Terminator 2: Judgment Day vs. Pride & Prejudice



Do I check in my man card when I admit that I would genuinely rather watch Keira than Arnie?

I wonder just how manly it is to prefer watching a muscular guy in leather over a hot English chick. I enjoy explosions and gunplay, sure, but sometimes it just ain't enough. If Pride & Prejudice was up against Commando, that'd be a different story. But Keira Knightley is a good looking woman, and Pride

... & Prejudice is a quality motion picture. (I got cut off.)

I like this adaptation of Pride and Prejudice and it would beat out tons of action movies for me, honestly. But T2 is the best there is. and for the record, the A&E miniseries from the nineties is a lot better than any single movie adaptation could be.

Pride and Prejudice is probably my all time biggest guilty pleasure. I don't know what it is about it but I've enjoyed it ever since I watched it in my high school English class. It's hard saying that it's better than T2 since I'm a man but it's the truth.