misshoffmann's User Profile


3/29/2013 joined Flickchart

405 profile views

181 rankings / 27 movies / 0 comments

2 days, 5 hours, 22 minutes spent watching movies

misshoffmann's Favorite Movies

Beasts of the Southern Wild Django Unchained Life of Pi Moonrise Kingdom Argo The Dark Knight Rises Seven Psychopaths Lawless Looper 21 Jump Street

misshoffmann's Recently Added Movies

LOL Iron Sky Savages Killing Them Softly A Royal Affair

The Best Movies misshoffmann Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
The Avengers 241
Skyfall 648
The Cabin in the Woods 739
Silver Linings Playbook 850
The Perks of Being a Wallflower 869
Zero Dark Thirty 1066
Lincoln 1118
Amour 1205
Mud 1211
Dredd 1285


misshoffmann's Friends

I prefer to think of this box as full of a wise phrase, rather than empty of friends.

misshoffmann's Discussions

Here you are with the best opinions on the site, and you won't share them.

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