Throne of Blood vs. The Killers



Siegel and Marvin manage to beat Kurosawa and Mifune on this one. Throne of Blood had a strong opening and a fantastic finale, but I was bored by most of the rest. I mean, it LOOKS incredible. It's gorgeous. But I was bored. Maybe it's because I've seen other movies deal with murky morality in much, much darker ways and this one just didn't faze me. Everything else of Kurosawa's I've Sad panda, this guy was. I had an opposite reaction to The Killers. I only expected/hoped for something decent, but I was surprised to find out that it was actually pretty damn good. Lee Marvin was cool AS HELL (wait...), as was Cassavetes. Siegel did his thing and I left the deal a happy camper. Marvin out-badasses Mifune here.