The Thin Red Line vs. Sex and the City



I saw just about every episode of the TV series Sex and the City because my ex-wife owned all the seasons on DVD. After sitting through the series finale, I believed that I had seen all the Sex and the City I needed to see. When the movie came out, however, I felt compelled to watch it just because I spent so much precious time following the show. Unfortunately, the movie didn't offer any worthwhile information or go in any interesting directions that justified its existence. I'd rather just forget I saw it at all. With The Thin Red Line, I thought it was a pretty movie to look at, but was bored or annoyed by most everything else. None of the characters mattered to me, and nothing they had to say was all that insightful. So what we have here is matchup between an overlong movie full of boring guys and overlong movie full of boring chicks. What makes The Thin Red Line particularly irritating is its pseudo-lofty tone. What makes Sex and the City particularly irritating is its vacuous characters that don't hold up well in a feature length setting. But at least The Thin Red Line is pretty, and sort of war movie.