Skyfall vs. Jackie Brown



ouch. tough. jackie brown is underrated and i want to support it, but skyfall was totally gripping.

Yeah, Jackie Brown is a fantastic film, but I too must go with Skyfall.

I'm actually going with Jackie Brown.

Skyfall is one of my least favorite Bond films, while Jackie Brown is among my favorite Tarantino films. I felt pretty much no excitement, and barely any interest, throughout most of Skyfall. Jackie Brown is funny and memorable. I quote it all the time.

Out of all Quentin Tarantino's films, Jackie Brown is the one that stands out to me the least. I've never not enjoyed the film, but it's just so forgettable compared to his other work (even the dreadful Death Proof stands out more). Skyfall is the rare James Bond flick that's actually GOOD (most of them range from mediocre to just plain bad). This one goes to Skyfall...

Skyfall is overrated. Javier Bardem has crafted better performances in his life. Jackie Brown is on the other side of the spectrum: it's underrated; Tarantino's rich dialogue and stylistic scenes really carry this film to legendary status in my opinion.

Loved Jackie Brown, but the small edge goes to Skyfall...

Jennifer Brown.

Jackie ftw!