emmapratt's User Profile


1/2/2013 joined Flickchart

377 profile views

16 rankings / 24 movies / 0 comments

2 days, 19 minutes spent watching movies

emmapratt's Favorite Movies

The Devil Wears Prada The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe American Pie 2 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Juno Little Miss Sunshine The Breakfast Club The Stepford Wives Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Ratatouille

emmapratt's Recently Added Movies

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Meet the Parents The Devil Wears Prada Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Pan's Labyrinth

The Best Movies emmapratt Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Return of the Jedi 7
Alien 18
The Matrix 27
Aliens 50
Toy Story 68
The Big Lebowski 69
The Terminator 80
Rocky 98
Good Will Hunting 118
Airplane! 222


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