28 Days Later... vs. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly



A pretty cool zombie flick versus one of the most epic badass pictures ever made? Are you kidding me, Flickchart?

I'll choose one of the most epic badass pictures ever made.

28 Days Later is OKAYISH. It's got pleasantly surprising emotional center, and the close-to-first scene (the desolate city) is outstanding, but I wasn't feeling it as much when it got all action and post-rock and eeeeviiiillll soldiers. The Good, the Bad... used to break into my top 10, maybe it still might on some days.

GBU is the ultimate western. I yearn to see how Tuco, Blondie and Angel Eyes would survive in a zombie infestation like 28 days. Both films have that similar feel, it is about a band of people looking for gold in a place which is something like Hell. P.S: gold can be used metaphorically, like the band of survivors in 28 days version of gold is searching for refuge and for a cure.

28 Days Later has the capabilities of beating GBU, wow.