Saw vs. Final Destination 5



These two were the better entries of their respective franchises and it's not even close. While Saw is certainly diabolically brilliant and unique at the time, outweighting FD5 easily in terms of originality, and it also kinda anihillates every single FD movie in the acting term (Leigh Whannell was Razzie-worthy though), not only was FD5 more entertaining to watch, but it also had the best kill scenes in the series (and that's saying something), the best "premonition" scene in the series (again, that's saying something) and one of the best endings to a slasher movie I've ever seen. Saw may have been quite remarkable for what it was, but to me, FD5 ftw.

I was never into the Saw flicks that much the first one is just plain good but Final Destination 5 was a surprise the ending was so so cool I'm going Final Destination 5