Spider-Man 3 vs. Superman



Some Fanboys like to whine about SM3 but it's still better than a lot of other efforts and a ton of other films. SM3's only crime was to try and jam too much in to a single film. Superman, while quaint in the 1970's, doesn't hold up well over time. The bad SPX and the cheese hurt it.

Guy above me is an idiot, I don't even like SUperman that much cause it is a bland origin story with almost no action and Superman II is like 5x better than it. But Spiderman 3 is a piece of trash, like really really bad. I love Raimi but this is the worst film he has ever directed by a longshot.

superman 78 didn't age well sure, SM3 was straight up garbage

Real Spider-Man beats the cheese every single time. Sorry nostalgia fans. Raimi's Spider-Man is still king.

as if the spider-man trilogy isn't cheese and nostalgia

Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy is full of cheese and nostalgia. Superman still has the charm of Christopher Reeves. Spider-Man 1 & 2 still have the charm but 3? Nope

Superman. Ignore Avenger7 and his sock Pro-Marvel accounts.