The Best Movies of the 1990s Starring Billy Chow

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The Best Movies of the 1990s Starring Billy Chow
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2692 Fist of Legend 1994 Gordon Chan R -
43788 Robotrix 1991 Jamie Luk NR -
48329 Iron Monkey 2 1996 Lu Chao R -
48634 The Scripture with No Words 1996 Siu-Tung Ching NR -
49525 Tai Chi II 1996 Yam-Yin Cheung, Woo-Ping Yuen R -
52995 City of Darkness 1999 Maan-Cheung Lam, Tin Hung Yiu NR -
53675 Escape from Brothel 1992 Lung Wei Wang NR -
55432 Beauty Investigator 1992 Tso Nam Lee NR -
57005 Once Upon a Time in China IV 1993 Bun Yuen NR -

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