Fight Club vs. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button



Brad Pitt at his finest in both movies. Benjamin Button is only slightly better in my books.

Two movies directed by Fincher & starring Pitt. Fight Club is iconic but Button has a fantastic story. The man-baby wins this one.

Very hard indeed. But i´m going with Fight Club.


Fight Cub for sure.


Fight Club for sure.

This is really easy i'm going with Fight Club

Other than the groundbreaking special effects, I just don't get the big deal about "Benjamin Button." Part of it is the creepiness factor. Part of it is that it's basically "Forrest Gump," narratively--no surprise that they share a screenwriter. I remember in college when I took an old high school term paper, revised it, and handed it in. I feel like that is what Eric Roth did with "Button." Also, the end doesn't fit the logic of the movie. If he started out as a tiny baby but with old man characteristics, then he should've ended as an old man with baby characteristics instead of turning into a baby again. I didn't even think Brad Pitt was that interesting in it. (Props to Cate Blanchett and Taraji Henson, though, as usual.) Oh, and "Fight Club" is phenomenal--definitely both Fincher and Pitt in top form.

Fight Club wins because of great performances and an incredibly faithful adaptation of the source novel. Button was ambitious, but ultimately a bit too Forrest Gump-y for its own good.

Button absolutely sucked. I think the guy that kept getting struck by lightning was the only entertaining thing about that dickfest.

Ben Button was a brilliantly done example of typical Hollywood film-making. Fight Club was, and as a matter of fact still is, a pop culture icon and, personally, made me realise what a mind-blowing film is when I first saw it (I was about 16 or what).

Yeah, Button isn't great, but Fincher still does a hell of a job. Fight Club is, of course, better.

I'm sorry, but I could watch Fight Club again till the cows come home. I saw Button once, admired it, never need to watch it again.


Fight Club. No Question. Benjamin Button was nice, but no Fight Club.

This is a utterly disgraceful matchup.

No question. Moving on.

Benjamin Button is amazing, but it can't beat Fincher's best.

Benjamin Button was great, but not nearly as good or memorable as FC.

Brad Pitt/David Fincher showdown! I'm not in love with either of these, but I'd be more apt to give FIGHT CLUB another viewing. Edward Norton was a lot of fun to watch in it.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: boring, a failed darker less entertaining version of Forrest Gump, a great premise that could have been so much better, and perhaps should be remade, as a lighthearted straightforward Groundhog Day-style comedy-drama starring Steve Carrell or Adam Sandler.

Benjamin Button was interesting, but I don't really think the payoff was so good. At least it was really entertaining. Fight Club is mesmerizing. Probably not Fincher's masterpiece because Se7en is tough competition, but it's growing so much on me re-watching it that I actually think it can best Se7en someday.