Psycho vs. Rear Window



Wow! REAR WINDOW vs. PSYCHO? Tough one!

indeed a though one.

This is a tough one.

It had to happen. It just HAD to happen. Rear Window wins.

Both are suspense masterpieces, but I thought Rear Window was better.

"Psycho" is brilliant, but "Rear Window" is even more so.

Rear Window has all the suspense of Psycho with wit and humor to boot. Rear Window narrowly edges out Psycho.

I really don't know.

Psycho is brilliant, but somewhat overrated. Rear Window, on the other hand, is a masterpiece which deserves all its credit. It might not be as thrilling as Psycho for most of the time, but its ending is as suspenseful as it gets, and its subtle humour adds to an amazing viewing experience. Oh, and James Stewart and Grace Kelly just have wonderful chemistry together.

Top 2 Hitchcock films. "Rear Window" is more entertaining, and more impressive. The camera never leaves Stewart's apartment.

My two favourite Hitchcock films as well, but Psycho for me

Rear Window is damn near flawless.

rear window

2 phenomenal films, but Rear Window is my favourite Hitchcock.

James Stewart has the most interesting character in Rear Window, and even he's a bit on the bland side. I'll take Norman Bates and his "mother" in this matchup.

Two absolute masterpieces but Rear Window surprised me TOO MUCH!

Psycho for me and it's no contest. Rear Window is a film I appreciate more than enjoy.

Psycho. I liked Rear Window, but it really took its time to set things up, so I was kind of bored during the first 30 minutes or so. Psycho was much more interesting.

Despite the first 30 minutes, boring some in Rear Window, I wasn't. I loved both and WOW, what an epic matchup, For me Rear Window!


Psycho for me.

both films are amazing but rear window is sightly better.Manly because it keeps you in suspense the hole time even though you now who the killer is.

Psycho's good but a little hard to watch at times. Rear Window is more entertaining, at least for me.

I just watched both of these back to back for the first time ever. Both were phenomenal. I slightly preferred Rear Window.

TOUGH! I'm going with Psycho because of the brilliant early twist

Psycho but it's so close.

Loved both, but Psycho easily wins this one in my opinion. Vertigo > Psycho > Rear Window > North by Northwest

Had to revisit this. Psycho has a much better score and a much better ending as well. These are the major complaints that I have with Rear Window. Love the movie, but the ending left much to be desired. On the other hand, the music and ending to Psycho were phenomenal!!! If Rear Window has anything on Psycho, it would be in the acting department. And I really think the acting is pretty much a draw between these two as both have great acting. But the plot, score, and ending to Psycho gives it a fairly easy victory in my book. I'd love to hear why others picked Rear Window. Just curious.

I can totally understand why Rear Window is considered Hitchcock's best by some,but l personally love Psycho.

I love both but I have to go with "Psycho" for a few reasons. One, it sticks with me more. And two, as a consequence, I go back to it much more often. Three, the most original thing about "Rear Window" (having Stewart trapped and seeing all of his neighbors) is something of a stunt while "Psycho" introduced narrative techniques that have influenced many other great films.

''Well a boy's best friend is his mother'',Psycho wins.

Classics from one of the most talented directors ever. Rear Window for me.

Rear Window is great and is my preference.

The two best Hitchcock films in my opinion. Psycho is the best horror film I have ever seen. It's an ending you will never forget. The shower scene is unforgettable not only because he kills off the main character so quickly but because it was shot so perfectly. It's Hitchcock's masterpiece.

Psycho is the better film

Loved Rear Window, but it don't break my top 10 as Psycho theme seemed to break, so the whole thing.

I slightly prefer Rear Window. It's such a unique and suspenseful film.

love rear window more

Enjoyed both but I felt more immersed in Rear Window. Plus Psycho has been spoiled for me for a while...


Rear Window>Psycho

Psycho easily! Not even close.

I love Psycho but Rear Window is Hitchcock's masterpiece

Both movies are definitely some of Hitchcock's best but I think Psycho has surpassed Rear Window as it remains Hitchcock's most famous movie.

Both Are Amazing But After Marion Arrives At The Bates Motel Everything That Follows Is Near-Perfection! Psycho Clinches It.

Both Are Amazing But After Marion Arrives At The Bates Motel Everything That Follows Is Near-Perfection! Psycho Clinches It.