Men in Black II vs. Alien: Resurrection



Alien Resurrection has pretty cool art direction, I guess. I don't know MIB II just hurt what should have been an amazing franchise.


Men in Black II was a scummy sequel and gets shut out here.

Men in Black II is a much better sequel than Alien Resurrection, and a far superior movie anyway.

I enjoy Alien Resurrection. Men in Black II just seemed like kind of a letdown. Of course, it had a major disadvantage compared to the original: The sense of surprise and wonder was gone.

Ouch! Both are terrible sequels, and I have a particular grudge against Alien: Resurrection as it pretty much exists as a coping mechanism for people who can't get over Alien3. Unfortunately I though Alien3 was actually alright, so that doesn't apply to me. MIIB was bad, among some of the most disappointing sequels to a popular Sci-Fi film in the last 10 years or so, but it doesn't offend me as much as Alien: Resurrection since I don't actually remember that much of it or its predecessor. On the other hand, I'd be much more likely to turn on Alien: Resurrection if I were forced to watch one of them at gunpoint, so Alien: Resurrection wins, but that doesn't reflect well on its credentials.

How bad is MIB II? Bad enough that it is trampled by Alien: Resurrection.