?

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Wade92 on 2/10/2015 Reply  · 

Nice. The Dark Knight Rises is such a great film.

For me I guess I've always enjoyed movies but I didn't get really serious about it until maybe four or so years ago. I was a pretty causal movie goer but when I saw a movie I really enjoyed it. The movie that really got me into movies was Inception. That movie really blew me away when I saw it in theaters and it's still my favorite film. I knew it was by the guy that had made Batman Begins and The Dark Knight which I loved and I couldn't believe that he kept outdoing himself. I also saw films like The Town, The Prestige, and Shutter Island around that time. A little while after that I started collecting movies and now I'm where I am today where my favorite thing to do is watch and discuss movies :)

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Wade92 on 5/22/2015 Reply  · 

What do you think of the Mad Max films?

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Wade92 on 5/30/2015 Reply  · 

If you weren't as big on the first two, probably avoid Beyond Thunderdome haha. I thought Mad Max and The Road Warrior were pretty decent and fun entertainment but I really didn't care for the third one all that much. And I know what you mean about Road Warrior...I liked it but I'm surprised how it's viewed as one of the best action films. And that kid! You are completely right. He was on my nerves the entire film haha!

I was pretty impressed with Fury Road. Definitely a lot of fun to watch and I always enjoy the work that Tom Hardy does. I'm not as over the moon about Fury Road as a lot of people are but it's for sure my favorite of the Mad Max films so far. I'll be interested to see what George Miller has up his sleeve for the next one. I wonder if he can top Fury Road.

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Wade92 on 7/20/2015 Reply  · 

I thought Kung Fury was awesome. It was one of those things I heard by word of mouth and it turned out to be one of the most original things that I've seen in a while. I'd love to see more similar projects.

Independence Day was pretty good too. It was one of those classic action films that I hadn't seen yet somehow. Goldblum and Smith were both fun to watch. I might be interested in the sequel but I'll have to see.

What did you think of Casablanca and The Fighter?

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Wade92 on 7/24/2015 Reply  · 

Casablanca is without a doubt an outstanding film. I've loved it ever since I first watched it a few years back. It's hard to find a flaw in the film. Everyone in the cast was great and like you said the dialogue was superb. I've always enjoyed classic films and Casablanca is for sure one of the best out there.

The trailer for The Revenant was awesome! I was already looking forward to the film but now that I got a first look I'm pumped even more. The story already had me intrigued but the cinematography looks stunning as well. I love both DiCaprio's and Hardy's work so I'm looking forward to the little Inception reunion. The only Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu film that I've seen is Birdman but I loved that film so hopefully this will be just as good (I know it will be much different haha)

Do you have any thoughts on the Batman v Superman or Suicide Squad trailers from comic con?

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Wade92 on 7/25/2015 Reply  · 

I agree, the Batman v Superman trailer was outstanding! I've seen it numerous times and I still don't get tired of it. It's all shaping up to be a great film so far. Hopefully the film itself delivers. I really liked Man of Steel so I like how this one seems to continue some of those storylines. I was a little worried initially that all the Man of Steel stuff would be left in the dust to focus only on the Justice League.

I thought the Suicide Squad trailer was incredible as well. I loved David Ayer's Fury last year so I hope this film is great as well. I agree with you completely about The Joker. Leto is PERFECT for what they seem to be going for and I actually really like his new look. Not everyone knows but The Joker actually has a lot of tattoos in the comic books and it just makes him look even more deranged. An R-rated Suicide Squad film would be incredible. I want to see a full on mature comic book film again. I know kids are a key market in the genre but I'm tired of some superhero films being too kid friendly. I want to see something a little more intense haha

I thought Ant-Man was ok. Not great but not bad either. Paul Rudd was good in the starring role but Michael Pena was the highlight for me especially in his montage scenes. Now that was cool haha! I'm not a big fan of Marvel Studios though to be completely honest. I think their films could have a lot more depth but that's just me. That's why I'm so pumped for the grimmer DC films so now there will be comic book films for whatever your taste is. What did you think of Ant-Man?

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Wade92 on 7/28/2015 Reply  · 

Ooh, really? I didn't know about Jessica Chastain being in it. She would have been really good. I've always enjoyed her performances in the the films I've seen her in.

You are spot on! I couldn't believe the route they went with the villain. Marvel Studios always has the tendency to have weak and forgettable villains but man this was a whole new level of bad. I think these films would be a lot better if they had villains that left a much bigger impact on the heroes. Like you said Marvel Studios spends way too much time showing their heroes "being awesome" and doing super hero stuff. I'm so happy to hear someone else say that! They never beat them up at all and make them more relatable.

That's what I love about The Dark Knight trilogy is that they never play it safe. They don't go where people expect them too and the great storytelling grounds the characters and makes the action that grows naturally through the story much more impactful and exciting.

I'm super excited (sorry, no pun intended) for the DC films for their grittiness as well. I just love the more serious approach than the Marvel Studios films that just try to have big action fun all the time.

What do you think of Black Swan. I've never seen it but I've always been interested in seeing it.

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Wade92 on 8/1/2015 Reply  · 

Exactly man. I love that look of fear in Batman's eyes when Bane is delivering thunderous blows to his head. You can really see fear and a certain vulnerability in him. He really doesn't know if he will make it out of the fight alive. Having him at the lowest of lows in that film really makes the final act that much more impactful and emotionally satisfying to see him get the redemption he deserves. He has to fight with every ounce of his body and soul to redeem himself and the Marvel Studios films just never touch on that for some reason. I will agree that Winter Soldier is the closest they've come.

Sweet, thanks for your thoughts on Black Swan. I'll definitely try check it out. The only Aronofsky film I've seen so far is Noah. Fincher is one of my favorite directors so another dark toned film seems right up my alley haha.

Yeah, I really liked Southpaw. It might not stay that high on my Flickchart forever but right now it's tied with Kingsman for my favorite film of the year so far. I can see what critics are saying about it being a bit formulatic in terms of plot but I still thought it was well done. If anything I felt that it embraced the formula and made it better. The acting was fantastic and you could really feel for the characters. Gyllenhaal is one of my favorite actors and I thought he knocked it out the park again with this one. His performance really went a lot deeper than just his physical transformation.

What are some of your favorite boxing films? Mine are The Fighter, Raging Bull and Warrior (I know it's not boxing but I still count it haha). Southpaw would be one that list now as well.

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JC13 on 8/5/2015 Reply  · 

Glad to hear it man! They're basically tied for me, but I slightly prefer Once Upon a Time in the West. I definitely understand why people like The Good, the Bad and the Ugly better though.

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Wade92 on 8/6/2015 Reply  · 

Sorry, I didn't see your comment right away. My comments page is all scrambled for some odd reason. Very frustrating!

Raging Bull is such a spectacular film. It was one of those films though where I did really get all the hype the first time I watched it. I enjoyed it but didn't think much else of it. Later on I watched it a second time and I was absolutely blown away. I wish Scorsese and DeNiro would work together again someday. It would be cool to see a Scorsese film with both Robert DeNiro and Leonardo DiCaprio.

I have seen the trailer for Spectre. To be honest the only Bond films that I've seen are the Daniel Craig installments. I enjoyed them but I can't seem to get into them as much as everyone else. Christoph Waltz as the villain is very intriguing though! He's such a great actor and I can't wait to see what he does with the role.

I'm not the biggest Bond fan but I'm interested in checking out the early Bond films to see if they strike my fancy. Have you seen any of the classics?

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Wade92 on 8/8/2015 Reply  · 

The would be incredible if Scorsese did something like that! He'd be the perfect director to handle something like that and would have a good chance of pulling it off. I'm really curious to see what he does with his next film, Silence. The Wolf of Wall Street was so in you face and had such an energy to it that it will be interesting to see how he follows it up. I wonder if he will go a quieter route with a much more subtle film or if it will have a more ramped up feeling of tension or something like that. Either way I'm looking forward to checking it out. I really like both Andrew Garfield and Liam Neeson so I'm looking forward to seeing how it all comes together.

How is Lone Survivor? I've heard really good things but I haven't had the chance to see it yet. I always seem to enjoy Mark Wahlberg in films so I'm somewhat interested in it. Is it worth a watch?

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Wade92 on 8/15/2015 Reply  · 

No worries at all :)

Yeah, I just heard about Devil in the White City a couple days ago! Man that sounds good! That could be one heck of a film. I really like Shutter Island so I'm looking forward to them returning to sort of that high tension/horror vibe.

I had not heard of the Irishman yet. That sounds really good just by the cast alone so far! Thanks for bringing those to my attention, very exciting developments for sure.

Thanks for your thoughts on Lone Survivor. I'll keep the film in mind if I get the chance to check it out sometime :)

Do you have any thoughts on The Hateful Eight trailer? Tarantino in general? I know you have Pulp Fiction ranked very high.

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thejamin on 8/25/2015 Reply  · 

Love your top ten! You have great taste in movies.

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Wade92 on 8/27/2015 Reply  · 

I'm really excited for The Hateful Eight as well. Hopefully Tarantino knocks it out of the park again.

Oh man, I loved American History X! I had heard about it for a long time but just randomly decided to watch it recently and it blew me away. Edward Norton was incredible and it's one of my favorite performances of his along with Birdman and Fight Club. I thought it was a really investing film and really packed a powerful message. I see you have it ranked fairly high on your list. What are your thoughts on the film?

What did you think of Bridge on the River Kwai?

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Wade92 on 8/30/2015 Reply  · 

I see you added On the Waterfront. I just saw that film for the first time last week. I thought it was a very good film with Brando delivering yet another great performance. What do you think was Brando's best role?

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Wade92 on 9/5/2015 Reply  · 

Nice, I'd have to say that his performance in The Godfather is my favorite as well. It was the second role that I saw him in and that's always the one that comes to mind first when I think of Marlon Brando.

I agree with your thoughts on On The Waterfront. It was a really good film but I wouldn't put it above Rear Window or anything. I still haven't seen Seven Samurai. It's strange what films the Academy picks sometimes.

What films are you looking forward to for the rest of 2015?

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lukiushaufoy on 9/6/2015 Reply  · 

Looked through your movies. Nice list you've got great taste.

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Wade92 on 9/12/2015 Reply  · 

Looks like we're looking forward to a lot of the same films :) I'm also looking forward to Star Wars, The Hateful Eight, The Revenant, The Martian, Black Mass, Sicario, Bridge of Lies, Everest, Joy, Steve Jobs, and The Walk.

Other ones I'm looking forward to are The End of the Tour, 99 Homes, The Night Before, Legend, The Peanuts Movie, and Pawn Sacrifice. Some of those have limited releases already but they haven't come to my local theater yet. Macbeth, In the Heart of the Sea and Snowden have my curiousity but I'm not entirely sure if I'll see them yet.

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lukiushaufoy on 10/18/2015 Reply  · 

Man, you have so many badass movies in your top 100. I like the similarites between our top 10. Especially LOTR. What are your thoughts on pixars movies ahd are there any that you didn't like?

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lukiushaufoy on 10/26/2015 Reply  · 

What you said about pixars films perfectly describes my thoughts on them. I saw Inside Out and really liked it. Definitely up there with the other great pixar movies imo.
Pixar is definitely one of the best of their genre imo. The best non-pixar animated movies which I really liked and come to mind were Shrek, How to Train Your Dragon, Kung Fu Panda, The Lion King, and The Iron Giant. I thought Shrek 2 was great also, but hated Shrek 3, and thought Shrek 4 was pretty good but not great. I loved Puss in Boots as well. Thought it was similar in style to Rango which I also liked.

What are your favourite non-pixar animated films? And what are your thoughts on the Shrek films?

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lukiushaufoy on 10/29/2015 Reply  · 

Life Was Beautiful was alright, but I think it's overrated. The one main thing I liked was the father who was a likeable character whom I didn't want to die. But I don't think the pacing was seamless like The Deer Hunter which I felt had similarities. It felt like one minute it was Pink Panther and then suddenly Schindler's List. It was good but not great like some say. I mean the message is apparent, and there are a few good moments but overall it was a pretty "alright" movie. Not one of the saddest films I've seen either. Those would probably be Shawshank, Green Mile, Schindler's List, Up, Inside Out, Toy Story 3, American History X, Saving Private Ryan and Magnolia. Saddest of the bunch would be Green Mile for me followed closely by Magnolia.
What are your thoughts on Life is Beautiful?
And what's your favourite war film? Mine's Lawrence of Arabia.
Also what would you consider are the saddest movies you've seen?

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lukiushaufoy on 11/14/2015 Reply  · 

Actually Return of the King was pretty sad in moments now that I think about it. Definitely my favourite film because it was just top notch in every category: writing, characters, drama, thematic depth, atmosphere, epic scope, set design, lore, character development, soundtrack, coolness... Outstanding film. There are several sad moments in the third one especially. Ones that come to mind is at the end when Aragorn says to the hobbits that they bow to no one. Another would be when Gollum framed Sam. Or maybe when Frodo's near mount doom and he says "The ring is mine." and the look on Sam's face because they had come so far. Actually that was pretty funny imo, because Sam was like "Are you kidding me?". But man the stakes were so high near the end with the big battle and everything it was so damn epic. I think the saddest part in the trilogy for me was Boromir's death, which was even sadder because of the scene where he tried to take the ring from Frodo because it had corrupted him.

Imo a perfect third installment, and especially rare for a prequel to be considered one of the best films ever, let
alone a sequel.
What would be a few other threequels you really like?
Mine would definitely be Toy Story 3 and Indy 3.

Instead of sad though, how about films you found the funniest?
My favourite comedies would probably be Dr. Strangelove, A Shot in the Dark, and Some Like it Hot.
For more modern films though it would be Hot Fuzz, Anchorman, Snatch., Lock Stock, and Superbad.

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lukiushaufoy on 11/25/2015 Reply  · 

Dam, I forgot Holy Grail. That'd be one of my favourites as well, though I haven't seen it in ages. Even the opening credits are funny!

My favourite of the year would have to be Inside Out. Kingsman isn't too far behind. My least favourite would definitely be Jupiter Ascending.

The films I'm looking forward to are The Good Dinosaur, Straight Outta Compton, Sicario, The Revenant, Creed, The Martian, Black Mass, Everest, The Walk, Steve Jobs, MacBeth, Bridge of Spies and Crimson Peak. Some of them are out but I haven't seen them yet. The two I'm looking forward to the most are definitely The Hateful Eight, and Star Wars. I'm anxious about Star Wars though, I don't know how it can be as good the the original trilogy, that seems almost impossible considering they are some of the best films ever, though I'm still excited. No idea how The Force Awakens will turn out though.
How good do you think Star Wars 7 will be?

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lukiushaufoy on 1/17/2016 Reply  · 

Man, The Martian I thought was amazing entertainment. Mark Watney is my favourite Matt Damon performance yet. He puts such a likeability into his role and makes him quite a layered character; it's not always him being positive, like when something goes wrong Damon really pulls off the character well. I actually prefer it to Gravity because it's more on a personal level, which also makes you care about whether the characters succeed. I don't really remember anything too memorable about Sandra Bullock's personality in that film. It's Kind of like why I prefer The Pianist to Schindler's List; which shows the big picture of what happened in the holocaust but the pianist is from the point of view of Adrien Brody and his family so it's kind of more intimate to the audience. I liked every performance in The Martian, the little details about the lives of the characters like the crew gave them a lot of believability. Ridley Scott is great at making even the side characters much more than one-dimensional, like the crew in Alien are really believable as people and not just annoying horror red-shirts. Plus watching Watney figure out clever ways to survive was very entertaining. It was essentially a film about hope while trying to survive and it was very well done. Overall the film had a great screenplay, great message, great visuals, and excellent performances. One of the most enjoyable and one of the best of 2015 without a doubt.

I can't see any new movies in the near future either, I live pretty far away from a movie theatre and won't have any access to one until February (hopefully). I can't wait to see the new Star Wars, hateful eight and revenant, but hopefully they stay in theatres by February. Any upcoming films this year you're looking forward to?

How was The Sting?
I love Paul Newman, and that movie. That's what my profile pic's from!

Say, are you on Letterboxd?
If not, it's kind of like a website where you rate and keep track of films. A lot of users from flickchart seem to be on there.

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thejamin on 1/18/2016 Reply  · 

I loved The Force Awakens to absolutely no end! I actually enjoyed just as much as the originals, however, I'm not quite sure how I'd rank The Force Awakens among the originals. It was a little better than the prequels. I say little, because I'm one of those people who actually really likes the prequels.

Even though I like the prequels, I admit that the acting is pretty bad, the dialogue is horrible, and the CGI is overused. In The Force Awakens, it was refreshing to see great acting, new and energetic characters, decent dialogue, amazing special effects, and of course, the original cast.

What's weird is that I used to complain about The Empire Strikes Back because I didn't like the scenes between Han and Leia. I felt that they were unnecessary and that the film could do without them. Just the fact that Han died made me cherish those little moments between them. So, in a way, The Force Awakens actually made The Empire Strikes Back so much better for me.

Now let's talk about the thing called The Star Wars Holiday Special. Quite possibly the worst piece of filth I've ever seen. To be honest, I was really incapable of watching the entire thing. I just couldn't! I really can't comprehend that this was made by actual people, who thought that this was a good idea! Some scenes were so awful that I was a little unsettled by them. For example, the cooking show scene! That's some freaky shit right there! Jefferson Starship? Are you kidding me?!

Anyway, that's enough of that. Lol. So what did you think of The Force Awakens?

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Wade92 on 1/19/2016 Reply  · 

Yeah, I really enjoyed The Hateful Eight. I'm still not sure where I would place it on my flickchart. I feel like it's a little too high but I've only seen it once so far so a second viewing will give me a better reading. Right now I would put it behind Django Unchained, Pulp Fiction and Inglourious Basterds in terms of Tarantino's other films.

I thought Tarantino did a brilliant job keeping the film investing with only a handful of locations. The film absolutely flew by even with the longer run time. The story kept you guessing and it really reminded me of an old Hitchcock thriller or something. You're looking at all the different characters and are a little suspicious of everyone as the story continues to unfold. His new batch of characters were great as well. Honestly, it's hard for me to pick a favorite character since I really liked all of them. Every character had moments in the film that stood out to me that made think "i'm really digging this character". If I had to pick one it might be Sam Jackson's character.

That score was awesome as well. Ennio Morricone knocked it out of the park with a score that was catchy and gave off a really ominous vibe to match the story.

What did you think of The Hateful Eight? Who was your favorite character?

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lukiushaufoy on 1/19/2016 Reply  · 

I love a good heist movie, and The Sting would be my favourite (I guess it's technically Inception).
Pretty much everything you said describes why I love The Sting so much. I love Paul Newman. He's my favourite actor, pretty much because he's so darn cool and likeable, and I've seen a lot of range amongst his performances as well. I highly recommend Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid if you haven't seen it. Newman and Redford are together in it and it some of the best chemistry between characters I have ever seen in a movie. It's kind of a western but a lot of fun in it's own kind of way.
What are some of your favourite movie duos?

I can't really think of much really that different about Letterboxd in comparison to IMDB. I guess it has a few extra social features but I'd say it's worth checking out. My username is the same on it if you do join.

Say, do you watch any TV shows?
A lot of good ones today that are becoming more like movies.

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thejamin on 1/22/2016 Reply  · 

My new favorite character has to be Rey. The moment she pulled the lightsaber to her, I knew that she was my favorite. That was definitely one of my favorite moments of the film. It was really great to see a female Jedi, something we've never seen before, and something that I definitely didn't expect. I was also surprised that I was just as interested in the new characters as I was the old characters from the original trilogy, if not even a little more.

I didn't have a lot of flaws with the film, except I didn't really care for Maz Kanata. I didn't really find General Hux to be all that menacing. I wished Poe was in it a little more. I understand that in order to introduce new characters, they pretty much had to use the same formula as A New Hope, so the fact that there was basically a new Death Star didn't really bother me. These minor flaws are really outweighed by the pure awesomeness of the movie overall, though.

Hey, what do you think of Disney delaying Episode VIII for seven months, and are you excited for Rogue One? Personally, I don't mind the delay as long they're making the best movie they possibly can. Rogue One seems promising, but I just hope it's not just a cash grab, so that Disney can make more money for Episode VIII. I just hope Disney focuses on it right now, and does a good job with that storyline.

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lukiushaufoy on 1/23/2016 Reply  · 

I like Game of Thrones but I don't know whether it's one of my favourite shows. It has some of my most beloved (and most loathed) TV characters. But a lot of even the characters I like seem to make very...questionable decisions (looking at you Stannis). It's a bit too cynical for me and a lot of the characters I like constantly get killed off. It's just a bit of a downer. I remember when I first saw The Rains of Castamere, I just was like "I'm done". Thank god Tyrion lightens up the mood for me. My favourite show would probably be Breaking Bad. Better Call Saul season 1 was pretty darn good in its own right too, and I enjoyed it a lot. Sherlock and Fargo are other favourites, and I haven't finished The Wire so that's probably my favourite show I'm not caught up to.

My favourite episode would probably be The Laws of Gods and Men. Tyrions trial was epic, and I felt it was very well done and a powerful damn speech. Hard Home would come very close too. Who would be your top 10 characters?
Mine would probably be:
2-Ramsay Snow
4-Jaime (most of the time)
7-Oberyn (Inigo Montoya!)
8-Jorah (this guy doesn't seem to get a break)
10-Jon Snow
Any characters you dislike?
I probably dislike at least one character in every storyline. I hate Joffrey the most easily, also really annoyed by Arya and Sansa. Don't even get me started on Ollie.

I like how original and memorable even the supporting characters are, and I love how it doesn't feel cluttered and the characters still get a lot of development, despite there being so many characters.

Also who are among your favourite non-game of thrones TV characters?
Walter White, Lorne Malvo and Tyrion are all favourites of mine.

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Wade92 on 1/23/2016 Reply  · 

Haha yeah when he was telling that story I was thinking "what the heck is going on here?" Sam Jackson just owns every role Tarantino gives him. It's easy to see why they like working together.

What did you think of City Lights? Have you seen many silent films?

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lukiushaufoy on 1/25/2016 Reply  · 

I used to like Arya, but I dunno, I guess it's how she acts for her training with the face-changing guy. I agree though, GOT has probably the best set of characters in any TV show. Even if one of the really minor characters die it can be a huge shock because they're so memorable.

What are your thoughts on the Sam's from LOTR and GOT?
I actually quite like both.

Also what are your thoughts on the Hobbit movies?

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Wade92 on 1/29/2016 Reply  · 

I've haven't seen a whole lot of silent films either, just a few Chaplin ones so far. City LIghts would be my favorite film of his. Like you said he was able to say so much without verbally saying anything at all. Now that's quite a gift. I've also seen The Artist which was a silent film from a couple years ago. That one was very good as well. It was so cool seeing a modern made film that looks like it was straight out of the silent era.

I also want to check out some of Kurosawa's work as well. I always hear good things from film lovers so I'm looking forward to checking some of the them out.

No reason to feel ashamed. You've seen quite a few of the big classic films. Here are a few older films I would recommend: Double Indemnity, Dial M for Murder, Rebel Without a Cause, Anatomy of a Murder, The Wizard of Oz, The Graduate, The Great Escape and Cool Hand Luke. I really enjoy all of those on top of the ones you've seen already.

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lukiushaufoy on 1/30/2016 Reply  · 

I strongly agree with you on both Sams; I don't understand why people tend to dislike LOTR Sam though. Damn straight Sean Astin's performance was great! Samwise Gamgee is an outstanding character, and one of my favourites of all time too. It always found it weird he called Frodo "Mr. Frodo" all the time though.

I have pretty mixed thoughts about the Hobbit movies as well. I quite like the first two, but I hate the third. It just seems to pointless and completely filler to me. So many unnecessary scenes and cameos throughout the trilogy. I love the adventure feel that they're going in a journey in the first two. They don't in the third one though, they're just sitting around and fighting. I really like some scenes from the trilogy though. Like when Bilbo meets Gollum and Smaug. And wow Smaug is a badass, and amazing looking. Plus the beginning of the first one, in the Shire was pretty much EXACTLY how I pictured it in the book.

I agree, I mean the effort Peter Jackson put into the films. Poor fella, I didn't know he was sick when he did it. He's pretty much the opposite of George Lucas in my eyes. I hate George Lucas now. He just says so many stupid things like he's talking shit about Abrams, (or at least that's what the click-bait in my news feed says, haha) and also the stupid decisions he made regarding the prequels and re-masters. I mean he had the biggest movie franchise in the world in his hands. What the hell happened? My friend said Peter Jackson was talking to a friend of his (I live in New Zealand), and he said the movies weren't what he wanted them to be, and yeah, apparently the studios or whomever really busted his bawls over the whole thing and kept making him put stupid crap in the films, and meddling with it, so yeah. I really like Martin Freeman's portrayal as Bilbo as well. You seen Fargo season 1?
If so what are your thoughts on that?
I thought Martin Freeman was excellent in that too. Him, Idris Elba, and Bryan Cranston are probably my top 3 TV actors from multiple shows I watch. Actually I tend to like most characters from TV shows I like. Any characters from Movies or TV you don't really like or are annoyed by?
How about Skyler White?
Jeez she really got on my nerves.

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lukiushaufoy on 4/2/2016 Reply  · 

Yeah, Flickchart's rankings seem a little bit shoddy. Maybe TFA is so high because a lot of people think it's better than Return of the Jedi (I for one do), though I wouldn't dispute the accuracy of RotJ's rank because the original Star Wars trilogy is so beloved so of course a huge portion of people will have it in their top 10s.
Also weird for something like Ikiru to be higher than The Dark Knight despite the fact that it has lower win rate and ratio of viewers per people with it in their top 20 and no.1. It is no doubt a good film, but it's hardly Kurosawa's best and certainly not deserving of no.13 film of all time.
It'd be interesting to see what the algorithm for calculating movie ranks on here is. I think I remember reading a post saying that a few years ago the number one film on here was The Dark Knight. So they probably changed it so that more old or foreign movies are higher up. Also, I think LOTR trilogy is ranked too low!
What modern films from our era do you think decades in the future will be remembered as the "classics" or greatest films of all time like Lawrence of Arabia and Casablanca?

Before TFA was added, I thought it was a pretty accurate chart for the 2010s. I for one think Inception is almost certainly the greatest film from the 2010s so far. Don't get me wrong, I think The Force Awakens ranks among the best of 2015 for sure, and I wouldn't be surprised to see it in the top 5 films of the 2010s, but to be better than Inception, that's saying a lot. The new characters were absolutely fantastic (I fucking love Kylo Ren), and it explores the Star Wars universe and force a little bit more which is very interesting opening up exciting opportunities for VIII and IX. Love seeing a modern update to the saga that's actually good. It'll be interesting to see what Rogue One's like as well, considering most spin-offs are pretty lame.
By the way what'd you think of TFA?

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lukiushaufoy on 4/6/2016 Reply  · 

Definitely agree with you there on Return of the Jedi and Ikiru.
Are there any films that you would consider underrated?
Not just on flickchart, but in general?

I watched The Force Awakens again recently, and I've gotta say it has a shit ton of rewatchability. It's pretty similar to episode IV but wow, yes the characters really bring life to the story. I'd also like to mention how well the references to the other movies were handled. The characters/cameos didn't feel forced into the story and actually worked really well, unlike some things in the prequels (That shit with C-3PO in Attack of the Clones was obnoxiously stupid).

Can't say The Force Awakens was one of my best movie experiences though. There were several people on their phones and a couple of people brought in big cameras to film the movie or something, which was distracting. Deadpool was even worse. Why parents bring in little children to see the film!?
The best theater experiences (that I can remember well) are:
Toy Story 3 - I grew up with the Toy Story films so this was a huge flood of emotion. The timing of its release was perfect for the time in my life I watched it too.
Interstellar - Absolutely left me in awe, I was marveling at what I was watching.
Kingsman - Had reaalllyy low hopes, but it blew me away with how fun it was. I guess Matthew Vaughn is really my thing.
I can't remember my theater experiences with The Lord of the Rings movies :P
What are some of your worst theater experiences?

Oh, and I remember you saying you watched Fargo and The Walking Dead? Well if you have seen the last episode of TWD what are your thoughts? I definitely understand if you stopped watching the show though, lots of people stop in season 2.

And if you've seen the second season of Fargo what are your thoughts on that?

And have you been watching Better Call Saul?
I still need to catch up on season 2.

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lukiushaufoy on 4/11/2016 Reply  · 

********The Walking Dead Season 6 Spoilers********

What'd really piss me off is if it turns out the first few episodes of season 7 are just filler. And even more angry if it turns out someone like Aaron dies! After all that bullshit filler of the whole of season 6 being teasing Negan and they don't even fucking payoff till over a whole season later! The repetitive Deus Ex Machinas have been done to death now it's just irritating.
Did you hear that fan theory about Carol though? The one where the reasons she feels guilty is because she poisoned Maggie for Negan or something. I'd like to believe that's the case but I honestly don't have faith in the writers, so it's probably them just being sloppy. I would've ditched the show long ago if it didn't have Rick or Daryl. Oh and yeah I think the romance between Rick and Michonne is fucking stupid, just thought I'd put that out there. But yeah I thought Dean Morgan was fucking awesome as Negan.

********The Walking Dead Season 6 Spoilers********

********Game of Thrones Season 5 Spoilers*********

Btw you think Jon Snow's comin back to life? You read the books? I do not.

********Game of Thrones Season 5 Spoilers*********

Gee you've been watching a lot of classic westerns lately. Any thoughts?

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lukiushaufoy on 4/23/2016 Reply  · 

Soz for the late reply man. Flickchart hasn't been working properly lately for me. I highly suggest The Wild Bunch. You'll almost certainly like it, seeing as you liked those other westerns. High Noon and The Magnificent Seven aren't too shabby either.
It seems you've seen pretty much all of the newest great films I've seen, though Warrior is pretty recommendable, so for older films I see there a few you haven't added yet. I highly recommend Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, featuring perhaps Jimmy Stewart's greatest performance next to It's a Wonderful Life, and also the 1931 film "M" which was actually one that surprised me with how engaging it was.
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre and the noir: The Maltese Falcon feature sweet Humphrey Bogart performances and are incredibly solid films.
Oh, and Dial M for Murder I'm sure you'll like if you like Rear Window.
A little bit on the artsy side (though I'm reaallyy not a fan of films that are too "artsy") are The Bridge on the River Kwai, Paths of Glory (which is surprisingly short, humane, and to the point for a Kubrick film).
Dunno what really to suggest, you and me have pretty similar tastes I'd say though according to our top tens. Who are your favourite directors?

Yeah, I hate how AMC has complete creative control over The Walking Dead. Firing Frank Darabont would be the worst decision they've ever made for the production of the show. Downhill after season 1. But yeah even if the Carol theory works out to be true (which I find unlikely because I've lost faith in the writers) there'll probably be a shit ton of plot holes. Any shows you've seen that you think have gotten worse over time?

Yeah I've seen all of those and yeah Yojimbo is definitely better than Fistful, though personally I prefer Fistful by a teeny weeny bit, if only for Clint. I was extremely taken aback with how similar to Yojimbo it was when I first saw it. I prefer For a Few Dollars More also though. But yeah, I also loved the absolute shit out of The Hateful Eight's score, Morricone is a God for sure.

I loved the shit out of The Searchers. Not much to say that you didn't already cover. I liked the themes it tackled, like the racism of the time and Ethan was an excellent character to implement it in the story. I don't remember much aside from the chase scene in Stagecoach but maybe I was just tired. I think it was overall a good film though, the characters were pretty memorable.
Butch and the Kid is fun as hell though. Some of my favourite on-screen chemistry between two (non-loving) leads I've ever seen. But yeah, like The Force Awakens, the characters is what really makes the film.
All really solid films.

Hows was The Jungle Book? And have you seen the original animated one?

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lukiushaufoy on 5/7/2016 Reply  · 

Shame about Idris Elba being underused

Yeah I know about the Chris Nolan hate too, he seems to get dismissed as just a mainstream director makes generic films...but he's so much more. I mean his ambition at least I think is gonna be remembered, and sure he may have little problems with his scripts, but his films are experiences and that's gotta count for something. He's done what I have rarely seen replicated in other films, the feeling after watching Inception, Interstellar, Memento or Prestige. Especially Interstellar, wow, what an experience. I do feel it has its problems but actually if those problems were cleaned up a bit, which I feel could've been done easily for most of them, it would hands down easily be one of the greatest films ever made, and in the same league as LOTR for me. I don't think I've felt any way I have after Interstellar, some say 2001, which I know is good It's extremely slow and doesn't consistently wow me, only the second half maybe. It may be the greatest sci-fi ever, and yes Kubrick is a genius, but it was only on the fourth time watching the film I didn't fall asleep or turn it off. What are your thoughts on 2001?

*********Game of Thrones S06E02 Spoilers**********

Game of Thrones is still good I think, and I don't think it's gotten worse. I didn't like season 5 as much, but only because some storylines annoyed me, like with Arya. But the characters are great, there's nowhere I think lacks focus or any characters I think lack the right amount of development which is really surprising and actually impressive considering the huge cast. Oh and not only that, it's hands down the best music score for a TV series. So yeah I think it's one of the greatest shows ever. And kinda like you said, that huge white walker fight is one of the best things I've ever seen. And yep, Jon Snow is back. Yay. Do you think he'll wast Ollie or he'll just be like "nah it's all good, I understand"?

Oh, and I hope they don't kill Hodor, the fact that he talked makes him even more interesting, it'd be great to learn more about his backstory.

*******Game of Thrones S06E02 Spoilers End********

For shows that got worse that I've seen would be The Office US, which went downhill by about season 7 or 8, though the last few episodes were very good. I haven't seen the entirety of the simpsons but yeah, like everyone says, it's definitely not as good. Oh and Walking Dead. Like first season was great, second season was shit, and from then on, maybe only 3 episodes a season I would call good. I don't think there are any others I've seen that have gotten notably worse except maybe Arrested Development season 4, which I know had some very clever moments, but the shift in pacing really didn't work for me.
Actually no I haven't seen Hannibal thought I might check it out. Only reason I've not seen it is because I've heard the Silence of the Lambs sequels are pretty meh. If I check those out I'll definitely check Hannibal too. Mads Mikkelsen is such a great actor.

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lukiushaufoy on 5/12/2016 Reply  · 

Yeah, 2001 has grown on me quite a bit. The pace is unforgivable for me personally but there a few brilliant moments I like. When Dave is taking apart HAL is absolutely haunting when he starts monologuing and singing. Oh, and the bedroom scene, with the noises in the background. So he's like in some Alien "zoo" right? And these higher life forms who placed the monolith/s brought him to it. When I realized those strange sounds are diagetic and other forms of life from around the universe, not shown but you can hear them, probably in some other "enclosure" near Dave's. It blew my mind and really creeped me out.

******Game of Thrones & Breaking Bad Spoilers******

So yeah, I'm actually surprised he killed Olly. Oh well, the little shit had it coming, haha. One thing that fascinates me about the show is how it's not afraid to kill off huge characters, I mean ones you get to know for years, and then they suddenly just get wasted like it was nothing. The Walking Dead is kind of like that but Thrones handles it MUCH better.

Hmm, I love almost all of the shows I watch, but my favourite would have to be Breaking Bad. The best thing I've ever seen put to screen, with several of my all-time favourite scenes. There's maybe one stand out "HOLY FUCK THIS IS AMAZING" scene or episode from each show I watch that raises the bar really high, but Breaking Bad had several of these. I'm still reeling from Gus Fring's death and that fucking zoom in on the Lily of the Garden. Ozymandias is one of the most dramatically powerful things I've ever seen on a show . Game of Thrones also had a lot of these golden moments, Tyrion's trial being a personal favourite of mine, The huge White Walker battle, Red Wedding, Oberyn's death is one of the most shocking and disturbing I've ever seen. Let's just say that on a top 10 list of my all time favourite TV moments, Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad would occupy at least half the list.
Oh, and I hear a lot about this tower of Joy. Something about Ned Stark's sister? No idea what could be. Any way you can explain what it is without spoiling?
I'm absolutely pumped to see where Bran's storyline goes with the time travel thing. I mean shit. The show's stakes just jumped up a whole nother level. FUCKING TIME TRAVEL. Actually I have literally no clue where any of the storylines are going to go.

Btw, Stannis and The HOund. Do ya think they dead? It didn't show their deaths, and though they're implied II like to think they're still alive, despite Stannis being a total shit.

***Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad Spoilers End***

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smatticus on 10/25/2016 Reply  · 

Awwww thanks, how kind of you. I must say I haven't been using it much in a while, in part because I haven't been watching too many films for a while (on a fairly time-intensive training course at the moment). I admit I do tend to gabble a bit with my opinions but I also like to use this site to give mini-reviews as well, hence why they tend to be a bit wordy. But thanks for the compliment!

Now, just need to make a fake second account whereby all the Marvel movies are the best movies ever and anything DC comics/Christopher Nolan-related automatically loses every match up with the most exaggeratedly vitriolic comments possible! Then there will be balance in the realm of Flickchart, if you know what I mean! XD

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ChrisFilm85 on 8/18/2021 Reply  · 

Nice profile picture

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