Slumdog Millionaire vs. Crash



Both Best Picture Oscar winners...i have to pick Crash on this one.

Two great movies...but I'll go with Crash...

Both overrated, but both good. Slumdog for me.

Proof that the Academy is fully retarded.

Crash has a couple powerful and intriguing moments but, for the most part, it is a contrived and inauthentic film that talks down to its audience. Slumdog Millionaire is a stronger, more entertaining movie.

Crash is so unbelievably overhyped and overrated and while some say Slumdog is the same way, I thought it was incredible. I actually put off watching it for quite awhile after it came out because of all the hype and because of all the awards it won and I thought there was no way it could live up to all of it, but I truly believe it does, which doesn't happen often.

playing ethnicky jazz to parade your snazz on your five grand stereo

Same shit.


I enjoyed Crash, but I found it kinda weird that Ludacris stole the show. The academy is fucked in the head.