Raiders of the Lost Ark vs. The Godfather



This is a tough one

Easily 2 of my top 10. But Godfather takes it.

I never was a fan of Godfather so the first installment of one of my favourite trilogys certainly wins that.

Raiders is probably one of the greatest action/adventure movies of all time. Godfather is a great drama and one of the best gangster films. But Raiders is the only one I can watch repeatedly and not get tired of it.

The Godfather is infinitely more entertaining. I rule. You do not.

I wish I could find a movie that was infinitely entertaining. Then I'd just grab a good chair, strip to my underwear and watch it until I die. I'd probably order a lot of pizza, too. (I like The Godfather, but I need to rewatch it. The last time I saw it was the early 2000's, so I want a fresh perspective. I know it doesn't beat Raiders, but it'll take a respectable spot on my list.)

Achhh! See kids? Let this be a lesson on the dangers of using heperbole on the interwebz. Heh, you just never know when some duderino is gonna hit you up with a pizza and underwear related rejoinder.


Truly a battle of the abasolute titans. The best thing about cinema right here!!!!

WHY? Why must I make this decision??

The Godfather, of course.


Going with Godfather.

Im going with The Godfather.

Godfather still gets the nod.

The Godfather only just. Both are my top 10.

Godfather here.

This is indeed a tough choice. Both films are in my top 10 easy...however, having to pick one in this case, im gonna go with Raiders for the reason of my recent viewing of Godfather. While its a fantastic and brilliant film, it still "suffers" a little in lenghty scenes that could be shorter like the dancing and such in the beginning..its a very narrow reason, I know, but it has to be done :) (for the record, im in my 30´s and I enjoy long movies, and love character building stuff, and dont need explosions every minute of a film, so thats not why I picked Raiders)

Raiders is an insanely entertaining film. Godfather has a good story, and I mostly go for good stories in films, but against entertainment like Indy? I don't think so. Raiders!

The Godfather is easily the better film. Both are masterpieces, but Godfather is just better in every way, shape, and form.

Okay, Godfather, great movie. A fantastic story with incredible characters and intense dialogue. But I want something that I have fun with and am blown away by. Something, like Raiders of the Lost Ark, the greatest movie ever made.

The Godfather wins out. tough. Going Raiders. But seriously...don't we all win here?


I believe they are #23 and #24 or something like that. Raiders barely slides by.

Don't get me wrong, i love Raiders! But, Flickchart have it perfect...The Godfather murders Raiders...Vito would have Luca Brasi point a gun at Hitler's head and order him to give the Ark and Hitler wouldn't refuse, because "Its an offer you can't refuse!'

I think I'm gonna switch over to The Godfather.


Wow! Both top 20. The Godfather kills! 8000 votes now done!

Raiders wins by a mighty punch in the face!

Raiders is one of my fave childhood movies & its in my top 10. But seriously, against Goddaddy.... no chance.

TGF, no contest.

Too hard.

Raiders is a film you'd watch rather than The Godfather if both were on.

raiders, but left me thinking for a long time. Right now i suddenly have a huge love for raiders, watched it a while ago. Really love it... huh, strange

Raiders has the edge of Indiana Jones. He would kick Michael Corleone's' ass

The Godfather is triumphant in every possible way

Raiders, I guess.

The Godfather was always a confusing film for me. It's a great crime film, and I love it, but I don't think it transcends the crime genre the way other Coppola films like "The Conversation" do. I guess Raiders doesn't really transcend the adventure genre, but then again, it doesn't try to. It's awesomely unpretentious.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is million times better, it has far better action and much more excitement. Godfather is nothing some old boring, lengthy piece of shit, with no excitement, no good action, and you can see that all the blood is artificial. Why can't you guys see or notice that?

Raiders of the Lost Ark is million times better, it has far better action and much more excitement. Godfather is nothing but some old boring, lengthy piece of shit, with no excitement, no good action, and you can see that all the blood is artificial. Why can't you guys see or notice that?

The Godfather edges out Raiders.

Raiders easily. Love Godfather, but isn't Raiders nor Last Crusade.


Corleone and company

now this, this is the decision we're happy to face

The Godfather financially success...

You have to have a lot of patience to watch The Godfather

The Godfather and Michael Corleone.