Avengers: Endgame vs. Avatar



Ho ho ho look out Avatar Avengers is coming to wreck your box office ass! Endgame is a far superior film and deserves every record.

Endgame just obliterates the overrated garbage Avatar.

Come on Avengers, find the legs to beat that "overrated garbage" called Avatar.

Paid for 4 re-release tickets this very day... Time for Avengers to surge past Avatar at the top of the box office. It certainly is the far better film.

And it's over. Endgame clearly isn't the finest MCU offering, and certainly not the finest comic book adaptation, but I'm quietly pleased that Avatar, for now at least, has been knocked off its perch. Pretty garbage that never deserved its take.

Endgame suspiciously is far higher leveled over the box office and tops the ill rotten crappy Avatar in a whole entire direction.

Too bad Marvel cheated with a shitty re-release. That being said, it's still way better than Avatar.

Yes Avatar is still completely trash.

Avatar was a ton of fun at the time....especially 3D in the theater....but Endgame wins...

"Too bad Marvel cheated with a shitty re-release. That being said, it's still way better than Avatar." Avatar was also re-released. And 3D tickets generate more per capita funds. Inflation adjusted, Avatar still smacks on Endgame but, then, under that paradigm, GWTW smacks on everything. The level of discourse on this site seems to have plummeted over the last few years (much like the steep drop between IW and EG). Not really sure what happened here.

Also kinda naive to consider this trivial nonsense as Marvel cheating. Disney owns both. They haven't cheated themselves. They've made money because that's what they do and they are very, very fucking proficient at it.

I bought 12 Tickets and finally Endgame Beats Avatar. But Disney owns them both soooo.... more Money

Endgame mostly tops beats avatar on the entire box office on the whole entire level.

Avengers vanquishes Avaturd! "We are the champions my friend" .....

Above very felt good endgame mostly tops and beats the turd overrated avatar in the entire grossing box office level, endgame is the far superior film.

Endgame certainly wins and highest grossing box office of the year, Avatar is mostly garbage none special great flick movie ever.

Avatar wins here. Better action, story, and music. It's not Cameron's best, but it still tops any Marvel film in my opinion.