The Shawshank Redemption vs. Fight Club



This is a tough one!


well, here's a couple of winners here. some folks (like me )would say these are two of the best films of the '90's. i've heard others say these are two of the most over-rated films of all time!some say "Shawshank" is overly sentimental, some say "Fight Club" is a mess! isa y there is room in the movie universe for both sentimentality and messiness. what i like about the match-up is that you're talking (slight spoiler alert) one of the happiest endings ever of the most apocalyptic endings ever. in the end i choose "Fight Club" because of Ed Norton and Helena Bonham-Carter's acting and David Fincher's direction.

The Shawshank Redemption is cinematic perfection. Fight Club is a treat to rewatch and dissect, and it is many things, but none of those things is perfect.

while both are probably overrated by avg white dudes (such as myself) i gotta go with fight club. just too fun to quote and watch over and over

In one of them you make soap, in the other you don't want to drop the soap.

Whoa. Two of my favorite all time movies. While Fight Club is very interesting and has some of my favorite actors in it, I have to go with Shawshank simply because it is more emotionally gripping.


Fight Club is a blast, albeit predictable. Shawshank is a perfect film if there ever was one.

While I feel like Shawshank may be an overall better movie, I still have to give it to Fight Club simply because of it's replay value and it's quotability.

Shawshank=overhyped, melodramatic drivel. Darabont employs every cliche strategy possible to twang the heartstrings of his audience, but in doing so he sacrificed a (in any way) believable storyline. So, definitely Fight Club>Shawshank.


Definitely shawshank!

Great rewatch value on either side. Indeed two of the best of the 90's, FC does it with a screenplay that good.

pretty hard for me but im going with Shawshank

Fight Club was better in my opnion.

Both legends. Shawshank wins though.

Suprisingly easy win for Shawshank.

Fight Club takes it, only just.

Norton and Pitt complement each other far better than Morgan and Robbins. Fight Club beats Shawshank to a pulp.

i agree that ithe shawshank redemption is perfection. fight club means more to me.

Oh shit, my top 2!

The Shawshank Redemption for entertainment value.


I'm switching to Shawshank.

Shawshank, both top 10.

First time I watched Fight Club never loved it but liked it. First time watching Shawshank, loved it.

Love Shawshank. But definitely Fight Club for me. I might switch though.

The Shawshank Redemption needs a rewatch and wins from just vague memory anyway.

Very tough choice. Shawshank for me.

Fight club but man it is close

Josef thinks Fight club, Sammy aswell. Adrian is a bit frustrated because he thinks Shawshank is better. He calls them pussies!


both films are so forgettables then i think both are a bad classics films

The Shawshank Redemption by far, fight club is overrated.

fight club is an all time great, but Shawshank is too damn captivating. Shawshank ftw

Shawshank is tens times better.

both movies have the opposite meaning of hope. Shawshank by a hair

I can watch both movies as much as I want to and it won't get worse. I will go with Shawshank for its message but this is a close match-up.