Monsters, Inc. vs. Up



One of the easier Pixar-offs. Monsters is one of the few Pixar flicks where I didn't connect with the characters all that much. Maybe it demands a rewatching, but right now, Up's got it.

Well, Monsters, inc. is brilliant, funny and creative, but Up is, no pun intended, a cut above.


Until I rewatch UP, my vote is for Monsters, Inc.

"Up," hands down. I never quite got into "Monsters, Inc." which is uncommon for a Pixar story. I still feel like the anthropomorphic dogs were a bit much (at the least, incongruous with the emotional beginning of the film), but "Up" remains the most touching story they've told yet.

I like Monsters, Inc., but it is somewhat lacking in the heart of Pixar's other films. Sure, Boo's story can be touching, but not nearly as touching as Carl's story in Up. It's this emotional resonance that puts Up ahead of Monsters, Inc.

I was surprised at how 'not great' Up is. Still good of course but there are large spells of 'who gives a flying fuck at a rolling donut'.

I love Monsters, Inc. Up is quite good, but nothing special. Easy choice.

Really tough choice. But I have to go with Up. A little bit more original than Monster Inc.

Two of my favorite Pixar films UP is great but I have to go with Monsters, Inc. here just because I found it a little more fun overall.

Has an edge over Monsters Inc.


Monsters simply because I laughed when the old dude's WEIRD ASS WIFE DIED. Like out loud. In the theatre.

The more I watch Up...the further down my rankings it falls. Monsters Inc holds steady...

Up. Monsters Inc. is great too, but even at a young age that girl made me pull my hairs out.

Monsters Inc hands down. Big part of my childhood.

Monsters Inc. is one of Pixars best, Up is great as well just not quite as great.

Up gave me the sense of adventure Monsters Inc. didn't give me. Make no mistake Monsters Inc. is still a favorite of mine.

Monsters Inc is a movie that I can watch again and again

Two excellent Pixar movies, but everything Monsters Inc. did, I feel Up did a bit better.

Up by a hair


I love both of those (as well as most of Pixar), but Monsters, Inc. has some little off-moments. Up, on the other hand, is easily a 10-star movie - I love pretty much every minute of it. Up wins.

Up had an amazing first 10 minutes, but it was an average movie for the rest of it. Monsters Inc is perfect the whole way through