Star Wars vs. Star Wars: The Force Awakens



How will The Force Awakens stack up to the #1 globally ranked flickchart film. I am predicting it doesn't quite live up to the original, but probably somewhere around Return of the Jedi so third or fourth best film of the franchise December 14 can't come soon enough.

The only compelling thing in The Force Awakens was its twists, and "y'know-what". What don't helps it was a so shitty villain. Star Wars's a masterpiece on the other hand.

...Hmph. I guess Star Wars wins. But to be fair, The Force Awakens is probably the better made film, featuring better performances, more diverse camera work, more exciting action and funnier humor. But, I don't know, it's just tough to compare the two when The Force Awakens is still brand new.

Nah, nothing beats the original.

Loved The Force Awakens, but the original is damn near unbeatable for me.

Nope. Nothing at all...

I think TFA is slightly better. But not by very much.

I'm currently debating how much I liked The Force Awakens. I liked aspects of it better than the original, to be honest. But for now, I'll let the original win.


TFA is oddly revisiting the story beats of ANH for some reason, and still managing to be the best Star Wars movie since the 80s (not a hard task to achieve, mind you), but it doesn't beat the original movie, which is a classic by any standard.

The Original Star Wars is the obvious choice

They are basically the same in my opinion

The Force Awakens.

The original of course.

The one which introduces great new characters, with a lot of family and daddy issues, where a bunch of troopers invade a base and attack a bunch of rebels and the leader who wears a special outfit and helmet (who has an evil master and evil assistant general kind of guy) uses the force to interrogate the rebels on where the stolen plans to defeat a giant planet-destroying base the baddies own are, but the plans are stored in a cute fugitive rebel droid which must take care of said plans on a sand planet, where the droid is attempted to be kidnapped, and meets a young skilled tinkerer future-jedi protagonist who lives a meh life, unaware of the hugeness and wonder of their universe. But oh no, the troops have found the group of good guys in the sand village full of douches so they escape on a piece of junk ship. They go to a cantina, join with some of the rebel allies on a forresty green planet, and then they sneak onto the enemy base, but oh no, the old mentor guy gets killed by the former-ally and big baddie with a red lightsaber, and the young protagonist must use the force to save the day and in the end the rebels destroy the giant planet-destroying base by flying their X-Wings over to it and shooting the weak spot. Eh, a New Hope (though I don't like calling it that) over a New New Hope, though they're both real good.

If people stopped looking at the original from a nostalgia angle and look at it as a movie than this would be closer. Don't get me wrong, the first one is great but it's not all that well done. I mean for it's time yes it's great and it paved the way, bla bla. Still, if you compare two movies you need to take nostalgia out of it. Force Awakens is actually a tad of a rip off of the original but it improved. It has much better everything. EXCEPT the villain. Nothing but the Terminator trumps Vader.

The force awakens

Both suck, but the first one is at least somewhat important and kinda original. The Force Awakens is just a dumb and too familiar rehash; release the same film with just a few little differences and of course all the same guys will like it.

Even though Force Awakens gets a lot of flack, I still love it and find it endlessly rewatchable. However, the original outclasses it!

The original, of course.

The original movie was an absolute masterpiece. It was completely original, had great visual effects (for the time), and had great humor, action, and characters. TFA on the other hand, had some good moments, but the main character kinda sucked, the main villain completely sucked, and the storyline was mediocre at best. Star Wars clearly beats TFA without any debate whatsoever, and those who say otherwise are too young to understand the beauty of the first one.