The Wolf Man vs. Dracula



For the most part I really don't think these old Universal horror movies hold up well at all. That said, I prefer Dracula in this matchup.

Oh, I completely agree these films don't hold up very well. Dracula, though, was a movie that I found almost unbearably bad. The Wolf Man wins for at least being modestly watchable.

Guess what Caesar? know...

I was bored to death with Dracula that I couldn't even enjoy Bela Lugosi's performance. I loved the first two Dracula films from Hammer but I disagree with all Universal films not holding up, I thought the Wolf Man was amazing!

As good as Bela Lugosi is as Dracula, and there will never be anyone better, Lon Chaney Jr. is one of the most underrated actors of all-time, and the heart and warmth of his performances outshine Lugosi and Dracula

People are crazy/fucking mind. Universal classic horror is very good. At least, The Wolf Man wins this one.