Avengers: Infinity War vs. Captain America: Civil War



Civil War or Infinity War? Civil War is a really good film with weak elements but it felt more coherent and grounded in reality. Infinity War is a 160 minute splash of awesomeness without any focus and it constantly feels like it’s just setting up Avengers 4. I liked how the characters reacted with each other in Infinity War but they all seem very weak despite 18 movies of development and the movie doesn’t have much emotional depth. It was a fun ride, but thinking about it makes me realise how awful its writing was. Civil War for having much better characters and a tighter script!

Real war. Both great but Infinity War makes the Civil War look like a scrimmage.


I love both, but Civil War was a total 5/5.

Infinity War felt like it had a lot more stakes than Civil War which was mostly just watching a few buddies pulling their punches. Not that I think Infinity War's ending is set in stone at all, but it was definitely the more impactful film for me.


Two classics. Infinity War because the states were at an all-time high.

Infinity War it's just far superior..

My two favourite MCU films but Infinity War takes it here

Tough one. But Infinity War defeats Civil War in terms of entertainment and Thanos is the greatest CBM villain since TDK's Joker. So my vote goes to A:IW.

IW But it's extremely close. Civil War has a much better message, tone and action scenes. IW has better pacing, special effects and it's more rewatchable due to Thor's arc.

I love civil war more than infinity war.

Civil War is way better

The Russos are really great

IW is the best MCU movie

Infinity War is the best MCU movie so far, Civil War is top 5 MCU movies too, Russos are the best thing that has ever happened to the MCU

Infinity War, Better Villain, More rewatchable, Villains and supporting characters are better, Less plot holes

Civil War is top of the Marvel tree for me, it springboards virtually every character in it to new heights and introduces Black Panther, Spiderman and Zemo so brilliantly. Infinity War was quality too but the way the Hulk was treated and some other gripes did take some of the shine off what was a true achievement of film-making. I appreciate the comments about the stakes though, the ending of Infinity War and Thanos as a villain were something special..