The Muppets vs. The Muppet Movie



The new one is good, but it can't beat the original.

Both are great movies. The 2011 Muppet movie in my opinion is the better film. It had me laughing a lot more than the original

The orginal, hands down. The new one just felt off.

I would love to say the new version is better 'cause i was expecting so freakin' much,but this is just not the case here.

I just watched the first one after loving the new one, and I gotta say the new one was way better and had good music consistently, whereas there are only 2 good songs in the original.

I think the new Muppets is hilarious, but it doesn't hold a candle to the original Muppet Movie. The humor and the heart and the characters by their original voices and puppeteers is just insurmountable.

I would say that the 2011 film is one of, if not, the best in the series.

As good as the new movie is, it can't touch the original.

The OG for sure.

No nostalgia here. Easy choice.

Older one has better music and is way funnier

My two favorite Muppet films! The 2011 version was a really great movie that manages to grab your childlike whimsy despite any screenwriting flaws and obvious scissor snipping by a certain glove-wearing mouse. But in the 70s, everything just clicks perfectly. They're not trying emulate anything frkm the past, they're just kicking ass in their own cool way

In agree with Rotten Tomatoes percentage. Muppets is an new masterpiece, Muppets original is funny and nostalgia only

For Nostalgia sakes! I love a good road trip movie, and The Muppet Movie is one of them. But life's a happy song. The 2011 one is really good, it just can't beat a classic.

I came in late to the Muppets so I don't have the Nostalgia Goggles. Therefore I prefer The Muppets because of faster pacing and more jokes while The Muppet Movie is more of a laidback road trip movie.

I laughed way more at the 2011 version.

The original is one of the best movies ever made. The 2011 one is funny and emotional as well, but it also spends too much time rehashing the original movie and show. The original is funnier and more emotional and has a better heart and is just a better movie overall. Plus every song hits.