Spider-Man 2 vs. The Matrix Revolutions



I hate both o these movies. I don't wanna choose.

Both pretty bad and much worse than their predecessors

Never a huge fan of the Spider Man series. Revolutions was the worst of the three...but all were better than Spidey...


Spider-Man 2 is great. Matrix Revolutions . . . not at all.

Stop knocking on the Matrix Revolutions! You can knock on the Spider Man movies all you want

I'm surprised at all this. Spider-Man 2 is the bar I measure every other superhero movie up against. It's sappy, but I dig sappy sometimes. I am sappy. But Raimi just nails what Peter Parker is all about with that movie. It is and probably always will be THE Spider-Man movie. I love everything about it. Revolutions isn't hate-worthy. It's disappointing, for sure, but I don't hate it. But if I have to choose between the prototype of the perfect superhero movie and a disappointing conclusion to a kung-fu cyberpunk epic, I'm going with the superhero movie.

Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man webs up the Matrix, making it's mechanics not work, and the system soon shuts down. Spider-Man 2 wins.

Sorry to Spider Man fans, but I'll take any Matrix movie over this film any day of the week

Spider-Man wins in a romp. There is one Matrix movie and only ONE. The other two shitshows did NOT happen. Period.


Spider-Man 2 easily wins this!