Alien: Covenant vs. Life



Two alien horror films which came out two months apart. TBH, neither of them did anything for me; both had good things going for them but were ultimately derivative, predictable and not particularly interesting. Life had less to lose and Alien: Covenant was probably more disappointing, but on first time viewing I felt like I had gotten the gist of it, whereas Alien: Covenant may yield something more. For now, Alien: Covenant wins, but I'm disappointed that the margin is a close as it is...


The characters in Life weren't as stupid as they were in Covenant...

Life was a big disappointment. Alien: Covenant at least gave me exactly what I expected (which, granted, wasn't much.)

Unless there's a superhero involved, these space movies need to stop.

Tough matchup. Both very similar movies. Life is perhaps a tad more intense, so it gets my vote.

Covenant was a safe movie, but its atmospheric tension and buildup was executed much better than Life.

I think Life is much better. My love for Alien is a big reason I hated Covenant.

Sigh... the more I think about it, the more angry and disappointed I feel about the state of the Alien franchise. There is very little about it that works and what does is utterly safe, predictable and boring for the most part. If there was ever a film to really give me franchise fatigue, it's this one. Life should not be the winner here, but sad to say, it is.

*That should read "There is very little about Alien: Covenant that works". We really need to get an comment editing feature into Flickchart!

Life is a rip off of Alien. At Least Covenant furthers a story.

For's Alien...but not my much...

I think Life's apocalyptic ending lands better than Covenant's, and that it also boasts the stronger cast (although Fassbender is terrific, as always).

life easily. very good flick! best of the year i've seen


Alien Covenant was better than I expected. Quite intense with more an epic quality than Life. Fassbender was very effective in his role and seals the deal here.