Titanic vs. The Shawshank Redemption



both are great movies, but titanic is the best

Titanic has not held up well over the years, Shawshank on the other hand it still a great and entertaining movie.

Shawshank Redemption by a landslide.

Shawshank by mugging...

I'm pretty much a Titanic apologist (I don't get the backlash against it), but The Shawshank Redemption is so much better.

Yes, Shawshank is a far more interesting story than that overlong, bloated mess known as Titanic.

Shawshank wins Titanic is one of my most hated movies.

Shawshank wins this one

SHAWSHANK ANY DAY............Titanic is severely overrated and not worthy of 11 oscars...The thought of Shawshank not winning a single oscar makes me shiver...

Both overrated Shawshank is very good though Titanic is still a shitstorm of a movie

Shawshank wins easily.

Shawshank wins for me now.

Shawshank wins in a surprisingly close matchup

Shawshank anyday!!!

Shawshank is a much more intriguing film that doesn't have eh moments about it like Titanic does making Shawshank the winner in my book

One very close match.

Titanic held up pretty good for years.

Shawshank has sunk this ship. Sorry I’m not good with puns, anyway you get the point!


Shawshank has a devoted fan base that I have never understood even though I liked the film. There is somewhat of a backlash to the Titanic but it still has its devoted fans like me.

Shawshank redemption.....easy peacy japanesy

I also don't get the Titanic backlash but The Shawshank Redemption is 100x better