There Will Be Blood vs. Citizen Kane



Woah. Similar stories with revolutionary filming AND two of my favourite actors. Toughest match-up I've had for a while.

Really similar movies. But Citizen Kane is the oldest movie I REALLY like and therefore gets my vote.

Day-Lewis puts on an amazing show, but Orson Wells created magic that so far has been unreproducible..


There will be blood Is epic! Watching citizen Kane felt like a chore. There will be blood all the way!

Both great movies, but I have to give it to Citizen Kane.

there will be blood is by far the superior film citizen kane is good but slightly ovverated

TWBB is the modern Citizen Kane.And its just as good if not better.

THERE WILL BE BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TWBB has the slight edge in style, but Citizen Kane has the substance.

Bastard from a basket.

I love how both of these movies show the rise and eventual fall of both of these tycoons in the 20th century. Orson Welles is stunning as Citizen Kane, but Daniel Day-Lewis really is something magical in this role; Citizen Kane definitely gets my vote for such an amazing script and overall story quality.

Daniel Day-Lewis gave a better performance, and I overall had a better time in There Will Be Blood, but Citizen Kane is my number 2 movie for a reason. Flawless screenplay, iconic and perfect score, the best cinematography in any movie ever, flawless editing, etc. It's simply not possible to compare these two films

There will be blood is one of the absolut best films ever made. But citizen kane comes higher on the list.

Two of the greatest movies ever Well there will be blood is more of a top 20 movies of all time movie Citizen kane is not only a top 10, not only a top 5. But a top 3 movies of all time movie. I prefer citizen kane.

Ok... There will be blood has perfect actors, story, Direction, the list goes on. BUT Citizen kane, its no match. Citizen kane... A 100% truly amazing picture in cinema history without a doubt take the spot here that has done the impossible in all ways and is far better than a movies should even be! A picture like citizen kane wins without a single doubt. Even there will be blood is also one of the greatest movies in history of films.

TWBB. Kane requires a rewatch. They were both overrated.