Aliens vs. Repulsion



Here are two interesting leads to compare. Frightened survivors of part traumas forced to face up to their fears. Violence ensues in both cases. Mostly against men, the alien queen being the loan exception. Sexual symbolism and subtexts abound. Tricky choice. I'm picking Repulsion (although I love Aliens) because it is a truly creepy portrait of mental degeneration in face of overwhelming fear. Utterly disturbing.

I believe that Ripley's most irrational fear in Aliens was of Bishop, because she based her distrust of him on a bad experience with another android. It makes me wonder what a movie that involves Ripley alone on a spacecraft with a buch of androids would be like. At least Ripley found a more positive way to deal with her very legitimate fear of the bloodthirsty alien that messed up her life by blowing up an entire planet filled with the creatures. And going toe to toe with the bitch that spawned them. So Ripley's therapy was fairly successful. In Repulsion, it's hard to say exactly how irrational Catherine Deneuve's fears were. She clearly was more unbalanced than Ripley, and her hallucinatory world of private insanity was scarier than Ripley's very real world of monsters (I always jump during one scene in Repulsion). But there's not much backstory to go on with Repulsion. Oh, what was I saying? Oh, yeah Repulsion is better. It doesn't have the annoying kid (even though Aliens was going for a mother vs. mother thing, I guess) and Repulsion is more my style.