The Princess Bride vs. Groundhog Day



The true test of my metal...i'm breaking down...i'm going to lose it!!!

I truly have no idea what to do. I've walked away, thought about it, and there's still no clear winner. I could watch either one of these on a loop forever... but if it were Groundhog's Day I'd have to rewatch the same or similar scenes even within the same movie, so Princess Bride wins! No, wait. Maybe the reliving the same day thing would just speak to me more then and Groundhog Day should win! Actually, I almost picked Groundhog Day, but at the last moment realized I didn't want to be seen with it in my top 20. For some reason loving Princess Bride is less embarrassing.

Wow, this is difficult, these are two utterly brilliant comedies and both would be sitting in my top 20 if I made a list by hand. There is only one thing that separates their brilliance in my mind and that's Bill Murray. Groundhog Day wins by a whisker!

The Princess Bride wins on velocity, even if it is missing the absolutely brilliant Bill Murray performance that anchors Groundhog Day.

I'm afraid if I don't pick the Princess Bride, Indigo will want revenge against me, and we all know how that will turn out.

Classic!!! It's on like Donkey Kong! Princess Bride in a tough call.

The Princess Bride is neat, but Groundhog Day is in a different league.

I really don't understand what people see in The Princess Bride. It's a boring and predictable story. The fighting scenes are clearly staged. It's not a great comedy either. It's just a safe and comfortable family film. Groundhog Day on the other hand I could watch over and over again.

Wow. Princess Bride wins just from nostalgia and the amount of times my friends and I quote it. But I would still recommend these two films to anybody in a heartbeat.

I love The Princess Bride but Bill Murrary gives his best performance in Ground Hog Day. The changes he goes through are hilarious and heart warming. For me Ground Hog Day is the winner!

Princess Bride....all the way. Epic....

I have to give this to Princess Bride.

Andre the Giant. That is all.

Two simply magical films. Both are top 50 all-time for me.

Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!


Groundhog Day after 0,0001 sec of thinking.

I prefer Princess Bride. The adventure, the sports, the romance, the ROUSs, its inconcievable that Groundhog Day could be better. Sorry. I do love Groundhog Day too though, spectacular in its own right.

Princess Bride.

While Princess Bride gives me feelings of nostalgia like an old fairy tale my mother used to tell me to get me to go to sleep, Groundhog Day provokes me to think about life and how I interact with others that resonates so deeply in my being that I find myself thinking about it almost daily.