The Pirate Movie vs. Casino Royale



Because most my favorite Bond movies are the ones starring Roger Moore, it should be obvious why I don't care much for the "grittier" Daniel Craig flicks. I like some serious movies, but mostly I just like to have a good time. That's probably why I still like The Pirate Movie, with its goofy humor and catchy 80s music, just as much now as I did when I was a kid. Sure, it's a bit dated, but I'll never stop having the hots for Kristy McNichol. as a Bond movie, Casino Royale ranks somewhere in the middle for me. The Pirate Movie ranks as one of my favorite movies ever.


I won't diss one of your favorite movies but I have to go with Craig's Bond. Craigs follow up film Quantum of Coherence might of won this though.


I won't diss one of your favorite movies but I have to go with Craig's Bond. Craigs follow up film Quantum of Coherence might of lost this though.