Fight Club vs. 2001: A Space Odyssey



Modern classics that accumulated a cult following soon after their releases. Fight Club stands tall.

Vote against Fight Club? I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave.

The movie without the giant space fetus.

Sigh... It's a travesty for anyone to pick Fight Club over 2001.

Obv. Fight club. Did 2000 or whatever have a cool computer generated apartment explosion or a rockin' soundtrack? YOLO YOLO YOLO

Love the sarcasm... I think. :-/

Neither in my favourites, but still both excellent films. As I have said before, 2001 feels more sterile than a maternity clinic despite it's technical brilliance, and I don't feel like I have a reason to care about the origins of life, the universe and everything. There are documentaries which have done a much better job at that. Fight Club social commentary may not be especially significant to me as I feel no oppression of my masculinity, but I do enjoy David Fincher's visual style and the dry humour is top notch. Fight Club wins here, but barely.

Fight Club continues to stand strong.

Fight Club is fantastic, 2001 is not.

Agree with JC13. Fight Club is funny, smart and intriguing. Everything about the film makes sense and the film continue to entertain. It doesn't have 3 minutes of black screen to open the film. That's how you can decide whether a film is screwed or not.

I used to think 2001 was good for what it was but after I saw it again it was much easier to watch and enjoy. I'll go with 2001.

Both are in my top 20, but I liked Fight Club more.

2001 i simply like it more!


Tw00ne. Wow, I could be a graphic designer for a bunch of hipster minimalist T-shirts!

2001, the one that wasn't entirely built on a gimmick

Tyler Durden is still perfect but it can't top the brilliance of 2001.

2001 is probably the most artistic and complex movie ever! Fight Club... meh


Fight Club it is.