Saving Private Ryan vs. The Matrix



Oh sweet Jesus...

Damn .. and I thought Shrek vs Pulp Fiction was a hard decision...


Very tough decision -- going with Matrix.

Two awesome flicks. Sci fi gives Matrix the edge, for me.

The Matrix deserves a lot of respect, but it doesn't have anywhere near the pathos or depth of Saving Private Ryan, also and feel free to get mad, but the action is better in Saving Private Ryan.

Two movies I enjoyed immensely. The Matrix sequels left a bad taste in my mouth but the first one was fun. I don't usu like war films but Saving Private Ryan is an exception. This is like comparing Monet to Da Vinci. Tom Hanks' last line made me cry. I didn't cry at the end of Matrix. So Ryan wins.

The Matrix for sure.

Saving Private Ryan.


Wow...what an ass kicking this is. I'll go with Private Ryan, but by pretty much the smallest margin imaginable...

The Matrix made me love movies.

I still believe Private Ryan was a bigger technical achievement than The Matrix. Some of the most realistic-looking war scenes I've ever seen in my freaking life. The Matrix may have had the more intelligent concept, but SPR had perfect execution. Tom Hanks' acting was phenomenal. Overall, SPR was a more thrilling experience for me.

The Matrix for me.

Saving Private Ryan, The Matrix is great but SPR had a bigger emotional impact on me.


No contest, Matrix

How the? I have no clue how The Matrix is ahead. It's an okay film, but it's one of the most overrated films I've ever seen. Saving Private Ryan is an unmatched masterpiece.


The Matrix is entertaining but I like Saving Private Ryan a lot more

Saving private ryan wins easily

The Matrix.


The Matrix>Saving Private Ryan


Despite a spectacular beginning The Matrix excels SPR.

Greatest war film Vs greatest sci-fi? Wow. Um, idk. Ryan for the moment.

I'm not big of either but the war film fan in me and the Spielberg fan in me sides with Private Ryan

Private ryan

I like Matrix more but Ryan may be the best war film ever and that cast is great.

I really didn't like the matrix all that much.