Heat vs. Ronin



I enjoy Ronin, but Heat is far too good of a movie for it to overcome.

Heat. Great story, characters/performances, action, drama, suspense, and cinematography. Ronin is a solid film, but Heat is epic.

I love "HEAT" I can't say that I love "Ronin" but I like it. It is interesting to me that more often than not I find Frankenheimer's work to be somewhat emotionally flat e.g "Manchurian Candidate" , "Ronin" and Michael Mann I think tries too hard to interject emotion where it just falls flat and runs down an other great action movie e.g "Public Enemies", "Heat" , "Miami Vice".

This one isnt even close for me. I assume the comparison is because the movies feature Robert DeNiro of 2 of the best action scenes you'll see, but beyond that, Heat is clearly better at just about everything.

Seriously guys, really? A multi-threaded, powerfully acted, robustly written and masterfully acted, heist/procedural/anti-buddy/crime drama vs. a well done one-note chase-scene-wrapped-in-a-caper flick with a twist. Not even close. Heat by a mile.

I don't know. Maybe I watched Heat a couple of years too late, but it just doesn't feel as great or epic to me as it probably should. It's a good movie, no doubt, but I can't really say that it's much better than Ronin. Actually, I might choose Ronin because it has a better pace (i.e., it's not overly long like Heat) and a more satisfying ending. Plus, Jean Reno is probably one of my favourite actors.

While Heat has some great scenes (the post-bank robbery down-the-street shootout is one of my favourites), it loses momentum a number of times due to the movie's extreme length. Ronin just packs in so many great things into a single package: great actors, developed characters, intriguing plot-line, well paced, awesome 'real' chase scenes, and excellent cinematography.

I didn't care for it much at the time, and I only liked it a little better watching it again today. Ronkn features a couple GREAT car chases, but doesn't hold much else for me. Heat gets better almost every time.

*Ronin. Stupid typos.