kristinscott66's User Profile


9/22/2020 joined Flickchart

79 profile views

262 rankings / 79 movies / 0 comments

5 days, 16 hours, 4 minutes spent watching movies

kristinscott66's Favorite Movies

The Fly Alien Killer Klowns from Outer Space Night of the Living Dead The Thing An American Werewolf in London The Shining The Brood Friday the 13th Gremlins

kristinscott66's Recently Added Movies

The Entity The Wicker Man Sinister The Crazies The Fog

The Best Movies kristinscott66 Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Monty Python and the Holy Grail 29
Aliens 50
Psycho 52
The Big Lebowski 69
Inception 82
The Departed 89
Rocky 98
Laura 164
Scarface 202
American Beauty 206


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