The Texas Chain Saw Massacre vs. Halloween



2 Masterpieces...I'm with Carpenter.

Tough call, the two classic standards of slasher horror. I think Leatherface takes it.

This is tough. Halloween is way more suspenseful, but TCM seems so real that is makes you way more uncomfortable. Guess I will go with TCM....this time.

The last 20 minutes or so of TCM completely ruined the experience for me, completely! Halloween was way more scarier and suspenseful and introduced one of the most infamous serial killers...and about 2 dozen sequels too.

Michael is more endearing than scary, while chainsaw killers are always frightening.

In the slasher genre, there seems to be a line people draw between legit, well made horror films that happen to involve murders, and "the rest of the crap", when it all started getting teeny and lame. Some people try to draw that line after Halloween. I draw it after The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's nice that Halloween uses suspense in a serious way unlike the 80s & 90s franchises that followed, but there's still not very much there.

Classic slasher films do extremely little for me. To give you an idea of what I mean, I liked neither of these. However, there was something about The Texas Chainsaw Massacre that I liked, the atmosphere and gritty feel, which is more than I can say about Halloween, so it takes it.

Both are pretty sublime, but Texas Chainsaw is more adrenaline packed.

I genuinely hated The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Unlikeable characters and the constant, constant screaming. I don't find that scary, or clever, or appealing. It almost makes my ears bleed. And people complain that characters in horror movies suck because they're just there to be killed...guess what: TTCSM is no different. They're annoying and they're incredibly paperthin. Halloween has the "totally" girl, who gets annoying after a while, but besides her most other characters are fairly likeable. And the film is actually scary, which is something I can't really say about TTCSM. Yeah, I'm harsh, but I don't see much appeal in TTCSM.

horror movies released nowadays*

No contest. Halloween, both are scary with similar story lines, but Carpenter's film is more neatly put together with a genius use of camera and music.

both great slashers but I think I got to go Halloween

Love love both of these I'll take Michael over Leatherface

Texas Chain Saw Massacre didn't do much for me. Halloween is much more effective.

LeatherFace could easily kill Michael.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a horrible boring movie. Halloween is a masterpiece.

Texas Chain Saw Boring? No way dude!

Halloween wins. Halloween > The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Michael Myers > Leatherface as well.

both are great, but tcsm is stunningly beautiful


I’d say Halloween is more creepy, and Texas Chainsaw is more disturbing if that makes sense. Chainsaw maybe slower then Halloween, but I think it wins. Though both are in my top 4 movies (at least for now). Chainsaw has excellent cinematography, making it feel like a documentary. Halloween’s feels more like your a character in the movie, making it feel like this kind of thing can happen to you. Chainsaw is about people who have not one sense of sanity, while Halloween is about a evil that doesn’t speak, because evil speaks for itself. So while they are often compared, they are very different films. I think Chainsaw is better by a hair. Halloween is right behind it.