The Top 100 Worst Space Adventure Movies of All Time

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The Top 100 Worst Space Adventure Movies of All Time
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
62404 The Adventures of Pluto Nash 2002 Ron Underwood PG13 -
16558 Wing Commander 1999 Chris Roberts PG13 -
11262 Lost in Space 1998 Stephen Hopkins PG13 -
9946 Mission to Mars 2000 Brian De Palma PG -
19575 Cat-Women of the Moon 1953 Arthur Hilton NR -
44141 Star Wars: Revelations 2005 Shane Felux PG -
24305 Suburban Commando 1991 Burt Kennedy PG -
9046 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within 2001 Hironobu Sakaguchi PG13 -
47392 Manhunt in Space 1956 Hollingsworth Morse NR -
38093 Leprechaun 4: In Space 1997 Brian Trenchard-Smith R -
39745 Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers: To Live and Die in Starlight 2002 Michael Vejar NR -
8292 Red Planet 2000 Antony Hoffman PG13 -
15679 Jetsons: The Movie 1990 Joseph Barbera NR -
54471 Zenon: The Zequel 2001 Manny Soto G -
15851 Supernova 2000 Walter Hill PG13 -
19483 First Spaceship on Venus 1960 Kurt Maetzig NR -
49321 Cosmos: War of the Planets 1977 Alfonso Brescia PG -
15962 Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins 2000 Tad Stones G -
39814 Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century 1999 Kenneth Johnson G -
37615 Turkish Star Wars 1982 Çetin Inanç NR -
21819 Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet 1965 Curtis Harrington NR -
54637 2001: A Space Travesty 2000 Allan A. Goldstein R -
67377 Space Mutiny 1988 David Winters, Neal Sundstrom R -
21926 Missile to the Moon 1958 Richard E. Cunha NR -
14422 Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius 2001 John A. Davis G -
5731 Space Cowboys 2000 Clint Eastwood PG13 -
33105 Battle for Terra 2009 Aristomenis Tsirbas PG -
5228 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 1989 William Shatner PG -
38345 Crash of Moons 1954 Hollingsworth Morse NR -
17452 Galaxina 1980 William Sachs R -
5109 Star Trek: Insurrection 1998 Jonathan Frakes PG -
16354 Captain EO 1986 Francis Ford Coppola NR -
45586 Toward the Terra... 1980 Hideo Onchi NR -
31892 Heavy Metal 2000 2000 Michael Coldewey, Michel Lemire R -
25504 Planet of Dinosaurs 1979 James K. Shea PG -
10654 The Green Slime 1968 Kinji Fukasaku G -
13761 Mom and Dad Save the World 1992 Greg Beeman PG -
3583 Moonraker 1979 Lewis Gilbert PG -
11546 Rocketship X-M 1950 Kurt Neumann NR -
10809 Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone 1983 Lamont Johnson PG -
8901 Saturn 3 1980 Stanley Donen R -
15901 Starcrash 1978 Luigi Cozzi PG -
10536 The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury 2004 Peter Chung NR -
16001 Space Adventure Cobra 1982 Osamu Dezaki NR -
23879 Jupiter Ascending 2015 The Wachowskis PG13 -
26555 The Wild, Wild Planet 1965 Antonio Margheriti NR -
12437 Countdown 1967 Robert Altman NR -
72836 Ratchet & Clank 2016 Kevin Munroe, Jericca Cleland PG -
10172 Marooned 1969 John Sturges G -
45891 The Last Days on Mars 2013 Ruairi Robinson PG13 -
8717 Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2008 Dave Filoni PG -
4578 Titan A.E. 2000 Don Bluth PG -
4656 The Chronicles of Riddick 2004 David Twohy PG13 -
73811 Moonfall 2022 Roland Emmerich PG13 -
7075 Zathura 2005 Jon Favreau PG -
30136 Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women 1968 Peter Bogdanovich NR -
10466 Android 1982 Aaron Lipstadt PG -
27757 Astonishing X-Men: Unstoppable 2012 Jesse Cote NR -
10269 SpaceCamp 1986 Harry Winer PG -
2598 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 2002 George Lucas PG -
19498 Crossworlds 1997 Krishna Rao PG13 -
6625 Flash Gordon 1936 Frederick Stephani NR -
41000 Project Moon Base 1953 Richard Talmadge NR -
17193 Iron Sky 2012 Timo Vuorensola R -
6740 Muppets from Space 1999 Tim Hill G -
3084 Barbarella 1968 Roger Vadim NR -
17231 Battle Beyond the Sun 1962 Mikhail Karzhukov, Aleksandr Kozyr, Francis Ford Coppola NR -
2966 Star Trek: Generations 1994 David Carson PG -
2199 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace 1999 George Lucas PG -
46721 Babylon 5: The Lost Tales 2007 J. Michael Straczynski, Sara Barnes NR -
34406 Queen of Outer Space 1958 Edward Bernds NR -
2465 Star Trek: The Motion Picture 1979 Robert Wise PG -
11666 Galaxy of Terror 1981 Bruce D. Clark R -
17988 Conquest of Space 1955 Byron Haskin NR -
13287 Arcadia of My Youth 1983 Tomoharu Katsumata NR -
19932 The War of the Planets 1966 Antonio Margheriti NR -
31388 War of the Robots 1978 Alfonso Brescia NR -
41878 Horror of the Blood Monsters 1970 Al Adamson PG -
81904 LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - Guardians of the Galaxy: The Thanos Threat 2017 Michael D. Black NR -
2311 Dune 1984 David Lynch PG13 -
9317 Star Tours 1987 Dennis Muren NR -
5724 Battle Beyond the Stars 1980 Jimmy T. Murakami PG -
44532 Space Battleship Yamato 2010 Takashi Yamazaki NR -
12184 The X from Outer Space 1967 Kazui Nihonmatsu PG -
11188 Thunderbirds are GO 1966 David Lane NR -
34963 The Phantom Planet 1961 William Marshall NR -
4134 The Black Hole 1979 Gary Nelson PG -
8607 Green Lantern: Emerald Knights 2011 Chris Berkeley, Lauren Montgomery, Jay Oliva PG13 -
2275 The Transformers: The Movie 1986 Nelson Shin PG -
11752 The Angry Red Planet 1959 Ib Melchior NR -
15860 Mission Galactica: The Cylon Attack 1979 Vince Edwards, Christian I. Nyby II NR -
18116 Babylon 5: The River of Souls 1998 Janet Greek NR -
17723 Warning from Space 1956 Koji Shima NR -
5999 Buck Rogers in the 25th Century 1979 Daniel Haller PG -
37598 Satellite in the Sky 1956 Paul Dickson NR -
44566 Over the Moon 2020 Glen Keane, John Kahrs PG -
2189 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 2005 Garth Jennings PG -
70838 ANI: A Parody 2014 Matt Lang NR -
4575 Battlestar Galactica 1978 Richard A. Colla PG -
6805 Dr. Who and the Daleks 1965 Gordon Flemyng NR -

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