The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vs. One Hour Photo



"One Hour Photo" is one of the few Robin Williams performances I actually like, but I'm going with Sean Connery's final appearance in LXG. It's a flawed film, yes, but I think it suffered more from bad publicity than it really warranted.


A snapshot in time and One Hour Photo obliterates the competition.

Oh, man. I don't feel like I wasted an hour and a half of my life watching LXG or anything, but it is not a good film. Robin Williams, meanwhile, is freaking fried gold in One Hour Photo. (What a dark, brilliant period he went through with OHP and Insomnia...) LXG was just silly; I wish Connery could have gone out on a better film (though he at least had the sense to stay away from equally awkward-titled Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull).

Meh to the both of them. God I love that word.