The Big Lebowski vs. The Apartment



A pretty hard choice, but I think I'll give the slight edge to The Apartment.

I also have to give this one to The Apartment. It's not Billy Wilder's best (that would be Double Indemnity), but it's still damn good.

Very close, both are in the hundreds on my list and may change later. But now, it's The Big Lebowski.

Love The Apartment. Still holds up to this day...but I can't give it the nod over The Dude. Just can't...

I think I'm at an impasse.

The Big Lebowski was funny half the time but half the time I wondered wtf parts were all about eg. the dream sequences and Julianne Moore's character.

I have never identified with a movie character more than with the dude. So for me personally it's The Big Lebowski.