sidetrekked's User Profile


2/24/2013 joined Flickchart

1224 profile views

5467 rankings / 1012 movies / 0 comments

78 days, 8 hours, 41 minutes spent watching movies

sidetrekked's Favorite Movies

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Ghostbusters The Haunting Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan The Ghost Train The Silence of the Lambs Ghostbusters II Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny The Exorcist An American Tail

sidetrekked's Recently Added Movies

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh Dragonball Evolution It Four Lions

The Best Movies sidetrekked Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Ikiru 9
The Godfather Part II 10
Harakiri 12
Fight Club 13
Rear Window 15
City Lights 17
The Apartment 24
Casablanca 25
Seven Samurai 26
M 28


sidetrekked's Friends

Your friends don't define you, but not having ANY friends sure does.

sidetrekked's Discussions

I know your type. Just waiting for the right moment to speak up.

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