Joker vs. Midsommar



Two great films from this year, Midsommar doesn't have a lot of replay value though. Joker on the other hand is a masterpiece.


Joker is the masterpiece.

I've seen Midsommar twice and it is a masterpiece. The direction, acting, themes and setting is just perfect. Maybe there are some pacing issues that hold it back from being fully rewatchable but it's so good and there's nothing else like it. I like Joker but the plot is pretty similar to Taxi Driver and it doesn't seem to cut deep enough in terms of complexity.

Neither of these movies are masterpieces in my opinion, but Joker is at least solid, whereas Midsommar... I'm sorry, I've tried with this movie, I've even seen it multiple times, but I just can't for the life of me figure out what people see in it... It's just The Wicker Man, but really, really boring & tedious. I'll gladly take Joker on this one.

Midsommar is a movie that you have to be in just the right mood for, but it's excellent from start to finish. Definitely prefer it over Joker