Prometheus vs. Sunshine



Now here's a better comparison for Prometheus. Two Sci-Fi adventure films, both released to mixed opinions. Personally, I love them both; they both have fantastic special effects in every department, great scores and flawed but decent stories which both ask some deep questions and allow the viewer (to an extent) to make up their own minds. However, I'm going to side with Prometheus purely based on the cast. In terms of acting, Sunshine is fairly average but consistent; nothing amazing, but nothing terrible either, and they each give convincing performances (incidentally Benedict Wong stars in both these films in a minor role, and is actually a lot better in Sunshine; in Prometheus he is largely forgettable, but that's purely incidental). In Prometheus, the cast do not go for the middle ground; they are either brilliant (Michael Fassbender, Noomi Rapace), pretty good (Charlize Theron, Idris Elba), or completely forgettable (most of the rest, although while Guy Pearce provides some gravitas, his most interesting and powerful pieces of dialogue, funnily enough, was in the TED viral marketing trailer. So close, and nobody puts a foot wrong in Sunshine, but I am going to go for Prometheus just because Fassbender and Rapace stole the show for me.

I always thought Danny Boyle was inspired by the crew dynamic in Alien when he made Sunshine so yes, this is a testing match-up. Ultimately, I think Prometheus will stand the test of time better but I love both films.

Changed my mind, I still love both films and will stick by Prometheus despite the hate, but Prometheus still has more flaws as a film. Whether it gets let off the hook in later years (in a similar way that Sunshine has) remains to be seen, but there's no denying that it suffers as a result of Damon Lindelof writing the script. At least Alex Garland pays SOME attention to his scientific advisors. So yeah, Sunshine takes this one, but I still love Prometheus a few months down the line.

The first hour of Prometheus plays out like some bad future rendition of a dysfunctional family’s vacation home movies. It’s a look at a long trip that is dull, plodding and so very uninteresting. The ending of Sunshine is awful. Two BAD films, period.

i prefer prometheus


In terms of visuals and stuff, Prometheus would win this without any problem. In terms of story, well, it's a bit of a mixed bag. Prometheus throws some interesting things up in the air for viewers to think about, but doesn't really make any effort to catch them when they fall back down. Sunshine's story is somewhat solid and interesting, but the last half hour ruins it from being completely solid. I don't know what to choose anymore.


They're both fantastic, imo, but I slightly prefer Sunshine for its emotional punch.

Prometheus is Alien 5, while Sunshine is Solaris crossed with Event Horizon. Prometheus has better art direction; Sunshine has Rose Byrne.

Prometheus is a much more engaging sci-fi film, bottom line.

The one where Benedict Wong kills himself.

Sunshine is kind of captivating, Prometheus is lacked uneventful.

I loved Sunshine up until that mindbogglingly dumb third act twist/reveal that marked a severe genre shift.