The Dark Knight vs. The Empire Strikes Back



Oh this is evil. EVIL! Sorry Joker, but carbonite Han, Boba Fett, Lando? No contest. ESB wins.

Evil indeed, but Starwars win.

Third time i get this today.

No. I love Star Wars (at least, the original trilogy). But TDK is THE BEST sequel ever made. Period. No contest.

Now how the hell should I reach a decision with these choices. *eats hand*

'Empire Strikes back' hands down, no question, however you want to put it. With the epic Hoth battle, intro of Lando, Yoda and much, much, much, much, MUCH, more. It is a movie jampacked with content and awesomness. Seen it over thirty times and still discover another layer of greatness with subsquent viewings.

You're really torturing me! Star wars

Joker was great but Vader hands down best villian. Great effects for its time.

No way TDK wins this one. It's Star Wars all the way!

Can't stop The Empire

Nolan's worst film would beat The Empire Strikes Back. This is one of the best directors of our time that we're talking about. Lucas is an overrated hack of a director and, especially, a screenwriter. Therefore, Lucas' best is no match for Nolan's best.

This is a toughy. I'm gonna have to go with Star Wars

Quite possibly the two gretest villains to ever hit cinema-the joker, and darth vader. Two of the most iconic protagonists ever to be in a movie-Batman, and Luke Skywalker. In the end, I'm going for TDK, because of competence of the director. George Lucas doesn't understand the fundamentals of what makes his own work great, while Christopher Nolan clearly does.

Ouch! As I love the Dark Knight, especially the Joker, the revelation of the Empire, even if everybody know it and it was ruined by the prequel trilogy, is the greatest of all time.

my number 1 and number 2.... being the comic book geek i am and how much i have always enjoyed Heath Ledger's acting i have to go with TDK. but only just barely....


Dark Knight for sure. Two great movies.

@Charyou_Tree: Lucas didn't actually direct The Empire Strikes Back, which is part of the reason why it's the best Star Wars film. He also receives only story credit, and not screenplay credit, which is another part of the reason why it's the best Star Wars film. Lucas is a great idea man; Star Wars and Indiana Jones are proof of that. He's also been a great pioneer in the technology of moviemaking. But he is not a great director, and he can't write dialogue. See my previous comment about why The Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie.


The best Star Wars film beats the best Batman film. The Empire Strikes Back is Geek heaven personified.


The best Star Wars film beats the best Batman film. The Empire Strikes Back is Sci - Fi Geek heaven personified

The Dark Knight has got to be the best, most genuine superhero movie ever and the thing I liked about it is that it wasn't commercialized there wasn't a dark knight toy at mickey d's. I respect Chistopher Nolan so much for not selling out because he knows that theres more to cinema than money. For that I give this one to The Dark Knight.

I'd rather be a Jedi than Batman. Still I'd rather have Wayne's billions than a LightSaber. Meandering desires aside, Empire's still better.

TOUGH Call. Empire... by a hair.

ESB it has the perfect blend of comedy/action/drama in scifi. TDK is amazing and should be in my top 5 but esb should be in the top 3...

Nobody will remember The Dark Knight in 10 years. Once the novelty? value wears of and all that "gotta-see-it-because-Heath Ledger-died" disappears in time people will realize it is one of the most overrated movies ever. Good sure. A milestone masterpiece?? Not a chance in hell. Star Wars transcends generations.

The Dark Knight is my all time favorite flick, although I do have a Darth Vader emblem...yeah, that's right!

The two greatest sequels that I have ever seen...but The Dark Knight will always have a place in my heart as well as the Empire Strikes Back...But I have to go with The Dark Knight.

ok, this made me pause. i might as well right a comment. well, one overrated, the other overplayed, both two of my alltime favorites (what? overrated means not good? of course not) it's a hard one, but i'll go with star wars because i saw the dark knight a few days ago, and i haven't seen empire in a while

Oh gosh. Dark Knight wins.

Nevermind, Empire it is.

The Dark Knight was great, but come on, it's Empire ftw!

The Force is strong with one of these...and I think it's obvious which one...

Dark Knight is considered the ESB of the 21st century, but for me, the acting and tragic moments are more palpable in TDK. The Dark Knight for the Win!

Look, I LOVED Dark Knight, and have loved the character Batman since I was a kid, but there it's not the movie that Empire is. I think Flickchart has become a little 'prisoner of the moment' with TDK and Inception and now Drive, being ranked among the best movies of all-time. Heath Ledger had as brilliant a performance as any actor in a long time, but TDK is in no way perfect. Empire is a classic, and, as much as I love TDK, it isn't on that level, yet.

but it's*

The Empire Strikes is arguably one of the greatest films of all time

Of course Empire is better

Theres no way TDK measures up to The Empire Strikes Back.

The Dark Knight is miles ahead of Empire.No freakin contest.

come on you guys.. lets get real... it's Empire!

Dark Knight is entertainig but come on! Its The Empire Strikes Back as my winner.

Both good sequels and very dark. It is a tough one and they are very much the same.

Why so serious?

Dark Knight = Overrated. Dude...It's Empire!

TDK is the best sequel ever made after The Godfather: Part II.

Empire Strikes Back

I dont like any of theme...

two of the best sequels ever made. empire still wins

Very hard, as said two of the best sequals, both will stand the test of time, but empire will have to win

Dark Knigh,t ive never really like Empire Strikes Back. If it was New Hope it would be the easy decision to make that is my favorite movie of all time.

Dark Knight ive never really like Empire Strikes Back. If it was New Hope it would be the easy decision to make that is my favorite movie of all time.

Dark Knight, ive never really like Empire Strikes Back. If it was New Hope it would be the easy decision to make that is my favorite movie of all time.

Dark Knight, ive never really like Empire Strikes Back. If it was New Hope it would be the easy decision to make that is my favorite movie of all time.

Never was a fan of Lucas or Star Wars. The Dark Knight it is.

The Dark Knight by far.

*2nd best

ESB is a damn good movie but TDK is a DAMN GOOD movie. That's pretty much it.

Crappy prequels and a mediocre finale aside, The Empire Strikes Back is not only one of the best sequels ever made, but it's also one of the best movies ever made. Period. The Dark Knight is also one of the best sequels ever made, much better than the overrated (NOT underrated!) Batman Begins, which wasn't anything special and had some very cheesy lines ('Nice coat', 'Didn't you get the memo?' and 'I've got to get me one of those.'). But is The Dark Knight one of the best movies ever made? I personally don't think so. It's great, but come on; better than The Empire Strikes Back?

And with finale I mean (the end of) Return of the Jedi.

there are things in the dark night that don't make sens and batman's voice is stuped.Empire strikes back is the best film ever made.

Two of the greatest sequels and also both are in my top 15. I know I'm in the minority, but I actually prefer the third entry in both series's, but on this matchup I'm going with Batman.

Both top 15 for me as well and two of the very best sequels but ESB...without a doubt in my mind. It is that much more amazing in everyway

Interesting matchup, but Empire is better.

Star Wars, hands down. It has a better storyline, a better cast and even a better villain.

TDK get's weaker every time I watch it. The whole "Harvey Dent is the only one who can save Gotham" thing, feels rather contrived. I'm starting to wonder how much I actually enjoyed the film in the first place or if was just buying into the hype. Perhaps another viewing will cement my feelings on it. Anyways, ESB murders here.

Yes, someone is with me.

I am trying to say that Empire is a better film, DUH!

Empire is the supreme sequel next to GF2.

TDK without a doubt.

Another battle of the sequels. I like TDK more, but I'm voting for Empire. It's a greater landmark film, has had a larger impact on Hollywood blockbusters, and has that gut-wrenching twist.

An epic match-up between two of the best sequels ever made and two of the greatest villains in a movie. Empire is probably the greater sequel as no one expected it to top the original Star Wars back in 1980, whereas The Dark Knight definitely had some potential to top Batman Begins. However, I think The Dark Knight is overall the better film, sorry Empire.


Probably my two favorite second installments in a film series right here. Before I went with the Batman, but now I'm gonna have to go with the force. Nostalgia wins.

Empire Strikes Back is by far superior better, The Dark Knight is too overrated and it will never be able to hold its popularity as long as Empire Strikes Back has, Star Wars transcends generations. Darth Vader beats the crap out of the Joker. Empire Wins totaly.

in both franchises the second movie was the best, but gotta stich with empire. Superb

Went back and watched TDK again, and I'm changing my vote. Such an awesome flick.

Indeed Empire

Dark Knight

The Dark Knight wins no contest.

This is the hardest one I've ever done. These are 2 of the best sequels and movies ever made. But, at this moment i like empire more but that opinion changes constantly

Two of the best genre films of their respective decades, two of the best sequels ever made from two of the best trilogies ever made, but whereas it took a long time for Empire to work its way up my ladder of preference, I loved The Dark Knight from the first viewing, and my opinion of it hasn't changed even with the sub-par sequel and the saturation of comic-book superhero films on the market. The Dark Knight wins.

Empire Strikes Back is way better. The Dark Knight is way too much overrated.

I watched both recently and Star Wars just doesn't hold up well. The Dark Knight just keeps getting better.

My own comment from five years ago about being so positive The Dark Knight is THE BEST SEQUEL EVER makes me chuckle. I'm still choosing it, but boy, I need to stop being so emphatic!

Two of the best sequels ever made.

Two of most overrated sequels ever made.

The Dark Knight wins a fairly close one. Both are Top 10, and both defeats their - admittedly still incredible - predecessor's with ease.

Dark knight easily.Every star wars movie sucks

The Empire Strikes Back is perfect while The Dark Knight is near perfect. Both amazing films and in my top 10. Star Wars wins.

Maybe the 2 best sequels ever made. Tough but my heart is telling me TDK

Both are great. Empire is a bit better but not very.





Both are epic masterpieces. What the Dark Knight is to superhero movies is what Empire Strikes Back is to Star Wars. Both these movies will never be topped in their respective genre. I have to give the edge to Empire Strikes Back, for that is my favorite movie of all time.

Dark Knight definitely is better here..

Empire is better here and everywhere..

Empire is better here and everywhere..

Empire is definitely better here and everywhere..

Dark Knight is much better prominent, Empire can't be that comparable.

Never mess with Cxfatesniper8ck -- here or anywhere...

Never mess with Cxfatesniper8ck -- here or anywhere...

Empire Strikes Back for the easy win.


Na Na

Na Na Na


I've seen the light! That Na na na na song did it! TDK rules!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have to go with the dark knight.

The Dark Knight, by a wide margin. It has a far superior villain, action scenes, a much better soundtrack and a better director. This isn't even close or debatable. TDK is by far one of the greatest movies of all time.

Without a doubt Empire Strikes Back was revolutionary at it's time. This movie could've very well changed cinema forever (including the other originals). But I must say watching The Dark Knight and then ESB right after I found myself bored. Christopher Nolan rebounded Batman (with Batman Begins too) after the unsuccessful Batman and Robin. Nolan created a superhero masterpiece. Being a Marvel fan I never thought I could like a DC movie. Boy was I wrong. The Joker cannot be matched. Not by Vader and not by anyone. It took true talent to act a character like his. By far the greatest villian ever to be created and the greatest acting. The Dark Knight does not get old for me every time I watch it. The Batman was was wonderfully acted by Christian Bale. The whole movie has me on the edge of my seat. If you have not watched it it has to be a must. Hans Zimmer did a fantastic job with the soundtrack to make every sound just as great. Im sorry Empire but nothing compares to this Christopher Nolan masterpiece.

The Dark Knight, The Godfather Part II, The Empire Strikes Back are the best sequels ever

The best of TDK trilogy vs The best of the Star Wars trilogy, as well as the second installments of each trilogy; neat. The Dark Knight takes it, but both are great.

My 2 favorites of all time . But my nostalgia wins out. I got empire

TDK wins, though it's close because of nostalgia.

My #1 vs my #5. As awesome as Empire is, I feel like The Dark Knight is a better made film in terms of the acting, the plot, and the cinematography.

Empire. Dark Knight is overrated.

TDK is more impressive and just as fun. Plus, Joker > Vader.

Neither qualifies as the greatest sequel of all time to me, but I do prefer The Dark Knight, just a bit more. I feel that it's a more suspenseful film and it grips me more. It also just suits my tastes a bit more than Empire does. I love science fiction movies, but I love crime thrillers/dramas more. So yeah, gonna go with TDK for now.

Empire is fuckingly overrated

The Dark Knight, both definitely qualifies as one of the best sequels of all time, top 5 at least

Both are some of the best sequels of all time, not just improving on the original but showing that both genres can go in a more darker and more mature style of tone and that's the reason that both are some of my favorite movies of all time. But The Dark Knight because of the intense action sequences, the visual style is interesting, the effects are amazing, the sound design is some of the best I've ever heard in a movie and Ledger's posthumous Oscar-winning performance as The Joker is one of the best performances i've ever seen in a movie.

TDK Is my favorite Movies TDK Win

Dark Knight even beats the great ESB. Dark Knight is so great it wins again

Both are masterpieces but I think I’m gonna go with The Dark Knight

TDK is better, I hate the empire strikes back

Dark Knight just as far superior ACTION, far superior CGI. I just love the gangster universe of Dark KNGIHT FAR MORE. Empire is very amazing and nostalgic but DARK KNIGHT is a different level. No comparison. DARK KNIGHT wins

The dark knight is much decent and honor of masterpiece

The two best sequels in existence, but ESB is still ESB

The two best sequels in existence, but ESB is still ESB