Shaun of the Dead vs. It's a Wonderful Life



both movies are terrible.......but shaun of the dead is stupid british humor that i don't understand.


I completely disagree. I think both are wonderful. But I prefer Shaun of the Dead. Gotta love them British.

How could you possibly think both of these movies are terrible?? I fear for what movies you do like.

I don't think Shaun of the Dead is terrible or anything, but I do think it gets more praise than it deserves. I'll take the pure greatness of It's a Wonderful Life.

Something the that should not ever be asked: "Does Shaun of the Dead compare with It's a Wonderful Life?"

In what world are either, let alone both, of these "terrible"? I can see a hardcore fan of one being unimpressed by the other, but I can't wrap my head around someone thinking both are awful.