johncwada's User Profile


4/18/2013 joined Flickchart

666 profile views

190 rankings / 94 movies / 0 comments

6 days, 22 hours, 25 minutes spent watching movies

johncwada's Favorite Movies

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Zatoichi Challenged Zatoichi and the Doomed Man Sleepy Eyes of Death: The Mask of the Princess Sleepy Eyes of Death 2: Sword of Adventure Sleepy Eyes of Death: Sword of Satan Shinsengumi: Assassins of Honor Nagadosu chûshingura Zatoichi and the Chess Expert Zatoichi's Flashing Sword

johncwada's Recently Added Movies

Shinsengumi: Assassins of Honor Sleepy Eyes of Death: Sword of Satan Sleepy Eyes of Death: Castle Menagerie Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal Legend of Eight Samurai

The Best Movies johncwada Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Harakiri 12
Seven Samurai 26
Yojimbo 35
Rashômon 44
Throne of Blood 108
Ran 168
The Hidden Fortress 193
Sanjuro 224
Kagemusha 520
The Sword of Doom 953


johncwada's Friends

Nothing here but that intriguing invite button...

johncwada's Discussions

You seem to be the shy, quiet type.

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