300 vs. Gladiator



Butler and Crowe look really similar here

300 owes a lot to Ridley Scott, and GLADIATOR specifically. I perceive a substantial gap in quality, here.


Gladiator. Hands-down. It actually had a lot of character development -- something 300 greatly lacked.

300 tries its best to be an entertaining, yet relatively vacuous affair and fails. Not even its action sequences, as slathered with blood as barbecue wings are with barbecue sauce, manage to entertain. Gladiator, on the other hand, incorporates a plot and characters without having them feel flat and secondary, as in 300. And, was I entertained? Yes, Maximus, I most certainly was.

Good lord, it's like night and day. 300's unique visual style is the best thing I can say about it. (It's a lot like Sin City that way.) But Gladiator is far deeper, with great, great direction and acting. It's an all-time favorite. 300 is...well...not.

300 is fun, nothing beyond that. Gladiator is great film making.

ditto on what everyone else said, except I was a bit underwhelmed by Gladiator. I enjoyed it fine - the action sequences were great, and fairly unique at the time - but the best film of the year? For a re-hash of Spartacus?

Loved both, but giving the edge to Gladiator.

300 was fun but cartoon slow motion can't hang with a classic like Gladiator. If you combined these two and added a ton more sex, you'd have Spartacus: Blood and Sand!

Dumb without the fun is really as bad as cinema can get.


Took a long time for someone to finally side with 300. Sure, it's enjoyable as a popcorn munching flick, it has nowhere near the emotional depth of Gladiator. It won Best Picture for a reason, folks. Everything about it is perfect.

One of these films is about ancient warrior fighting against impossible odds while the other is the crap known as 300.

Gladiator by a mile. Better action, better story, better acting and all in all a better experience. Russel Crowe's powerful performance blows Gerard Butler's overacting out of the water.


And 300's ending is just too epic

Gladiator triumphs. 300 is legendary, but not quite Gladiator legendary.

300 is great to look at, but Gladiator had the superior story.

On my command....THIS...IS...SPARTA!

300 is alright, but I'm not a big Zak Snyder fan (Watchmen is still the only Snyder film I actually hold in high regard) and 300 is a perfect example of why; once you've gotten over the visual style, ridiculously oiled up six-packs in rubber pants and amusingly silly dialogue which has been ripped of whatever weight it had by Youtube and various meme websites, there isn't much left. I also recon if you played the entire film at normal speed it would be about half its actual runtime. Gladiator may not be a perfect film (a lack of character development in the three main characters, and I actually prefer Russell Crowe in Master and Commander), but it's still a treat to watch, and one of Ridley Scott's finest in my opinion. Plus I love Oliver Reed, Derek Jacobi and Richard Harris, however small their roles may have been. All three of them are gods of acting. Gladiator it is.

Depends on if you want to entertain your eyes or your brain.

300 is all style over content. I remember hardly anything from 300, but Gladiator sticks in your mind.


Gladiator is overly stylized, but 300 is even more overly stylized.

I know 300 is over-stylish and sloppy but I had much fun with it.

300. Shorter, more action, more fun, my favorite sword-and-sandal movie of all time.

300 is great fun with a magic and epic war scenes but the Gladiator is perfect in story and acting one of the best of the genre.

Gladiator kind of bored me, 300 is my favorite between the 2.

Didn't like 300. Gladiator wins this one easily.

Clearly Gladiator


Gladiator by a landslide.