Toy Story vs. WALL·E



Toy Story is where it all started. And Wall-E is Pixar finally topping that start.

It's Toy Story all the way for me.

This is impossible.Yo are not allowed to ever ask such a question.


Very tough choice, but Toy Story.

Toy Story will forever hold a special place in my heart. It is a milestone, and it paved the way for Pixar's other masterpieces. That said, they top themselves time and again. Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille and, indeed, WALL·E all rank above the Toy Stories.

I had toys of Woody and Buzz, a no brainer for me. Tough one though...

Toy Story was the first, and every Pixar movie will always be held to those standards.

ever since pixar released their first picture in toy story, the only one yet to ever come close to it's greatness is Wall-E. Flickchart, youv'e done it again.

Both films did a greaet job at making me believe that inadimate onjects can have feelings (that's what I love about Pixar), but for me it'll always be Toy Story!!

Wall E beats most of the Pixar films, but against Toy Story, it doesn't win.

Toy Story will always be Pixar's best film to this day while WALL-E comes in second.

Damn tough one, but I gotta go with the godfather of CGI filming here.

Both of these films are indisputable masterpieces. They're both in my top 20 (one of them is even in my top 5). Toy Story is not only hilarious, but moving on many levels, and a beautiful story of friendship. Wall-E, is also hilarious, and also moving on many levels, and it's also a beautiful story of friendship. Wall-E is just a bit more beautiful. These are both some of the greatest examples of animated masterpieces you can find, but Wall-E is the winner here for me.

I adore both Toy Story and WALL-E, and they are both very, very high on my Flickchart. However, I do think that WALL-E is the better film as the directing is much more subtle than that of Toy Story. Don't get me wrong, I adore Toy Story, but it's just not as imaginative and pretty as WALL-E.

No other Pixar movie can beat the Toy Story movies.

Masterpieces is right. Two of my favorite movies of all-time. Toy Story wins....barely.

Toy Story is my favourite Pixar film. I know it's not the most impressive one, but it's got a big nostalgia factor for me.

Toy Story is still Pixar's best.

Wall E is humorous as well as eerie combined with some nice romance, but TS is on a much deeper level than Wall-E.

Toy Story

It's very hard to beat Toy Story and Wall-E doesn't do it

Toy Story is a bit overrated these days. WALL-E is better.

I love WALL-E, but I'm gonna pick Toy Story by a hair.

When I hear people say WALL-E is the best Pixar film, I completely understand where they come from. The first half is as perfect as wordless storytelling gets, the characters are great, the movie is funny when it needs to be, and above all, it's a beautiful and emotional Pixar masterpiece. When I hear people say Toy Story is the best Pixar film, I think that they are overlooking the fact that Toy Story lacks the emotional depth of Pixar's best movies, even if it is very funny and entertaining. WALL-E is just a better movie than Toy Story is.

I actually thought that Toy Story was OK. It was a bit boring but I can see how it left an impact on cinema. But WALL-E on the other hand is my all time favorite film so it wins here.


Toy Story is the best Pixar. Wall e is the second best of Pixar.

In my opinion, Toy Story is still the greatest Pixar, the characters, voice performances ,the perfect and brilliant screenplay are unmatch. I understand why some people considered Wall-E the best Pixar but for me, Toy Story is no 1.

I adore both Pixar films are equally masterpieces otherwise I’m on the hand with Toy Story

Toy Story takes it for me.