madamemills's User Profile


11/24/2013 joined Flickchart

504 profile views

431 rankings / 217 movies / 0 comments

15 days, 20 hours, 41 minutes spent watching movies

madamemills's Favorite Movies

Monsters, Inc. Who Framed Roger Rabbit Hook Alice in Wonderland The Ring The Lion King Despicable Me Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Final Destination Fight Club

madamemills's Recently Added Movies

Constantine Final Destination 3 Shaun of the Dead A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors Cloverfield

The Best Movies madamemills Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
The Godfather 3
GoodFellas 14
Alien 18
Aliens 50
Psycho 52
Batman Begins 95
The Professional 96
Kill Bill Vol. 1 130
The Thing 131
Annie Hall 167


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