Inception vs. Exit Through The Gift Shop



OH god. idk. idk. idk. I guess Inception. Excellent cast, original script, and so damn polished. I looovveeddd Exit Through The Gift Shop, though.

Argh. Two clever films that have large fanbases, neither of which I like. Both are trying to be clever. Neither are as clever as they think they are. I'm picking the documetary.


During Inception you are constantly truing to figure out what is real and who's mind you are inhabiting. While watching Exit you are constantly truing to figure out what is real and who's mind you are inhabiting. Exit is a true story.......? Exit wins.

Misspellings rule by the way...

Exit didn't live up to what I was hoping it would be. Inception wins...

Both make my top 10 for 2010, but Inception is six spots above Exit.

Exit Through the Gift Shop!