Killing Them Softly vs. Lawless



I choose the one without the incessant political overtones (i.e., Lawless).

I'll go with the one with the incessant political overtones. I liked Lawless, but I hope Hillcoat's next movie is less like it and more like The Proposition. It was pretty plain for a Hillcoat film.

Killing them Softly runs laps around Lawless (and Lawless was a decent flick) People got so defensive about the "politics" of this movie. They didn't pick any sides, they used both Bush & Obama soundbites as a way to show what's happening out in the "real" world, and how in the gangster underworld, no matter how historically high or historically low a day may be in the country, in their world, it's just another day. Financial meltdown, doesn't matter in their world, just another day. Elect the first black president, it doesn't matter in their world, just another day. I love this gangster flick, for those of you that do, be sure to check out The Friends of Eddie Coyle, it was adapted from the same author.

Easily Killing Them Softly, as much as i love Hillcoat Lawless was several steps back for the guy, sure it's decent but it was also messy. KTS was great and is sure to become a cult hit while people will flock to Lawless because of Tom Hardy

How dies Killing Them Softly have one single vote over Lawless? How? I can't fathom this. KTS had nothing redeeming about it, and Lawless was one of the better films of last year. I'd much rather watch Shia Labeouf and Tom Hardy in an intelligent, violent gangster flick than sit through 2 hours of Brad Pitt sitting in a car or bar, staring at nothing. Apparently some people don't agree.

Lawless it the better film for sure. KTS bored me to death, even though Pitt's final words at the end were amazing.

I just finished Killing Me Softly. Hated it, The first 45 minutes was brutal to get through, it picked up when Pitt actually did something but it was too late to save the film. Lawless was at least entertaining.